Sentences with phrase «from hokey»

The world of relationship books is huge, and varied, ranging from the hokey to the controversial to the genuinely helpful.
There's no smooth segue from its belabored setup from hokey comedy to unctuous soap opera of seedy family secrets.
From the hokey John Williams - wannabe score (courtesy of Alexandre Desplat) to the almost played - for - laughs Nazi presence, it's just one long page in the book of cinematic taboo.
Dialogue in the film ranges from hokey to unintentionally humorous.
Of course, nothing can save Father Hopkins from the hokey script but he's clearly enjoying himself and the contrived ending arrives quickly enough.
Ever heard of Solomon's 700 wives, of Lott sleeping with his own daughters (both) of Moses giving up his wife to be one of the Pharoh's concubines, all with apparent smiles from the hokey Yahweh sky - fairy?

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It has hosted events ranging from the holy — mass performed by Pope John Paul II — to the hokey, such as WrestleMania III.
I'm sorry but any hokey religion that gets their teaching form a guy reading it out from a hat, and go out of their way to harass people who speak out against Mormonism isn't apart of the christian faith.
I have very little doubt that our generation will be looked back upon with jaw - dropping incredulity by future historians who will marvel at how, in the 21st century, having peered at the mind numbing infinity from Hubble, delved into the quantum irrationality of CERN and unraveled the beautiful simplicity of the DNA codons, we still made important life decisions based upon the presumed wishes of some hokey, invisible, all - powerful sky - fairy dreamed up by some illiterate Arab tribesmen in a tent in the Middle East 2,000 years ago.
In a half - hour, they have to convert you (which trivializes what conversion means), heal you (which is hokey), promise success (people on the shows have overcome alcoholism, are Miss America, or play in the NFL), and entertain (so they find ever more expensive sets with more fountains and glamour (which detract from the world of the suffering.)
Bailey documents sources from Margaret Mead to advertisings hokey hype in her.
... a small, straightforward story that has its heart in the right place, even if its hokey sentimentality keeps it from reaching the finish line.
There are other hokey acting and script moments that keep the movie from growing beyond its B - movie roots.
There is of course some CGI present throughout which tends to swing from being reasonable (looking back now), to a bit hokey in places, bit plastic looking.
Rosemary's Baby gets the sci - fi treatment in this hokey supernatural thriller from the Twilight Zone school.
While action scenes from such military fare as «The Last Ship» come off as a bit hokey, that's not the case with Six.
(Last of the Mohicans) crap hokey sentimental gibberish that detracts from an otherwise almost mediocre slice of Hollywood.
Again, I don't want to take away from any of the twists, but they were just bizarre enough to have a more science fiction / surreal quality to them than a horrific one, but also hokey enough that the film didn't need to take itself too seriously.
With two little words — «They're here» — a pipsqueak Heather O'Rourke brought the haunted - house subgenre back from the great beyond, after William Castle's dime - store hokey fun laid it to rest in the early 1960s.
They did this movie dirty, cutting terrible trailers that made the movie look hokey and trite and Paddington himself a demonic hellbeast unleashed from our nightmares.
These scenes — which genuinely feel endless — are driven by hokey, hoary computer effects that stand apart from the otherwise tactile world this film creates.
What You Need to Know: Judging strictly from the logline, this may seem like a hokey Screen Gems thriller that doesn't belong on any list of anticipation whatsoever, save for one authored by the Babysitters Club.
While the Radiohead scene was genius, several of the subsequent song choices, aside from the new material co-written by Paul Williams (yes, that Paul Williams), are hokey.
These three possibilities are somewhat at odds with one another: the interpersonal relationships of Walsh's truckers on the Warners back lot are far from the closeted group dynamics of Hawks's aviators within a metaphysical void conjured out of hokey sets at Columbia, while Kubrick's film focuses on the relationship between humans and their artifacts.
Some strings are evident on the dirigible, and the depiction of fire in volcanoes and elsewhere ranges from unconvincing to plain hokey.
A fine example would be the Golden Temple theme, going from a somewhat hokey, disjointed jumble of notes into a grand Chozo Ruins inspired epiphany.
And while Gandhi wasn't a bad biopic, its near domination of the technical awards stole the spotlight from pioneering scifi flicks such as Blade Runner - whose set design set the template for cinematic dystopias to come - and Tron, whose now - hokey light - bright costumes framed how future audiences would perceive virtual reality worlds.
It's very short (6 minutes), takes a tone quite different from most Goofy / Max cartoons, and will probably fall under either «hokey» or «cute» for you.
A rousing — and, in light of recent events, a little bittersweet — story of women conquering patriarchy (for a day, anyway), the film, from Little Miss Sunshine directors Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton, has a righteous kick that excuses a lot of its hokier qualities.
A fine example would be the Golden Temple theme, going from a somewhat hokey, disjointed jumble of notes into a grand Chozo Ruins inspired epiphany.
From what I have been able to read, «hokey smoke» does the trick.
At a glans the 2009 graph by Mann et al. doesn't look anything like the «hokey stick» (or are the most recent decades still differing from the others?).
I think the bulldog is hokey and from a web development standpoint, the imbedded Flash player took for ever to load and had me reaching for the Back button.
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