Sentences with phrase «from immortality»

Rather than rejoicing in the great improvements, we tend to focus on how far away we still are from immortality.
Leckey, meanwhile, has scaled up an 18th century wooden figurine of Job (Nobodaddy, 2018), his putrid flesh a repository for speakers grumbling out a desire for the kind of sublime self - obliteration that was rich and political in the poetry of William Blake but, these days, is just plain terrifying coming from the immortality - obsessed billionaires of Silicon Valley.
The story of the Garden of Eden illustrates this emancipation from the immortality theme in a rather interesting way.

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Science is still a far cry from biological immortality, but it isn't unreasonable to say that the average human could live to 120 or more, in good health, in the not - too - distant future.
While Sirius was wrought from Rothblatt's passions regarding the commercial capacities of outer space, today she is on the hunt for immortality, a pursuit that currently includes the creation of robots called «mindclones,» or digital replicas of human minds.
I do not read your minds (or «hear your prayers» as you like to call it) and you are not going to achieve immortality (or «eternal life» as you like to call it) no matter how many commandments from Iron Age Palestine you choose to «keep».
That being a spiritual death or being outcasted from God whereas overcoming that spiritual death and returning to God is the gift of «eternal life» as opposed to immortality.
I realize that non-literal nuances are difficult for those who NEED to only think in simplistic childish term, but that doesn't change the fact, the Hebrews did not believe in immortality the way it's thought of today... «By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.»
They talk about their families because that is what really matters in a person's life... that is thier true legacy and their only real immortality... most people, I am fairly sure, know deep down that god is a fairy tale, a cushion, and that death is truly the end... what this very excellent young woman heard from these dying people makes perfect sense... death is a time to end the bs and look at and reflect upon what was real and important in that individual's life
Paul proclaimed that only God and His Son possess immortality (1 Timothy: 6:12 - 16)-RRB- and that eternal life is a «gift» from God (Romans: 6:23).
Immortality is not really a religious idea when it stands apart from the idea of grace, that is, when the destiny of the souls is not seen as ultimately one with their origin.
My mind yearns to build a fantasy world where it can pretend it is immune from all danger, weakness and ultimately death, and where it can exalt itself in a dream of invincibility and immortality.
The presence of a snake that steals a plant of immortality from the hero later in the epic is another point of contact.
The age - long and still influential Christian doctrine of bodily resurrection thus goes back to primitive Hebrew behaviorism, which always conceived soul as a function of the material organism and never, like Greek philosophy, conceived immortality as escape from the imprisoning flesh.
God said they would die, or even, literally, «be put to death» I think they went from a state of immortality to a state of being put to death, a state they could only be released from by dying.
First, young Christians are increasingly turning away from the supernatural nonsesnse of religion (immortality, mind reading, sky - gods, talking snakes etc.) and no longer buy into the core morality of the evangelicals on important issues like gay rights and $ exual mores.
And it's important that a variety of views are represented fairly and accurately — from exclusivism to inclusivism to conditional immortality to universalism.
From time to time she notes that «we can no longer believe» in traditional Judaism or Christianity - that is, in the notion of a personal God, or a Savior who rose from the dead, or personal immortality in the familiar seFrom time to time she notes that «we can no longer believe» in traditional Judaism or Christianity - that is, in the notion of a personal God, or a Savior who rose from the dead, or personal immortality in the familiar sefrom the dead, or personal immortality in the familiar sense.
Whitehead's lecture on «Immortality» is seen as an example of the kind of cosmic view that comes from the generalization provided by a realistic system of education.
To be actual must mean that all actual things are alike objects, enjoying objective immortality in fashioning creative actions; and that all actual things are subjects, each prehending the universe from which it arises.
We may then pass over the whole group of four in order to consider the remaining two --(5) immortality and (6) revelation — from the perspective of black theology.
Moreover, the traditional African perception that events move backward in time from Sasa to Zamani reminds me of Whitehead's doctrine of perpetual perishing; and also, the perception that all events are preserved in the eternal reality of the Zamani — «the state of collective immortality» — reminds me of Whitehead's doctrine of the objective immortality of the past.
Diodorus writes that, «For as regards the magnitude of the deeds which he accomplished it is generally agreed that Heracles has been handed down as one who surpassed all men of whom memory from the beginning of time has brought down an account; consequently it is a difficult attainment to report each one of his deeds in a worthy manner and to present a record which shall be on a level with labours so great, the magnitude of which won for him the prize of immortality
There was some question whether Whitehead holds that God exercises his objective immortality in two different ways and that the giving of the initial aim is quite distinct from the superjective nature.
