Sentences with phrase «from generations before»

The mountainous North, surrounded by impressive mountains, are home to exotic hill tribes, misty paddy fields, and centres like Chang Mai, which offer traditional crafts and customs, still carefully preserved from generations before.
When domesticated dogs do the same, they are most likely acting on a primordial urge that was passed down from generations before.
Women our age are different from generations before us.
In that moment, I was reminded of just how much we have to learn from the generations before and after us, and the importance of taking time to reach out to people of all ages and from all walks of life, as this is where true wisdom and connection lies.
«We know, from generations before us, that it is not just politicians who make change happen, it is people,» he finished.
It probably won't bring jetpacks and hoverboards, but it will usher in other radical technologies, business models, customer experiences and even a new breed of entrepreneurs — a wave of so - called digital natives who think and act differently from every generation before them.
One can hope for something definitive from the generation before, like the Nashers, at the risk of its pale, pompous shadow.
He was also heavily influenced by the European masters from the generation before: Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and his fellow countryman, Vincent Van Gogh.
I was friends with John Chamberlain and Donald Judd, from the generation before us.
Raised poor in the country I learned from the generation before me how to sew, hunt, fish and forage, partly out of necessity and partly from the joy of it.

Not exact matches

Coal has seen significant declines in recent years, accounting for just 9 % of electricity generation in 2016, down from around 23 % the year before, as coal plants closed or switched to burning biomass such as wood pellets.
I asked a millennial about them, figuring she wouldn't know about a relic from over a generation before hers.
In a time before smartphones, AIM was powerful and intoxicating, a way for a generation that once had called people on the phone to communicate in quick bursts from their computers.
Within days, a team of designers was in the XJ offices, mapping out the next generation in customer - relationship management software with a clear mandate: «Take the best of what we've done in this space over the past 20 years,» says Tatham, «and starting from scratch, build better than ever before
A revolutionary software called blockchain is poised to transform all sorts of businesses — from big banks to Silicon Valley startups — in the same way broadband Internet and cloud computing did a generation before.
A breakthrough for governance professionals, the newest generation of Viewpoint supports all aspects of your governance program, from the engagement you and other members of your organization do before, during and after the proxy season, to the implementation of custom policies, to the internal collaboration that results in a final vote decision, to the reporting you do for clients, management and regulators.
Large price spikes immediately before and after mid-day periods when both utility - scale and distributed solar generation reaches its peak level suggest a need for dispatchable generation sources to help cover ramping periods, when the need for power from the grid to meet load is rapidly changing.
Before the end of April, when the market started its gut - wrenching descent, «the combination of return generation and risk diversification was part of a broader virtuous circle for fixed income, which also included significant inflows to the asset class and direct support from central banks,» El - Erian writes at the start of his viewpoint, noting that in addition to delivering solid returns with lower volatility relative to stocks, the inclusion of fixed income in diversified asset allocations also helped to reduce overall portfolio risk.
The building of the local hospital, the ambulance that got me there before I died from blood loss, the image of God in the paramedics that made them give their lives to rescuing people they've never met, the wisdom of the surgeon, the intelligence and skill of the thousands of individuals whose discoveries have made operating theatres and anaesthesia possible — all of these are gracious gifts of a loving God, whose mercy enables healings to take place across the world that would, in any other generation, be considered quite miraculous.
Whiteheadians seem able to imagine such ecstatically spanned unities - across - time on the so - called «microscopic» scale of the «specious present,» but give up on the idea as the scope of the temporal disclosure space is widened to the scale of human lifetime and of generations.7 But worse than this from the point of view of Heidegger's temporal problematic, by submitting the ecstatic unities of their «specious presents» to the before / after ordering and metric properties of linear time, at least in terms of their mutually external relations and arrangements, they give back ontologically every advantage they gained from the use of an cc - static - temporal disclosure horizon in the first place, even though it was only the single horizon of presence.
We can learn from these past mistakes, and in a spirit of deep humility and penitence before our God acknowledge the guilt of past generations which clings to us who strive today to bear the joyous message of Christ.
