Sentences with phrase «from indisputable»

You won't have to question or fact - check the sources of information we present, because it comes directly from indisputable mental health and legal experts.
The expert debate about it being a syndrome versus it not being a syndrome has droned on and on, and has largely become a distraction from the indisputable fact that children do become alienated from a once loved parent.
The impetus for the new publicized fears of cooling comes from the indisputable empirical evidence that global warming is suffering a non-predicted «hiatus» (i.e. warming is stalled, paused, stopped, etc.) these last 15 + years.
From indisputable toughness to remarkable style, Chevy Silverado remains one of the most sought after pickups in greater - Dallas.

Not exact matches

Studies indicate carbon dioxide emissions from transportation in the province have declined 16 % in that time, and while it's impossible to draw a direct causal relationship between the tax and the emissions decline, it's fair to say it was a factor contributing to indisputable behavioural changes — you can't emit 16 % less CO2 by doing the same things you did before.
The bikini statistics can therefore be looked at from a hundred different perspectives but the bottom line is pretty indisputable: Canadian carriers are raking it in thanks to high rates across the board, which includes roaming.
And though his track record is more complicated than what can be gleaned from watching him on television, there is one indisputable fact in his story: Kevin O'Leary is excellent at selling Kevin O'Leary.
«We gave them data, that's indisputable,» Kogan said in response to Nix's prior suggestion that he had never obtained Facebook - linked information from his company.
They managed to deliver tax breaks for the rich and oil companies, that's indisputable, but not on any of the «moral» issues they've used since the early 70s to get votes from religious people.
Further, if one removes the emotional aspect from whichever belief is held, it must be conceded that Ham did offer an objective and indisputable fact concerning how the public school system has intentionally excluded the intelligent design argument.
Don't you think that an all powerful, all knowing, all good god would have left tons of indisputable eyewitness testimony from both Jewish and Roman sources?
Indeed, Nat was pro-life to the marrow, his views predicated on history — in particular, lessons he learned from the Holocaust — and the indisputable, objective scientific fact that even the newest embryo is a biological human being.
«Consequently, if my theory be true, it is indisputable that before the lowest Silurian stratum was deposited, long periods elapsed, as long as, or probably far longer than, the whole interval from the Silurian age to the present day; and that during these vast, yet quite unknown, periods of time, the world swarmed with living creatures.
This is not indisputable: Some folks insist we can have a world that is ruled by cooperation, from which competition for the top jobs and the best seats is eliminated.
Yet if God exists there is only one thing which came straight from him and is indisputable and that is the universe.
The religious significance of Zionism becomes indisputable when one realizes that «to raise the Jews from a disintegrated and fragmented mass of individuals into an organic unity, whether it be the unity of the Jewish people as whole, or any part of it, is to create the conditions that make the Jewish religion possible» (JC 329).
Yet the equal and impartial love of God for all men, both saints and sinners, both high and low in the world's esteem, is the indisputable deduction to be drawn from the words and acts of Jesus.
So instead of God being called a bully, we say his judgements are indisputable, unchangeable and everlasting; he is better than us, high and lifted up, all powerful and holy; he is disappointed or sorrowful or angry about our sin; he constantly convicts us by the Holy Spirit; he sends us suffering in order to teach us, discipline us and inevitably bring us in line with his ways; and he threatens us with exclusion from him and his group now or forever in Hell unless we repent and straighten up.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness» 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV It is indisputable that God prohibited all women from teaching — «I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man».
That is an indisputable violation of the rules that occurred not far from him and in front of the linesmen.
If everyone buys in, and they get 10 players to buy in, and 10 more players to buy in from them, then keep going all the way down, why, it's almost indisputable that the people at the very top are going to get rich.
What is indisputable about the Computer Group is that it was the bane of bookmakers from coast to coast.
But if it can be shown that people can acquire information when they are unconscious and out of their body, it would be indisputable evidence that consciousness is separate from the brain.»
Although the case never went to trial because of Ivins's suicide on 29 July 2008, FBI officials have claimed that the evidence against him is indisputable and that he carried out the mailings using anthrax stolen from a flask at USAMRIID.
These are just a few obvious examples, but because the future Fox News pundit was talking about climate change let's consider something that is indisputable: the measured rise of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is numerically consistent with that predicted from the output of human industrial activity.
