Sentences with phrase «from ideas expressed»

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Creating a safe space for your team members to express themselves, share ideas and learn from one other will help to clarify their direction and create alignment and commitment.
Founders Fund had a manifesto that once said, «We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters,» a ding at Twitter that expressed his disappointment with what he considered a lack of big ideas from startups.
From my experience, Hemsley should have expressed his ideas a lot more widely.
The struggle for the freedom of the press and freedom of ideas has, up till now, been mainly an argument within the bourgeoisie itself; for the masses, freedom to express opinions was a fiction since they were, from the beginning, barred from the means of production — above all from the press — and thus were unable to join in freedom of expression from the start.
In today's Islam, ideas are available, especially among reformists and young intellectuals, but many are forbidden from expressing them as freedom in the Islamic world is highly limited.
Some of the ideas I'm going to express in these next few posts come from his book.
If the dogmas of the Christian Church from the second to the sixth century centuries express finally and sufficiently the truths concerning the topics about which they deal, then the Greek philosophy of that period had developed a system of ideas of equal finality.
Increasingly, however, the idea of metaphor as unsubstitutable is winning acceptance; what a metaphor expresses can not be said directly or apart from it, for if it could, one would have said it directly.
Some anthropologists do respect distinctly religious ideas such as holiness and life - after - death, but many still try to explain religion away as no more than a shared «language» for expressing social patterns, calming irrational fears or marking men as somehow different from animals.
Social media gives us all the ability to express our ideas — and our opinions — about whatever we want, and gives us the sense of security of doing so right from our phones while waiting in line at the deli counter.
To continue a bit with the end of that last idea: so if a group of people are on the scene of some event covered by the news, then obviously there would be great value in knowing some directly transferred assessment values from their brains, rather than what today we get as a summary from a few reporters plus maybe a few witnesses that still have to express what they saw.
• After three months of cruel interrogation and torture of approximately seven hundred people arrested in connection with the July 20, 1944 plot on Hitler's life, the Gestapo concluded in its final report: «The entire inner alienation from the ideas of National Socialism which characterized the men of the reactionary conspiratorial circle expresses itself above all in their position on the Jewish question.
Equally important, however, is the need of ideas and feedback from persons in all walks of life representative of the total society that express their visions, needs, insights, hopes, and fears.
«From the beginning of [the Church's] history she has learned to express the message of Christ with the help of the ideas and terminology of various philosophers, and has tried to clarify it with their wisdom, too» (44).
The idea of expressing ones hopes for the future by the birthday of a child was familiar also to Luke's Christian and Jewish readers from their own Scriptures.
The prophetic movement, as expressed in Deuteronomy, lifted the idea of Israel's god to such a point of solitary uniqueness that it is difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish the conception from theoretical monotheism.
This marks a decisive departure from James's pragmatism, since James was content to define truth by whether an idea corresponded to expectations it arouses or expresses.
As for Jewish thought between the Testaments, this intimate, individual, fatherly love of God is so clear and so beautifully expressed that the idea involved is indistinguishable from similar passages in the New Testament.
I believe God saying «Let us...» goes with the idea that God declarers the end from the beginning as expressed in the book of Isaiah.
And when my university tried to prevent my pro-life student club from expressing our ideas about abortion in display of commemorative crosses, Hentoff was one of the first to call in support of our effort.
It does not mark off that chasm between God and all else which is unbridgeable in the sense of going from man to God and bridgeable only in the sense of going from God to man — that chasm which expresses the idea of creation.
«With the purpose of obtaining a one - substance cosmology, «prehensions» are a generalization from Descartes» mental «cogitations», and from Locke's «ideas», to express the most concrete mode of analysis applicable to every grade of individual actuality» (PR 19/29).
7.14, and he is expressing the idea of the dominion, glory and kingdom of the Son of man from that verse in these terms.
Sirs: The letters from the four men who expressed shock and dismay with regard to the Buffalo Bills» attitude toward Keith Lincoln's injury only show that their idea of sport is, at best, a quiet game of checkers or bridge.
Now Wenger appears to be stopping people from expressing their ideas... Bouldy quiet, Jens Lehman up in the stand, and is not actively recruiting LEADERS on the pitch, because he doesn't want to be challenged.
You structure your team from the back, you organise your team from the defensive idea, you don't give freedom to your players to express themselves.
If you're going to be separated from your nursling and want to maintain your milk supply while you're gone, it's a good idea to express your milk so your body knows it still needs to make a specific amount.
At that point, you want to use breast compression to kind of hand - express some milk into her mouth, and then she'll get the idea of oh, yeah, this is where food comes from, yes, I still have the bottle, but this is another feeding option.
The term baby doll has been used in myriad ways to express many different ideas, usually something to do with cute girls, but we want to look at baby dolls from the perspective from which the term originated - toys for little girls and boys.
Before she can talk, your baby learns to express ideas and emotions with body language she learns from you, such as shaking her head «no» or raising her arms to be lifted up.
But for now, it's worth noting the way in which he manages to express the ideas which can save Britain from the nationalists.
Pataki went on to lambaste the president's Mideast policies («I think the president clearly needs to rethink completely his approach towards Israel») and to express his disgust at the plans for a Muslim community center a few blocks from Ground Zero («I think it's a terrible idea.
«Net neutrality was an obscure academic idea ten years ago — it has gone from academic obscurity into a national issue where more than a million people saw fit to write to the FCC to express their views.»
However, the Conservatives expressed concern that ministers still had no idea where the bird flu came from.
After police expressed frustration at their inability of garner cooperation from the local Latino community, many of whom were undocumented immigrants, a coalition of church and nonprofit groups came up with the idea of local identification cards.
Vouchers have remained a fringe idea among education reform advocates here, and some have expressed concern that DeVos» embrace of vouchers could alienate the mainstream charter movement from its much - needed allies in the Democratic party.
The president of New York State United Teachers, Andy Pallotta, says he's heard from his members in the days since the Florida school shooting, and many have expressed alarm about the idea of arming teachers.
The president of New York State United Teachers, Andy Pallotta, says he's heard from teachers in the days since the Florida school shooting, and many have expressed alarm about the idea of arming teachers.
These ideas can be precisely expressed in the language of mathematics using notions from information theory such as entropy [see box on next page].
It is essential that you can think from a novice's point of view and are able to express complex ideas using simple words.
As a leader, I had to set the tone for people to express their ideas, even if they differed from those of their colleagues.
While I can certainly admire and respect the Montessori «purist» view on having everything exactly as Maria Montessori expressed, you can absolutely benefit from even the smallest implementations of her ideas by using Montessori at home.
I'm intrigued by the one I linked above from Express but I'd love to crowdsource some ideas as well.
One of the reasons I'm not even slightly tempted to buy in is because from what I can tell, even though I checked that little box about only dating other Jewish folk, my dating preferences have no impact on who can see my date idea and express interest or ask me out.
They understand that from your words and the way you express your thoughts and ideas.
The Danish iconoclast holds strong ideas about our society, and expresses them in satiric allegories of such audacity that we cast loose from realism and simply float with his conceits.
Therefore, individuals are currently evaluated on their ability to understand from a closed set of words, whereas their language competence in a business setting may require the ability to express ideas and feelings on open topics or situations.
Review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from the discussions.
In 2016, 48 % of black respondents express support for the idea, down from 65 % in 2015.
Students must learn to work together, express and listen carefully to ideas, integrate information from oral, visual, quantitative, and media sources, evaluate what they hear, use media and visual displays strategically to help achieve communicative purposes, and adapt speech to context and task.
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