Thus the ancient God of the way, the God who caused Abraham to «stray» from his father's house and went before him in his wanderings, is acknowledged by suffering generations as their Shepherd in the way of exile.
The council called on the new government to «restore constitutional order and affirm citizens» political, economic and other fundamental rights and freedoms» and to assert «the territorial integrity of Ukraine, whose independence is a gift from God and is valued by our entire nation, which is why we have no right to allow for its separation, as this would be a sin before God and future generations
I think most of the Americans are in lost... as most of them do not know who their father is and it is very unfortunate... even if they know who their father is, the mom has children from diff men outside of marriage... and while a child is being raised, watching what his / her parents do to enjoy their life... so things become normal when they grow up... like if you go back early nineteen century, women were not allowed to go to beach without being covered... and now it totally opposite... if you do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend before 15, the parents worries that their teenage has some problem... and lot more can be listed... And then you go to Church, what our children learn from there... they see in front of the Church an old man's statue with long beard standing with extending of both hand... some of the status are blank, white, Spanish and so on... so they are being taught God as an old dude... then you learn from Catholic that you pray to Jesus, Mother Marry, Saints, Death spirit and all these... the poll shows a huge number of young American turns to Atheism or believing there is no God and so on... Its hard to assume where these nations are going with the name of modernization... nothing wrong having scientists discovered the cure of aids or the pics from mars but... we should all think and learn from our previous generations and correct ourselves... also ppl are becoming so much slave of material things...
And the spirits of you who have died in righteousness shall live and rejoice, And their spirits shall not perish, nor their memorial from before the face of the great One Unto all the generations of the world: wherefore no longer fear their contumely.15
A generation before the existential Now theologians were shouting it from the front lines, he knew that the safest place for the Christian thinker was in the midst of the social struggle.
And, those prophets must had been instructed by God to incorporate that knowledge of Him that had been passed down from generation to generation before them.
I used to think it was the old European women from three or four generations back that had religion and superst.ition fed to them in equal amounts — even some as recent as my mother's generation with the nuns» stories about lying before communion and having their tongue fall out of their mouths, or having the stone lions in front of the protestant church come to life and eat them or having the earth open up and swallow them because they didn't go to confession.
Even before important Christian beliefs such as the canon of Scripture (list of books in the Bible) and the Trinity had been carefully articulated, the mainstream of Christian believers and leaders had a sense of the essential truths that had been handed down from the apostles and the prophets, and passed along to each generation of Christians through Scripture, sermons, and baptismal creeds.
People have been doing all kinds of religions, christianity, and islam for over 2000 years, praying to strange gods, not known to Abraham, Isaac, nor Jacob, all from the first generation of Adam, and of the covenant of the 10 commandments, and statues, ordinances, and judgments that are perpetual by YHWH, and the world has not gotten any better, since before the 8th century, this has happened, and at some point one must realize that this religion thing obviously is not working for us, the reality check is to «awaken'to the truth, and righteousness, of YHWH Our Righteousness, in Jeremiah 23:1 - 8, and not pagan religions, man - made, and all controlled for selfish gain.
Before entering the new cathedral, I pass the former vestries, now, a sign explains, an International Center of Christian Reconciliation, the rebuilding done after the war by young volunteers from Germany «making amends for suffering caused by their parents» generation
Because generations from now, even our children's children need to see how their ancestors were forced to play pixilated, space - themed asteroid games on tiny screens with limited controls, in an effort to pass the time before Xbox was invented.
Like generations before us, we have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom.
ember, long forgotten from the dream crusher / gatekeepers they might have encountered for one, two, who knows how many, life times and generations, before.
this post melts my heart Kristen... not only because it's your brother's favorite recipe but because you didn't even know it existed before the holidays... and now you have it in your possession... i think this is what i love about food the most: it's connection to people not only from one generation to the next, but to all cultures as well... the era, «before babies» and «after babies», what was happening in lives, etc., it's exactly the story behind the recipe itself... and now your children will pass it along to their children, telling the story about how you didn't even know it existed but it's a family favorite... i am doing a happy dance for you!!
