Sentences with phrase «from hemorrhoids»

Most pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids during the second and third trimester, when the fetus puts a lot of pressure on the abdomen and hormonal changes cause hemorrhoidal blood vessels to swell.
Use baking soda with your sitz bath to relieve pain from hemorrhoids, vaginal yeast infection, anal fissure, and other discomforts in the genital or buttock area.
Aside from hemorrhoids, you may also experience activity intolerance.
For instance, many people have found relief from hemorrhoids by following a gluten - free diet.
Producing black, tarry, or dark red stools is an indicator of health conditions ranging from hemorrhoids to inflammation in the upper GI tract.
If you've been suffering from hemorrhoids, indigestion, varicose veins and itchy skin, the bad news is these symptoms may worsen in the third trimester.
That also means you may have a host of postpartum symptoms to show for it, too — from hemorrhoids, incontinence and vaginal soreness (especially if you had a perineal tear or episiotomy during delivery), to constipation, backache and sore nipples (especially if you're breastfeeding).
Usually, bright red blood in the stool comes from a tear in the tissues of the rectum, or from hemorrhoids (also sometimes spelled «hemroids»), and would normally be combined with constipation, straining to have a bowel movement, and the consequent bleeding from the rectal tissue or hemorrhoids.
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