Sentences with phrase «from industrial sources»

But another 19 % comes from industrial sources, like concrete plants, whose CO2 emissions are not monitored at all.
People are exposed to harmful aerosols from industrial sources, too, but fires produce more aerosol per amount of fuel burned.
However, as the atmospheric CO2 rises — due to the almost exponential increase in emissions from industrial sources — the influence of solar variability on the Earth's climate will most likely decrease, and its relative contribution will be far surpassed by «greenhouse» gases.
Congress adopted Section 111 (d) in 1970 expressly to fill any gaps — to make sure there was authority to curb any dangerous air pollutants from industrial sources that were not taken care of by other parts of the law, including Section 112 on hazardous air pollutants.
During the El Niño of 1997 to 1998, they say, tropical forests pumped out a whopping 6.7 petagrams of carbon a year, an amount equal to CO2 from industrial sources.
Mercury can be widely dispersed across the globe when it is deposited in water and the air, the authors said, so even parts of the globe remote from industrial sources can quickly suffer elevated levels of the toxic material.
The U.S. oil industry could make much greater use of injection with a larger supply of CO2, such as from industrial sources and power plants.»
He would undo new safeguards from mercury, carcinogens, soot, and smog from industrial sources.
1970 Peter V. Hobbs, et al., «Cloud Condensation Nuclei from Industrial Sources and Their Apparent Influence on Precipitation in Washington State.»
Canada continues to implement its nation - wide Air Quality Management System to reduce emissions of air pollutants from industrial sources, as well as a suite of air pollution regulations for the transportation sector that reduce emissions of key SLCPs.
National GHG emissions from industrial sources (electricity generation, transportation, buildings, etc) and Land Use, Land - Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) 2000
The group, along with other campaigners, argued at the time that «avoided deforestation» would allow developed countries to meet emission reduction requirements without cutting emissions from industrial sources, including power generation, construction, agriculture, and transportation.
A commercial - scale site would be able to store in excess of 50 million tons of pollutants from industrial sources, which are estimated to comprise 21 percent of U.S. emissions.
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