Sentences with phrase «from human»

This dependence is inseparable from human nature, and he needs only to understand it in order to recover his self - mastery and organize his life on a rational basis.
If in the Old Testament, in Judaism, and in the New Testament, the unworldly takes the form of a future hope, of eschata — «last things» in the traditional sense — that is only one among other possible conceptions of man's relation to the unworldly, though no doubt it enshrines a genuine insight into human existence, namely that from a human perspective the eschaton can only be future.
From the human point of view, such unreceptiveness automatically cuts off the possibility that the Bible can be the Word of God to us.
Salvation is God's grace in Jesus, never from any human merits.
The abolition of desire from the human spirit would produce a static life where human differences would not be allowed or noticed.
We can sugar coat it all we want, there is no earthy excuse in the world for this kind of behavior from any human being.
In contrast to Heim I am asserting that concepts drawn from our human experience do illuminate God's way of being in relation to us.
It insists that the love of God is of a radically different order from all human love and human values, and however these two orders are to be related they can not be brought into a single structure.
Niebuhr's later writings reveal a shift in emphasis from human sinfulness to God's grace as found in Christ who offers both the truth that clarifies man's inadequate reason as well as the power to obey this truth.
That Whitehead should have borrowed from human experience the term «society» and then employed it systematically to refer to a certain type of «derivative existent» without intending any metaphysical implication in the context of human social affairs, would have been not only careless on his part, but what is worse, fraudulent.
In order to compare them, you would have to begin by eliminating from human language everything that goes beyond visual information, everything that is inaccessible to the code.
In biblical faith God is so different from us, and the sacred so remote from our profane feet, that when we violate perfection, God — in this picture drawn from human emotions — is wrathful.
But he acknowledged that there would be a «hue and cry» from human rights activists if the extreme punishment was confirmed.
Religion needs to be eradicated from human society.
The religious «situation» is inseparable from human existence as such.
It is true that «in the historical Jesus, God's will - to - value - and - fellowship «22 met a special fulfillment in a peculiar, reciprocal intensification of mutual involvement, but this in itself is not the way God became human, although from a human perspective it may make accessible to us the richness of God's concern for us.
In proportion as God is exalted in transcendent holiness and power, he is removed from human approach.
Household actions are homely, made from human stuff.
But in the last pages of his work Heim declares that God's transcendence of the world is entirely different from all meanings of transcendence drawn from human experience.
Contradictions may not be eradicated from the human situation, but they can be put to constructive work.
We must understand that pastors are not mystical beings that are exempt from human frailties.
Neither sin nor suffering can be fully eliminated from human existence.
As man exalts God in transcendent quality, at the same time he pushes him steadily farther off from human need.
5Note that the term «public» is another example of Whitehead borrowing something from human social experience for metaphysical purposes, and note too how that appropriation is relevant to his use of the term «society» in this same context.
These ideas are drawn from our human experience, and when given a critical analysis and elaborated, they are philosophical concepts.
In cutting off agape from all human norms, Nygren overlooks the fact that from its beginning as disclosed in the New Testament, Christian faith has always kept a tension between God's love and justice.
It makes the radical difference as to what we can hope for from human beings.
Another beautifully gritty film about the journey from human degradation to redemption.
However, because the protein lasts only a few hours, and must be received from a human donor, it is impractical to give this treatment except as a response to an injury.
In brief, history and cultures are expressions of life, not realms radically apart from human biological existence.
But if death results from the human action of injecting or ingesting lethal medication, then someone can be held culpable.
Even though, according to Jewish theology, Jews can not, de jure, cease being Jews, they can, de facto, hide that theological fact from human eyes.
Also, lets talk about the comment from Viola / Barna that «And historically, it can be demonstrated that the church in its present form didnâ $ ™ t originate with God, but from human inventions and traditions.
Although the nervous system can not be said to derive from human consciousness, it does, according to Bergson, «measure» the degree of consciousness.
To treat a bleeding episode, the missing protein, which has been harvested from human donors, is injected intravenously.
From our human, everyday perspective, which no doubt is our concrete perspective (all others being more or less stretched or «abstract»), the richly diversified realm of life appears permanent, with abiding character.
But worry not, rumor has it the trustees of Union Theological Seminary are considering a resolution to divest from the human condition.
He argues that the credibility of traditional Christianity is based not on the fact that the divine text is preserved from human mediations but from the contrary fact.
If one follows Whitehead in extrapolating from human experience, one can find in this interpretation of the divine priority a doctrine of creation that is compatible with biological evolution: in the concept of God supplying a «lure» to evolution, «process» thinking approximates to that of Teilhard de Chardin.
Whitehead agrees with Metz that apart from subjectivity there can be nothing at all, but he does not agree that apart from human subjectivity there can be nothing at all.
Thus, while the two world wars may appear from a human point of view to have been evil, from the point of view of God's plan for restoration they were good and necessary.
Although the world does not exist apart from human beings, this does not make it a private matter.
«Paradigmatic change in social science: from human exemptions to an ecological paradigm», p. 5.
Vergote shows that John of the Cross is therefore suspicious of words which could come only from human beings: «Many people talk to themselves as if somebody were really there,», he says.
I also admire her philanthropy and her ability to speak to women on a wide range of issues, from human trafficking and AIDS relief, to self improvement and introspection, to finding a pair of jeans that look good on your butt.
If they say that John's authority was from human beings, then they risk offending the crowd that believed John was a prophet.
That God's providential will for the world is not transparent but hidden from human sight requires that we walk by faith, that we struggle through the valley of doubt as well as the shadow of death.
Of acts of risky generosity, of people giving extravagantly, keeping only what is necessary - and of watching God's newness well up from this human gesture?
This suggests that he arrived at his position through a generalization from human experience.
Ford, like his critics, is misled by the fact that in presenting his case for internal relations or prehensions in Science and the Modern World Whitehead begins from the human experiential side.
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