Sentences with phrase «from geoengineering research»

Social scientists point out, however, that precautionary governance may be necessary in the face of the social, political and ethical implications of the knowledge acquired from geoengineering research.
The letter is signed by 24 prominent voices and thinkers from the geoengineering research, climate policy and the climate advocacy communities
Indeed, some argued that rather than see the poor as being victimized by geoengineering efforts, it is in fact the most vulnerable who have the most to gain from geoengineering research and potential deployment.

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Yet nagging doubts remain, stoked by two persistent skeptics: David Pimentel, a professor of ecology and agricultural sciences at Cornell University, and Tad Patzek, a professor of geoengineering from the University of California at Berkeley who started the UC Oil Consortium, an industry - sponsored research group.
The prospects and pitfalls of «geoengineering» have also been explored in Issues, with authors offering such pragmatic advice as convening a government advisory committee to guide projects from research to implementation, and making sure that public interests dominate the decision - making process.
To imagine that some kinds of geoengineering research can be quarantined from societal concern and demands for regulation, as Parson and Keith do, requires a belief that pure research can somehow be precipitated out of a social solution using the power of «objectivity» as the precipitant.
Similarly, the concept of using geoengineering to respond to climate change has moved from science fiction to an area of serious research.
So, all in all, I emerged from my research effort willing to advocate a certain amount of research on geoengineering, while also believing that for now and the foreseeable future there should be a moratorium on large scale testing.
Matear, R. & Lenton, A. (2015) Restoration of the oceans, Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038 / nclimate2737; Mathesius, S. et al. (2015) Long - term response of oceans to carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere, Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038 / nclimate2729 & Parkes, B. et al. (2015) Crop failure rates in a geoengineered climate: impact of climate change and marine cloud brightening, Environmental Research Letters, doi: 10.1088 / 1748-9326/10 / 8 / 084003
The scientists in this group — dubbed the «geo - clique» by author Eli Kintisch — also allocate much of the funds to geoengineering research via a private trust, bring together young researchers from around the world to swap ideas under their auspices, and own patents and investments in geoengineering technologies.
For these reasons, we analyze the content of expert understandings of equity and raise some questions about who and what gets excluded from expert discourses of equity in the context of solar geoengineering research.
While teaching about this I got excited about doing more research and ultimately, at John Hopkins, Simon Nicholson from American University and I decided that there should be a think tank that would try to ensure that if we do decide to look at climate geoengineering as a society, that we include all of the stakeholders... That was one of the fears we had, so the purpose of these kind of forums are to ensure that other stakeholders like NGOs and the general public — who would be affected by these technologies — are a part of the conversation.
New research from an international team of atmospheric scientists published by Geophysical Research Letters investigates for the first time the possibility of using a «cocktail» of geoengineering tools to reduce changes in both temperature and precipitation caused by atmospheric greenhousresearch from an international team of atmospheric scientists published by Geophysical Research Letters investigates for the first time the possibility of using a «cocktail» of geoengineering tools to reduce changes in both temperature and precipitation caused by atmospheric greenhousResearch Letters investigates for the first time the possibility of using a «cocktail» of geoengineering tools to reduce changes in both temperature and precipitation caused by atmospheric greenhouse gases.
Earlier this month, MacMartin, Keith and Prof Katharine Ricke, a climate scientist from the University of California, San Diego, published a research paper exploring how solar geoengineering — via releasing aerosols into the stratosphere — could be used as part of an «overall strategy» for limiting global warming to 1.5 C, which is the aspirational target of the Paris Agreement.
The report on albedo modification draws from Long and Scott's (2013) work on vested interests in geoengineering research, identifying «the four Fs», or factors that should be considered in research design and execution.
The arguments raised against such a concern by advocates for geoengineering research often include ones from three groups: first, largely semantic objections to the term «moral hazard»; second, arguments that taking on more climate risk would be the rational response; and third, claims that experience with the adaptation debate somehow disproves the effect.
Following the meeting, the Berlin Declaration and Clive Hamilton's statement went unsigned and the geoengineering research community was left to reflect on what could be learned from the episode.
The profound implications of research and potential deployment of climate geoengineering approaches compel urgent attention to public participation at all stages of decision - making, from framing issues to evaluating options and scenarios, setting priorities, codifying decisions, and implementing policies and programs.
The second relates to the wider societal implications of the knowledge gained from the conduct of geoengineering research.
Reporting in Geophysical Research Letters, researchers looked at how the impacts caused by different strengths of geoengineering differed from region to region, using a comprehensive climate model developed by the UK Met Office, which replicates all the important aspects of the climate system, including the atmospheric, ocean and land processes, and their interactions.
Anyway - I'm surprised that in that article, you seem to be focusing the conclusion from the study towards whether to research geoengineering or not - rather than the underlying lessons to be gained about how to make science communication less polarizing.
Harvard engineers who launched the world's biggest solar geoengineering research program may get a dangerous boost from Donald Trump, environmental organizations are warning.
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