Sentences with phrase «from homosexuality»

I was «saved» when I was 14 and immediately starting sharing my testimony of «being set free from homosexuality».
Keep pressing on brothers and sisters, and He will set you free from homosexuality.
Chambers said that Exodus International - which promotes «freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ,» according to its website - has not changed its position on homosexuality but has reevaluated how best to communicate its message.
Since his election in March, Francis has delivered sharp and unscripted remarks on everything from homosexuality to atheism to his unlikely election to the seat of St. Peter.
«It takes God for one to be delivered from homosexuality,» she stated on Starr Chat Wednesday with Bola Ray.
They claim to offer «freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ» and use scare tactics, misinformation, stereotypes and distortions of LGBT life to recruit clients.»
For that reason alone I need to respect my friend and just because I'm a Christian and walked away from homosexuality that does not make me any better to receive more respect from people!
His argument for gay marriage is memorable, not as a cry for equal access to the covenant of marriage, but as a fervent hope that some day the stigma may be removed from homosexuality.
The attempted «gang - rape» incident of Genesis 19 is interpreted as saying that Sodom's destruction resulted from homosexuality.
My testimony of deliverance from homosexuality has been thrown into my face as a «thank you».
Exodus International, which according to its website has ministries that «provide support for individuals who want to recover from homosexuality,» released the app on February 15.
And, of course, the fire - and - brimstone, life - and - death jeremiads on everything from homosexuality to atheism to Dungeons & Dragons.
Chambers is the president of Exodus International, a nonprofit «ex-gay» ministry that promises freedom from homosexuality.
Cathie Adams, president of the Texas Eagle Forum said the schools leaders should have a responsibility to steer young people away from homosexuality.
Justin expresses frustration with many of the testimonies with which he was exposed, where men spoke of being «delivered» from homosexuality — which they tended to define not as same sex attraction, but as engaging in gay sex with multiple partners outside of marriage — only to learn that many of these men were in fact still attracted to other men.
Justin found several Web sites for organizations promising «freedom from homosexuality
In your interview for The Independent, you talked about a negative experience of receiving ministry to deliver you from homosexuality as a teenager at a summer festival.
Rationality is not on broad display in our discussion about sexuality, from homosexuality to abortion rights and back again.
In gripping detail, David recalled spending many days and nights fasting and praying for God to «deliver» him from his homosexuality.
As Justin enters college, he decides to try ex-gay ministries — the kind whose Web sites promised «healing» and «deliverance» from homosexuality, complete with testimonies from «ex-gay» men and women that included pictures of them smiling with their families.
In the Wall Street Journal, the psychiatrist Paul McHugh noted that, as the book goes on, Solomon conveniently shoves everything from homosexuality to autism, «transgenderism» to deafness, into a broad category known as «identity,» without making distinctions.
Geneticists speak of «mapping» the human genome, so that we know where genes «for» all kinds of things (from homosexuality to manic depression) are located; a promotional video produced by the Human Genome Project asks viewers to «imagine a map that would lead us to the richest treasure in the world», with which we will know «where... every genetic inheritance of humankind is to be found».
Conversion therapy (also known as reparative therapy) is a formal attempt to change a gay person's sexual orientation, from homosexuality to heterosexuality.
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