Sentences with phrase «from individual organisms»

From these, they showed that turbulence from individual organisms aggregates into a much larger turbulent jet in the wake of the migration.
We seek a highly creative and interactive scholar whose research and teaching interests are focused on innovative approaches for theoretical, empirical, and computational analyses in Earth and Environmental Sciences and whose research addresses dynamics at any scale - from individual organisms to the entire globe.
Also known as phylogenies, these assemblies of lines and classifications chart biodiversity with varying specificity, from individual organisms to broader taxonomic rankings such as kingdoms and domains.

Not exact matches

At the beginning, a physical organism, whose life - principles were breath and blood, whose mental and emotional experiences were the functions of bodily organs, the ordinary man was submerged in the corporate mass of his tribe, without individual status, separate hopes, personal rights, or claim on divine care apart from the group.
If I seal up the entry into my heart I must dwell in darkness — and not only I, my individual soul, but the whole universe in so far as its activity sustains my organism and awakens my consciousness, and in so far also as I act upon it in my turn so as to draw forth from it the materials of sensation, of ideas, of moral goodness, of holiness of life.
The fundamental thesis of Whitehead's philosophy of organism is that the final actualities of the universe can not be abstracted from one another because each actuality, though individual and discrete, is internally related to all other actualities.
The second question has in fact two facets: (a) how does it arise in the development of the individual organism during the process of growth from the moment of fertilization of the egg; and (b) how does the egg itself come to get that way — that is to say, how can we conceive of evolution as having «designed» the cell?
(From the Christian point of view (which in this coincides with the biological viewpoint logically carried to its extreme) the «gathering together» of the Spirit gradually accomplished in the course of the «coiling» of the Universe, occurs in two tempos and by two stages — a by slow «evaporation» (individual deaths); and simultaneously b by incorporation in the collective human organism («the mystic body») whose maturation will only be complete at the end of Time, through the Parousia.)
In this book, Whitehead traces the origin of modern natural science as it generalized laws of nature from new observations of aggregates — cannon - balls, stars, grains of sand — and then assumed these laws to apply to individual organisms as well.
If we take the definition of life as being said to be present when an organism shows evidence of individual animate existence, then from the blastocyst stage the fetus qualifies for respect.
The idea of development seems to have come from biology, where it is used in reference to the process of evolution from a previous and lower (e.g., embryonic) stage to a later, more complex or more perfect one; this development can involve differentiation into individual organisms and their subsequent histories.
What makes the process - relational view different from most organismic interpretations, as we have seen, is, first of all, the notion that unique individuals do create themselves and their societies, as profoundly shaped as they are by them, instead of being subsumed by an omnicompetent and all knowing state that functions as the brain of the organism.
From the very beginning, he imagined Waldorf schools as social organisms where individuals would learn how to collaborate and lead together.
At its most basic, synthetic biology is about making DNA from scratch, on scales from individual molecules to cells, tissues and even entire organisms.
Collins said that because Hydra is such a simple animal and because it is able to regenerate after complete dissociation into individual cells, it offers researchers the opportunity to use similar techniques as the ones employed in their experiments to examine how an organism develops from an unstructured group of cells into a complex body plan.
Self - assembly enables nature to build complex forms, from multicellular organisms to complex animal structures such as flocks of birds, through the interaction of vast numbers of limited and unreliable individuals.
The more complex an organism, the more likely it became that way by extracting multiple protein meanings from individual genes
In their new study, the researchers did not isolate individual organisms from the forest soil, but analyzed the whole gene pool found in the earth, the metagenome.
Nature is full of collective patterns that emerge from the behavior of individual organisms.
The colonies of most ant species, including the harvester, are social, cooperative, seamless organisms, differing from what we think of as an individual organism only in that «they're not stuck together,» as Tschinkel puts it.
This engineering perspective may be applied at all levels of the hierarchy of biological structures — from individual molecules to whole cells, tissues and organisms.
The mission of the HFSP is to promote, through international cooperation, basic research focused on the elucidation of the sophisticated and complex mechanisms of living organisms at all levels of complexity: from individual biomolecules up to interactions between organisms.
Rather than placing the entire responsibility for advocating for the sequencing of various organisms upon individual researchers, NHGRI has established three working groups comprised of experts from across the research community.
Jordan makes the movies Terry Gilliam never quite made until Tideland; far from the compassionate fare many label it, his oeuvre is comprised of harsh little ditties about the voraciousness of the social organism and the bites it takes out of individuals living perpendicular to the absolute mean.
Spinosad, one of its active ingredients, is produced by a bacterium first isolated from natural sources (a soil sample collected in the Caribbean).3 Spinosad demonstrates selective toxicity to the flea's nervous system but has low toxicity to mammals and other nontarget organisms.4 However, as with all medications, sensitivities due to individual animal variation can occur, sometimes resulting in side effects.
A fomite is any object or substance capable of carrying infectious organisms from one individual or another.
The exhibition is structured in chapters whose themes are the man - eating outsider or non-human; the relationship with others and construction of an individual and group identity through a dual movement of incorporation and rejection; the body as an organism capable of transformation, and which feeds on and feeds others; eroticism and all - consuming passion; violence and horror; ritual and sacrifice; and images from childhood, derived from tales and legends.
Automatism in art means the painter's confidence in the power of the organism to produce interesting unforeseen effects and in such a way that the chance results constitute a family of forms; all the random marks made by one individual will differ from those made by another, and will appear to belong together, whether they are highly ordered or not, and will show a characteristic grouping.
Iris Hendriks of the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies recently analyzed data from a wide sample of research into how individual organisms respond to increased carbon dioxide in their seawater.
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