Sentences with phrase «from immature man»

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When I see emotionally immature behaviour like u r exhibiting it almost always comes from a religious man confronted with his prejudice.
By immersing stem cells harvested from men's bone marrow in a cocktail of chemicals that mimic the environment of the testes, Nayernia and his team turned the stem cells into immature sperm.
Even immature sperm that have been removed artificially from the testicles can achieve fertilisation if introduced into the egg in this way, allowing men with low sperm counts or with immobile or misshapen sperm to become fathers.
Working from their own excellent screenplay, co-written with Peter Hedges, they chronicle the belated coming - of - age of a very immature man who learns some important life lessons from a troubled young boy.
The writer / director's distinctive brand of genre homage remains, evolving from horror to action to science fiction; his good - natured irreverence again rears its head in satirical commentary and clever comedy; his man - child protagonists return, with different character names and dynamics but the same immature traits.
You literally get to live the whole life of Ezio, from his immature teenage years to an old man who's embarking on the last chapter of his incredible journey.
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