Those are the values, he says, that he learned from his grandfather and father, who managed the business before he and other members of the third generation took over.
The rapid growth of Foodstirs — which spent most of 2017 in around 400 stores before a surge of interest from retailers propelled it into almost 8,000 doors by the year end - proves you can disrupt a category dominated by legacy brands (Betty Crocker, Duncan Hines) by offering mainstream products and flavor profiles (chocolate chip cookies, sweet vanilla cake) that appeal to a generation of consumers that want to cook - as evidenced by the growth of meal kits - but also want to vote with their wallets by choosing brands which align with their values, argued Fleishman.
From exotic and elegant dishes for special occasions to timeless «comfort foods» passed down from generations, the recipes will enchant the senses and remind you of what food was before it was mass - produced, over-processed, converted into «lite» imitations or packed with artificial ingredieFrom exotic and elegant dishes for special occasions to timeless «comfort foods» passed down from generations, the recipes will enchant the senses and remind you of what food was before it was mass - produced, over-processed, converted into «lite» imitations or packed with artificial ingrediefrom generations, the recipes will enchant the senses and remind you of what food was before it was mass - produced, over-processed, converted into «lite» imitations or packed with artificial ingredients.
«Dramatic improvements in sweetness quality of next - generation stevia sweeteners are enabling dairy manufacturers to achieve deeper sugar reductions than ever before,» says an executive from Cargill.
Before he became the premier postseason performer of his generation, the Patriots icon was a middling college quarterback who invited skepticism, even scorn, from fans and his coaches.
On a clear day it is possible to see the outline of Ireland from the shores of the Clyde estuary, and Irish immigrants had been entering Scotland by the boatload for generations before the two clubs were formed, Rangers in 1873 and Celtic in 1888.
Aussie players have their own identity and culture, but it's time for the kids of the next generation to have the coaching and knowledge from guys who came before them» «I want Nxtgen baseball to be the new standard in Australian baseball»
Down to earth crafts, recipes from scratch, gardening advice, family activities, geneology tips, and ideas for teaching your kids and grandkids about the generations that came before them.
It's an attempt to figure out how we got so much more worried for our kids in just one generation, and to separate the real dangers from the ones foisted upon us by the media, and by other folks with things to sell (like baby safety product manufacturers who have to scare us about a remote danger like «traumatic head injury from toddling» before we'll buy their products, like the «ThudGuard» — a helmet for kids to wear all day when they're learning to walk).
I have seen babies who are upset every time they go near a breast because they have been handled roughly by hospital staff (mothers» breasts have been grabbed and their baby's head shoved onto a breast); I have seen women who have been told they don't have enough milk or «your milk isn't strong enough» (this is never true and usually comes from an older relative who may have been told this a generation ago); women who have been advised to give their babies a top - up bottle only to have the baby find the fast milk flow easier than working at the breast so consequently, weaning begins before breastfeeding even becomes established.
Though it must be older as there was a long prevailing tradition of oral transmission of knowledge from one generation to another much before it was jotted down in Vedas and other texts.
Even before the onset of the UK's deepest recession in a generation, official figures showed that only the better - off families were spared from a squeeze on living standards that saw median income virtually unchanged and fresh cuts in real pay for those on the lowest salaries.
So they passed over Will Yandik, a relative moderate whose family farm went back several generations and who had graduated from a local high school before getting bachelor's and master's degrees in the Ivy League.
The great and unavoidable debate about top pay, pensions, Fred Goodwin's knighthood and Stephen Hester's bonus - swollen and exacerbated by the biggest squeeze on middle - class incomes in a generation - is being exploited by our partners in government to rescue them from reputational damage, wreak it on us instead, and roll back the clock to the dismal years before the Thatcher tax revolution.
But before that research group makes its final project report three years from now, second - generation improved ceramic SOFCs should have begun to augment the Bloom Box's initial success in occupying and developing a small but key niche of the energy market.
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