In his last essay, «Immortality,» he says: «This immortality of the World of Action, derived from its transformation in God's nature, is beyond our imagination tImmortality,» he says: «This immortality of the World of Action, derived from its transformation in God's nature, is beyond our imagination timmortality of the World of Action, derived from its transformation in God's nature, is beyond our imagination to conceive.
Cf. D. Emmet: «But the doctrine of the objective immortality of actual entities... in the constitution of other actual entities is, as Miss Stebbing points out, a departure from the earlier view of events as particular and transient, and objects alone as able to «be again».
In the nature of the case the evidence needed for reasoned proof on empirical grounds is not accessible, and we had better frankly admit that our faith in immortality is a faith, coherent with what we know of God and his ways with men, and not a conclusion from scientific evidence.
Yet the subjective immortality arising from his own position on God's retention of the occasion's immediacy would rule out any infinite or unending sequence of new occasions added to the former temporal series, since the locus of subjective immortality would be the divine concrescence.
The persuasiveness of faith in immortality will no doubt always seem greater to those who stand within the Christian heritage than to those who view it critically from without.
It is not a matter of a substantial ego to which experiences «happen», so that we might detach the former from the latter after the fashion suggested in the common notion of immortality of the soul when that soul has been «separated» from the body.
Theodore explains this process thus: «God separated history into two ages that man might be led from mortality and mutability to immortality and immutability in the new age.»
And the story of its life must once again have been wholly different in order to express continually immortality's difference from all the changeableness and the different kinds of variations of the perishable.
The morning news, Monday, September 27, 1976: New York city: An elderly Chinese couple today took the proceeds from the sale of their laundry — some $ 100,000 — ignited it into a small bonfire in their apartment (an ancient ritual investment in immortality for oneself and one's ancestors), then with their daughter leaped from their...
If immortality of the soul is the case of the immortal soul freed from the body, we might have expected a more Socratic Jesus.
Immortality is being snatched from this dismal physical life with all its limitations.
Theology's typical response to the threefold question of immortality is drawn from a combination of philosophy (mostly Greek) and theology (mostly biblical).
Second, each moment of our lives makes its positive or negative contribution to God immediately upon its occurrence, as well as through the cumulative reality we call the «I.» Third, since God's consequent nature «passes back into the temporal world and qualifies this world, «157 our lives, being elements in God, also «reach back to influence the world» even apart from our direct social immortality.
Thus, immortality would be viewed not as the inevitable nature of the soul but as a free gift from the gratuity of God.
But he does not deny it as a logical possibility.158 John Cobb has sought to defend at least the credibility of subjective immortality against criticisms from anthropology and cosmology.159 The anthropological objection is that the soul or mind can not exist apart from the body.
I interpret the Genesis story of our exile from the Garden where there was access to the Tree of Life (temporal immortality) not as punishment; but as placing a limit on temporal existence to keep us focused on Eternal values.
The rabbinic teaching on immortality that tempered the psalmic faith began to offer an escape from death by an escape after death.
This doctrine is popularly termed «objective immortality» yet Whitehead's term is «everlastingness» (always in quotes, as for example PR 347), because he had already used «objective immortality» for the temporal shift from subjectivity to objectivity.
The feeling of this loss is great, and the desire for immortality stems from this sense of loss.
This study has dealt with the nature of the world, the nature of God, the nature of man, and with two issues stemming from the relationship of these three: the problem of evil and the question of immortality.
Immortality is a big deal and is a gift from God Rom 2:6 - 8 and 2Tim 1:1.
It was an ending that brought tears to my own eyes as I watched Diana, both blessed and cursed with immortality, realize that she will mourn Trevor literally forever as she takes on the noble but never - ending task of rescuing mortals from their own appalling pickles.
Whitehead comments, «This immortality of the World of Action, derived from its transformation in God's nature is beyond our imagination to conceive.
God did not let Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Life (immortality) because he did not want man to live forever - it would have ruined God's plan.
The conclusion of the argument would be that the self can not survive apart from its structured society; hence the immortality of the self must include the immortality of that structured society.
Prescinding now from questions of immortality and the life of God, what hope can we reasonably have for the overcoming of evil in this finite, temporal world of everyday experience?
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