Sentences with phrase «from human and animal»

A systematic review, including metaanalyses, of the evidence from human and animal studies.
The data available so far from human and animal research is encouraging, but it does however have enormous limitations.
Determining the source of fecal water contamination, can protect humans and the environment from potentially pathogenic E. coli from human and animal excreta.
This can protect humans and our environment from potentially pathogenic E. coli from human and animal feces.
The controversial sculpture made from human and animal materials was created to raise awareness of Arctic oil drilling
The researchers announced results from human and animal studies that found biomarkers of harmful cardiac, pulmonary, and reproductive effects from exposure to alternative tobacco products — a growing market of constantly evolving products including electronic cigarettes, hookah, and smokeless tobacco like snuff and gutkha.
But everything we're learning from the human and animal genome projects, about the conservation of neurochemistries and the neuroanatomies, all of this points me to the conclusion that we are learning about ourselves when we study these little critters.»
The Hudson River is currently littered with everything from human and animal waste to motor oil and used condoms.
At the asylum and the army barracks, he and his team also infected patients with infectious syphilis bacteria taken from humans and animals, mixed with beef heart broth, distilled water, or spinal fluid.
Development of a high - throughput sequence - independent amplification strategy for dsRNA viruses will increase our ability to sequence more diverse rotavirus strains, including clinical isolates from both humans and animals, regardless of their nucleotide sequence diversity.
The tumultuous summer that cowboy Troy Stotts turns 17, he and his two best friends face lethal danger, from both humans and animals, in the California hills.

