Sentences with phrase «from general examples»

So your experience might differ from the general examples provided above.
So your experience might differ from the general examples provided above.
Stepping away from general examples, you can geo - target places anrelevt to your particular niche.

Not exact matches

Sometimes that trouble makes for a grim longer - term outlook: General Electric, for example, has seen its stock fall 51 % in the past year, but stalled growth and a tangled web of liabilities from its former GE Capital unit make it a stock to be wary of.
For example, General Fusion turned to a local dry - ice company to help clean microscopic carbon soot from its plasma injector.
For example, the complaint claims that Lemon general counsel (and current Xapo president) Cynthia McAdam «often claimed the need to work from home,» but actually was working from Xapo's Palo Alto offices on Xapo business (she is named as a defendant).
Throughout the battle, American leaders from sergeants to generals used combinations of humor, humility, initiative, bravery and leadership by example to calm, inspire and direct their forces from determined defense to a determined counter-attack and eventual victory.
Nowhere near as sophisticated as things are today, geo - targeting allowed marketing companies to hit a general area (usually a town, county or city) and drill down to the right people in that area using data mined from cookies, so, for example, farmers within driving distance of one of the many Springfields across our great land would get ads from the local Agway there telling them when there was a sale on farmer stuff.
Blackstone Group LP, Carlyle Group LP and Bain Capital LLC, for example, do not include money that comes from general partners in average net IRR calculations, while Apollo Global Management LLC does, the review shows.
For example, he signed and sent a letter as Oklahoma Attorney General criticizing EPA estimates of emissions from oil and gas wells, without disclosing that it had been drafted in its entirety by Devon Energy.
Today, for example, quality supervisor Steve Shadwick notes a drop in the «average monthly deficiency rate» on General Motors diesel engines for the year to date — from 26 % to 9 %.
Poland, for example, is considering buying a «family of UAVs» from General Atomics, AeroVironment and L - 3, and Ballista could be used in all those products.
Business software spans a wide range of prices: For example, a recent count of the general - ledger programs available for the Radio Shack TRS - 80 turned up 17 different packages retailing from $ 19.95 to $ 750.
Take for example, 87 - year old fluid management brand, ARO ®, of Ingersoll Rand, which makes pumps and other fluid handling products that move nearly every fluid in general use today, from chocolate to fuel.
We now have examples from seven or eight African countries where the proportion of men and women reporting more than one sexual partner in the past year has declined significantly, and this is followed by a general decline in HIV prevalence at the national level.
Dreams, for example, were given a high place as media of divine revelation; (Genesis 20:3; 26:24 - 25; 28:10 - 16; 31:24; 37:5; 41:1; 46:1 - 4; Judges 7:13 - 15; I Kings 3:5 - 15 etc.) omens were trusted, such as the first word to be uttered at an expected meeting, (I Samuel 14:8 - 15) or a chance action regarded as a sign, (Genesis 24:12 - 14) or wind in the mulberry - trees taken as Yahweh's command to join battle; (II Samuel 5:22 - 24) and, in general, dealing with the superhuman world suggested nothing so simple and spiritual as private communion in prayer, but rather a whole array of magical techniques and, from the modern point of view, incredible superstitions.
Roger Williams, for example, for all his insistence on the separation of church and state, believed that such general religion was essential for what he called «government and order in families, towns, etc.» Such general religion is, he believed, «written in the hearts of all mankind, yea, even in pagans,» and consists in belief in God, in the afterlife, and in divine punishments.2 Benjamin Franklin for all his differences from Roger Williams believed essentially the same thing, as indicated in the quotation from his autobiography in my original article on civil religion.
The investment decisions of private companies, for example — decisions that affect how and where people work and what and how much they produce — are made in offices far removed from those workers or the general public.
For example, the Bible says that time was created by God when He created the universe.19 Stephen Hawking, George Ellis, and Roger Penrose extended the equations for general relativity to include space and time, demonstrating that time began at the formation of the universe.20 Of course, the biggest coup of the Bible was to declare that the universe had a beginning21 through an expanding universe model.22 The New Testament even declares that the visible creation was made from what was not visible and that dimensions of length, width and height were created by God.23 In addition, the Bible refuted steady - state theory (saying that the creation of matter and energy has ended) 24 long before science made that determination.
For example, it is a general or pure possibility that I might win the 100 - meter dash in the next Olympic Games, but this is not a real possibility given my creaky joints, advancing years, etc. «Real potentiality» refers to those possibilities for the ingression of eternal objects which still remain after one strikes from consideration the impossibilities which the conditions of a given, factual world eliminate from the horizon of any particular actual entity or set of actual entities arising out of that world.
The distinction arises because in some instances a group of occasions, such as, for example, a particular enduring entity, could have retained the dominant features of its defining characteristic in the general environment, apart from the structured society.
Examples of this would be our presupposition that it is better to do right than to do wrong, or a general assumption on how to distinguish one from the other.
For example, after trying a number of definitions of mathematics, Whitehead settled in that article on Russell's definition of mathematics as the «science concerned with the logical deduction of consequences from the general premises of all reasoning» (MAT 291), In fact, the article «Mathematics» is the most accessible, most approving and best summary of Principia Mathematica ever done by Whitehead.
For those who argue that other faiths are not given equal treatment in for example many Middle Eastern countries, i say that this is not just any Eastern country, it is America and our fundamental general beliefs as a people are different from those of extremist Islamic countries.