All the specialists agreed that there were indisputable human artifacts in a primary depositional context mantled by a peat layer and without indication of materials deriving from later depositional horizons at the site (Adovasio and Pedler 1997:578).
In this article we'll share a few training secrets from Dwayne «The Rock» Johnson, who's famous for being a top - level professional wrestler with a successful acting career and an indisputable great level of muscularity.
The importance of getting antioxidants from foods is indisputable.
The high that comes from experiencing one of his works is indisputable.
The indisputable love for his family makes his alpha behaviour, including excluding Regan from a father and son fishing trip, misplaced.
The shift away from training to formation has had one immediate and indisputable outcome: the onus of a teacher's training has shifted from the teacher educators to the teacher candidates.
Indisputable evidence from the frontlines of teaching took center stage today at a CEA news conference in Hartford as teachers urged lawmakers to examine the needs of students and reject a test that is not valid, reliable, or fair.
In response to a request for comment, a spokesman for FES sent a statement from Bishop Eric Garnes, a minister in Brooklyn, who said it was «indisputable» that crime had risen in public schools and warned of «a disaster waiting to happen.»
The AMG - tuned Mercedes S - Class is the indisputable leader of the high - performance, luxury full - size market, but that's mainly because there aren't any proper competitors to choose from.
From the perspective of students who order an essay from a professional essay writing company, it is indisputable that they are free from all psychological pressures and academic tensiFrom the perspective of students who order an essay from a professional essay writing company, it is indisputable that they are free from all psychological pressures and academic tensifrom a professional essay writing company, it is indisputable that they are free from all psychological pressures and academic tensifrom all psychological pressures and academic tensions.
a genre I graduated from years ago.I credit her with being one of the better writers in this category and Mrs. Hockaday proves that her skills as a story teller have not diminished.Having said that I also feel that the discriminatory practices of the mid to late 19th century in America dictate the motivations of each character in a relatively predictable way... so while the entertainment value is indisputable the «mystery» is no more than the reality of life at the time... nothing memorable or instructive here for me... simply a reminder that the mores of the past rarely survive the scrutiny of the present without some readjustment.
A stunning lack of differentiation from rival offerings left Apple's iPad 2 as the only indisputable tablet success story in 2011, but many analysts and industry watchers seem to think the tide will turn the coming year.
The fact that PETA workers were fraudulently adopting animals from shelters only to immediately euthanize them and illegally dump their remains is indisputable.
Coming to the department store retailer from Apple, where he was credited for the idea of Apple Stores and the Genius Bar, Johnson's pedigree seemed indisputable.
Still, Kosuth's claim that artists take what they need from previous generations is indisputable and Reinhardt's impact on younger artists has, in great measure, come from his writing.
While her amusing architectural pieces hold traces from Minimalism and Land Art, North Carolina - born and South Carolina - raised artist's status as a feminist icon is indisputable.
It's an indisputable fact that the US has a lot of obsidian, from which we could make terrific arrow heads.
One of the indisputable facts that politicians have been attempting to keep secret from the public is the Worldwide Daylight Savings Time Conspiracy.
It is now indisputable that the MetOffice / NASA / NOAA surface temperature datasets have «mysteriously» and significantly diverged from the satellite temperature measurements that they so well matched in the past.
The last 18 years of 12 - month periods ending in October reveals the unsettled, anti-consensus and indisputable science of empirical evidence that Americans do not face catastrophic global warming from human CO2.
In other words, it is indisputable that the current climate does not suffer from «dangerous» man - made warming.
As the adjacent chart from the NTZ article documents, NOAA's definitive manipulations of a U.S. states climate records to enhance the modern global warming trend is indisputable.
«Liberty can not be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, from the frame of their nature, to knowledge, as their great Creator, who does nothing in vain, has given them understandings, and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge; I mean, of the characters and conduct of their rulers.»
They arise from «the same evil: the notion that there are no indisputable truths to guide our lives, and hence human freedom is limitless.»
The 900 - year long handle completely ignores two indisputable eras, the Medieval Warm Period, from about 950 to 1250 A.D. and the later Little Ice Age from 1300 to 1850.
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