Not exact matches

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), a non-profit based in Massachusetts, has identified a number of potential risks posed by such crops, ranging from introducing new allergens to the food supply to increasing antibiotic resistance in humans and animals.
By printing multiple lung airways — or any other afflicted organ — from a human patient and testing drugs on them, pharma companies can bypass the ethically challenged practice of testing on animals and proceed to human clinical trials with greater confidence the drugs will actually work, according to Wadsworth.
Google says that some parties worry that radio frequency (RF) from Project Loon testing will harm plants, animals and humans, who are in the vicinity where the test is conducted.
Whereas many animal charities draw funds primarily from within the movement (e.g., from other animal advocates and animal charities), GFI is seeking to reach potential donors whose primary interests are in environmental protection, the sustainability of the global food system, and human health.
Yet we are still human beings, and one of the things that separates us from other animals is that we make moral judgments.
We would expect that since Humans are created in the image of God, they would be unique and clearly distinguishable from other animals.
Some notable examples are the transitions from reptile to mammal, from land animal to early whale, and from early ape to human
That did not happen: there is no geological record of a world - wide flood, there is not enough diversity to regenerate the population we currently, there is not enough water to cover the earth to the height of Everest, the logistics of retrieving and returning animals to the then - unknown Americas, Australia, etc. were staggeringly difficult, managing the animals on the Ark was impossible — a few humans keeping predators from their prey, cleaning the waste, etc., pretty much all life on earth would have been killed, etc. etc..
Also, i guess a living zombie, a snake, a rib woman, a magical tree does sound strange... i find it much easier to believe in a cosmic event that produced life out of nothing one day and that we slowly evolved from animals into human beings.
We can assume that all the Justices sitting on the Court today, like other humans, have their own preferences and biases about religion, but the judicial opinions of one of them, Justice John Paul Stevens, raise more than a slight suspicion that some of his actions on the bench stem from animosity, if not to animal sacrifice, at least to certain less exotic religious beliefs and practices.
It is something from which animals are exempt, except those who have the misfortune to be harnessed to human enterprise, and it is something unknown to a creature of mere needs.
well if i had a theory and later found it to not be ture and refuted it then i would not want anyone else to belive it either as i found it wasnt true and further more i would like to think that me and all other humans are better than coming from an animal that eats bugs off its friends and throws its own poo... I'm just saying
believerfred «Thor and the like are man made from known matter and energy with most having human or other animal physiology»
Horned animals are sacred for a variety of cultural reasons but the root of sacred horned animals seems to come from the resemblance of their heads to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes of human women, and the animals are usually associated with fertility and female symbols.
The human body comes about from the seed and egg of parents in common with other animals, but the soul is created immediately by God's loving command and wise, eternal will.
The moving account of Helen Keller's transformation from the essentially animal to the truly human level illustrates both the importance of a physiological basis for meaningful human existence and the dramatic contrast between life with and without symbols.
Ernst Cassirer in his Essay on Man designates man as «animal symbolicum,» and shows that all of the typically human functions stem from this fundamental ability to formulate and communicate meanings.
There is no human being apart from relations with other people, with other animals, and with the whole of creation.
And scientifically, since what characterizes the development of the animal species from its beginning is the struggle for life, how can we expect, mere humans that we are, to escape from this essential biological condition without which there can be neither growth nor progress?
Also human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, we can know and love, through the power of our spiritual soul - we are very different from animals, not in our physical bodies but in our souls.
For historical precedents in the West to the contemporary concern with individual animals, see selections from Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and Henry Salt in Animal Rights and Human Obligations.
The point of all this is that dominance is the one animal instinct the human race either inherited from its primate forebears and retained after losing all the other instincts, or acquired by imitating this animal behavior when the human race fell from a higher nature.
Rolston's point is that individual mountains, plants, and animals do indeed have value apart from their usefulness to humans, but not in isolation from their environments.
If the human community depicted in Genesis 1 is a utilitarian one, where man and woman join together, like the male and female of other animals, to further the ends of their species, the community of Genesis 2 emerges from a crisis of existential loneliness.
So the LORD said, «I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created — and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground — for I regret that I have made them.»
As we know from mythology, it was the habit of Jupiter to wander the earth in the form of man, animal, or bird and thereby make contact with human beings.
These previous points once again are believed by many religions, but there are also many religions that don't make this clear distinction as with some forms of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and others which believe in the transmigration of the soul through reincarnation from humans to animals and vice versa.
Coming from the same source, animals and humans clearly are divinely related, and just as clearly they are separate.
If you look at the complexity of the universe and everything in it, to think it happened by accident from some chemicals mixing together and eventually mutating into humans and other animals is way more difficult to believe in than god.
Unfortunately, as a former Christian, well acquainted with sin and confession and the whole bloody business of sacrifice to appease Someone who thinks that shows «love,» I question the whole ancient story, all the animals killed, all the trees cut down (for temples and churches and crosses and «holy books») and all the human beings left to feel separated again and again from the universe, Nature, each other and their «gods.»
everyday, christians pray fo this country, our leaders, troops, the economy, values and morality, and all we get back is hatred from abortion groups, gay right movements and other form of wayward beleifs with the sole purpose of reducing humans to the same level as animals.
A possible real connection with the animal kingdom is itself of relatively little theological importance, for anything in it that would be important for the theological interpretation of human life in the present, can also be known without it, that is to say, the vulnerability of man in face of the powers of this earth, man's temptation to see himself from the point of view of his animality, his liability to death, man's dynamic orientation and task of developing to his perfection from below upwards, beyond his beginnings.
In Tangled, the Walt Disney Company's new animated, feature - length, 3 - D adaptation of «Rapunzel,» critic Armond White finds, sadly, that the story of the girl with the very long locks not only «has been amped up from the morality tale told by the Brothers Grimm into a typically overactive Disney concoction of cute humans, comic animals, and one - dimensional villains,» but also that the film's «hyped - up story line... gives evidence that cultural standards have undergone a drastic change» in the decades since Walt Disney first set out to charm both children and adults with his animated retellings of fairy tales.
Instead, I find increasingly within the animal rights movement and within discussions of environmental ethics (although less so there) a perspective that illustrates just how alienated from the rest of nature the human species has become.
But cruelty to animals is morally different from human predation on animals — eating animals» flesh and using their hides and other parts for clothing, food or shelter.
Morals do not come from belief and in fact we can find a great many immoral issues with belief - the bible is a proponent of such immoral issues - rape; human sacrifice; animal sacrifice; child abuse; mass murder; idolatry (the 1st 4 commandments are exactly that); bigotry (the non-stop judging of gays based solely on what the bible says); oppression of women; incest.
(He insisted that human society is from but not of the animal world, with its competition and cruelty.)
But for Marxists, transcendence is the actual human experience that the human person, though belonging to nature, is different from the things and animals and that the human being, able to progress always, is never complete.
In seeking to develop a theology of nature, process theologians are supportive of endeavors to appropriate other images from the tradition, such as St. Francis» compassionate love for the poor and treatment of animals as sisters and brothers, the Orthodox view of the church as inclusive of all of creation, and the use of the elements of bread and wine in the Eucharist, products of the interworkings between God, the non-human natural world, and human labor, that speak, to contemporary needs.
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