Sentences with phrase «from government intervention»

To the contrary, the independence of the legal profession from government intervention is essential not only to the independence of the judiciary, but also to respect for the judiciary.
A number of real - time payments schemes evolved from government intervention to insist on quicker funds availability.
Besides the generic harm to consumers coming from government intervention, a specific consequence of the new rule will be increased traffic fatalities, relative to what the trend otherwise would have been.
Paul also noted Bitcoin requires «freedom from government intervention when it comes to the Internet» to flourish.
Schools that are already academies will not be exempt from government intervention, as those deemed as failing or coasting could face being forcibly transferred to new sponsors.
Homeschooling has become a driving force in the North Carolina education and is largely left untouched from government intervention.
You might think 7 % is too high, but there are significant risks to growth in any economy from government intervention, plague, war, famine, etc..
However, unlike the First Amendment to the US Constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies only to protection from government intervention - not private disputes for alleged defamation and protests.
That is a confession of inadequacy that justifies government intervention by way of rolling back law societies» monopoly over the provision of legal services and the profession's freedom from government intervention in the provision of legal services.
The independence of Canada's law societies from government intervention has meant that their performance shows that they can not solve the problem, which is, «the majority of the population can not obtain legal services at reasonable cost.»
But then the Law Society replies quickly, «we can't have governments «meddling» into anything as important as our legal fees, and also, it would interfere with the constitutional principle as to the independence of the legal profession from government intervention
You say, «To the contrary, the independence of the legal profession from government intervention is essential not only to the independence of the judiciary, but also to respect for the judiciary.»
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