which also concerns the individual».41 She illustrates this as follows: «It is not enough to criticize property rights... so long as we, as «powerless» individuals, are not able to clarify how we are entangled in the general structures, that is, how we profit from the structures and how we conform to the introverted norms that we regard as self - evident — for example, the norms of achievement, consumerism, reasons of state — and pass them on to others, even when we reject them privately and verbally.
Note that he takes his example directly from the Ten Commandments, which so many Christians have taken as exempt from the general Christian transcendence of the Jewish law.
Whereas there belongs to the essence of a spiritual being an ever - open ontological transcendence towards being in general, and so a rising above and beyond self, for example to the participation in the divine nature through grace and glory, if made possible from above by grace, is always possible, without this agent having to lose the essence that was until then its own.
Gilbert Ryles» famous critique of dualism, for example, is unsatisfactory since in the final analysis it differs little from the old - fashioned materialism of behaviorists like J.B. Watson, for whom distinct «inner» states of awareness do not exist.18 In general, it is «irritating» to Lewis that so many distinguished philosophers fail to recognize the appropriateness of «the Platonic - Cartesian way.
This rewriting of the record plainly comes from a late period, when opposition to the enslavement of fellow Hebrews had won its way to general recognition and when it seemed desirable to expunge from the historical record a precedent so dangerous as Solomon's example would provide.
She had some public instincts, it is true; she hated the Lutherans, and longed for the church's triumph over them; but in the main her idea of religion seems to have been that of an endless amatory flirtation — if one may say so without irreverence — between the devotee and the deity; and apart from helping younger nuns to go in this direction by the inspiration of her example and instruction, there is absolutely no human use in her, or sign of any general human interest.
For example, a facility may have been reporting total waste incinerated for many years, but we were now asking it to report food waste incinerated separate from general waste incinerated.
I realise these are only small examples but they are indicators of how the country is run from top to bottom, bribes are paid, elections are rigged and general corruption rules.
In many ways, he says, lying about infidelity is no different than lying in general; our ability to rationalize, conflicts of interest, creativity, one immoral act, being depleted, others benefiting from our dishonesty, watching others behave dishonestly and a culture that gives examples of dishonesty all increase the chances of each and every one of us being dishonest.
For example, the side effects of DPT shot (a combined vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) include anywhere from one to three days of fever, loss of appetite, and general irritability.»
For example, we may use services from other companies that enable us to derive a general geographic area based on your IP address in order to customize certain services to your geographic area.
Later in the book, MacMillan provides examples of how this overarching culture of honour influenced the actions of leaders in those fateful weeks in July: «The Kaiser was now under great pressure to declare a general mobilization from his generals who saw time slipping away and from his own wife who told him to be a man» (p. 576 - 577).
The state attorney general, for example, is precluded from accepting contributions from people who his office is investigating.
The best example is from the 2001 General Election when Labour simply mocked up a poster of then Tory Leader William Hague with the hair of Margaret Thatcher.
Local election results tend to differ from general elections in certain predicable ways — for example incumbent government parties have tended to perform worse on average at local elections than their eventual general election results by about 4.5 %.
Take the 2008 Obama campaign as an example — the kernel was assembled from early 2007 onwards, with staffers plotting strategy and tactics, technologists developing the tools and infrastructures for an extensive, nation - wide effort, and organizers connecting with the multitudes of willing volunteers who helped power Obama to victory in both the primary and the general election.
Whilst many will see the attorney general's announcement as coming better late than never, the five month delay in reporting such a serious suspected offence to the police is far from an ideal example of respect for the law.
They also launched a video campaign titled «It Could Happen Here,» citing examples of pro-life attorneys general from other states who harassed abortion doctors, tried to close clinics and even sought to outlaw abortion.
In general there are concerns from USA about people who seek such citizenship, for example, to bypass economic sanctions (not just terrorists and criminals).
Using his childhood as an example to teach his congregation about generational leadership and how to break clean from the bad leadership and examples of generations gone by, the founder and general overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) said on Sunday, 12 June 2016, that he determined, as a young man, never to be like his bad father.
Specific examples of anti-semitism can no longer be smothered with a release from the press office condemning it in general terms and insisting it's an anti-racist party.
For examples of the later, see the direct seizure of productive property by workers councils in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 (this later develops from sit - in strikes, or work ins or general strikes with factory occupations).
As a community of communities, it has had all the hallmarks of weak leadership until, for example, the emergence of the Muslim Council of Britain in the late 1990s after over three years of grass - roots consultation and a general «buy - in» from most sections of the community.
To give just one example, the state attorney general's office is investigating whether he used monies from his healthcare network to help him topple incumbent Efrain Gonzalez in the 2008 Democratic primary.
Here's one example offered in evidence from January 2010, in which Howe altered an email from Percoco — congratulating Howe for introducing then - Attorney General Andrew Cuomo («amc») at a fundraiser — that Howe subsequently sent to his boss at the firm of Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna; «MMC» refers to former Gov. Mario M. Cuomo, who both Howe and Percoco began their careers working for:
Just one concrete example from before the general election of what certainly seemed like agenda - setting by a specific BBC programme.
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