Sentences with phrase «from lack of study»

This results almost entirely from lack of study and not from studies documenting no effects.

Not exact matches

Even with Theranos» proprietary technology in hand, however, the lack of peer - reviewed studies — the kind of data scientists traditionally use to assess a development in their field — has generated skepticism from experts outside the company.
Demand was outweighing the supply they were receiving from the Snapchat sales team, and some advertising and agency execs were unconvinced of the app's merit because of a lack of data and case studies.
A new study from researchers at the University of North Carolina shows that loneliness can «vastly elevate» a person's risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer, making it as dangerous to your health as a lack of physical inactivity in youth or diabetes in old age.
A new study published in the Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences, however, suggests that the problem is neither lack of interest nor lack of skill.
One study provides evidence consistent with one explanation of the overall lack of strong findings: optimal board structures may vary by firm size, with smaller firms benefiting from a unified chair / CEO position, with the clarity of leadership that structure provides, and larger firms benefiting from the extra monitoring that an independent chair may provide given the greater risk of «agency costs» at large companies.
I have been watching your videos and decided to study in depth your advanced price action analysis and from just the introduction I feel I am well on the way to consistency I have a tiny account that was eaten up due to lack of know how and I would like to thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge.
So we move from the word game study on motivation to your own hypothesis of why believers lack motivation, indulge me and I play along... So, in your opinion a person who believes in a higher power lacks motivation?
This does not directly challenge economists» dualism, but it does show that their lack of interest in the natural world leads them to treat it only in categories they derive from the study of the industrial economy.
Most important, though lacking theoretical self - consciousness, I nevertheless acted as a theological subject attempting to rethink theological constructions from the marginal location of a «lay» woman engaged in the study of theology.
At the end of the study, the particular recommendations come as no great surprise: seminary training should include the study of asceticism and the regimen of ascetical discipline; assessment should be of the candidate's capacity to live a life of chaste celibacy and spiritual poverty; wilful deviations from discipline should be taken to indicate the lack of a religious vocation; those who form and mentor students should be sterling examples of ascetical discipline.
Lacking a Tillich to do the job, I will try to comment on a book that ranges from a light - hearted survey of myths in which mortality is preferred to endless eternity (Wendy Doniger's article) to a serious study of Locke and Spinoza (Aaron Garrett's).
Most studies displayed faults ranging from lack of control groups to use of biased and unreliable measuring instruments to the use of subjects who were either self - selected or selected by abortion clinic personnel.
I'm currently studying my first year at university and am very eager to get into this way of eating as I can feel myself being less energetic from all the unhealthy junk food and lack of exercise that seems to be paired with uni life.
Petaluma, Calif., December 11, 2017 — A new study from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) examines the flaws in single - trait label claims, noting that no single label meets the comprehensive requirements of the organic label, while lack of clarity around labels such as «natural» and «transitional» cause consumers further confusion.
Meta - analyses of cohort studies for the association between dairy and milk intake in relation to mortality11 and fractures12 13 have displayed no clear pattern of risk, and evidence from randomised trials are lacking.
Typically, gluten - free products contain starch from corn, rice, soy and buckwheat flours - but as the authors of the new study pointed out, these are lacking in important nutrients and dietary fibre.
Indeed, Vincent Gouttebarge's pilot study found that a lack of support from teammates (and trainers) can actually be a contributory factor with regard to mental health problems.
For years, it seems, MomsTEAM has been getting e-mails from mouth guard manufacturers touting their products as reducing the risk of concussion, despite the lack of any peer - reviewed scientific studies to support their claims.
At the annual meeting in February of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Dr. Gideon Lack of King's College in London, England, presented information from his study on peanut allergies which was also published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Be sure that you get enough vitamins - studies show that low vitamin D levels happen from the lack of sunlight this time of year and leaves our immune system vulnerable to colds and the flu.
Studies are beginning to highlight the negative health consequences that stem from a lack of zoning laws.
Studies show that lack of support from those two sources can lead to shortened breastfeeding (or never starting).
Other limitations of the included studies were that some studies lacked the distinction between exclusive breastfeeding, defined by the World Health Organization as «the infant has received only breast milk from his / her mother or a wet nurse, or expressed breast milk, and no other liquids or solids, with the exception of drops or syrups consisting of vitamins, mineral supplements or medicines,» and partial breastfeeding, defined by the World Health Organization as «a situation where the baby is receiving some breastfeeds but is also being given other food or food - based fluids, such as formula milk or weaning foods.»
As a bit of history, the theory began when Bowlby was asked to study orphaned infants and children after WWII who presented with myriad problems — socially, emotionally, and cognitively — and he determined that the cause of these problems stemmed from a lack of maternal involvement.
This study has highlighted the paucity of parents» preparation for parenthood, the lack of inclusion of fathers from antenatal education and that the inadequate preparation remains a concern to both women and their partners.
The quixotic idea of Long Island as the nation's 51st state, sparked by frustration over high taxes and lack of attention from Albany, has taken a step forward with Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano's decision to support a new commission to study its feasibility.
The bill would ensure that schools can notify parents they can refuse to have their children in grades 3 - 8 participate in Common Core standardized tests, protects schools from having state aid withheld & ensures that students are not punished for their lack of participation in those tests, and it would set - aside alternate studies, Last year, parents of 60,000 students refused New York State Common Core tests.
«There are many red flags because there are questions that remain unanswered from lack of scientific analysis, specifically longitudinal studies of [fracking].»
One study from 2012 suggests how easily people can become desensitized to privacy invasion; when 10 homes were fitted with cameras, microphones and other surveillance equipment, residents grew to accept the lack of privacy after just a few months.
Findings from a study into Crohn's disease, led by William G. Kerr, Ph.D., of SUNY Upstate Medical University, and his collaborators at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, provide the first evidence that patients with debilitating inflammatory bowel disease lack sufficient quantities of a protein that comes from the SHIP1 gene.
A recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA tying childhood self - control to health and well - being in adulthood suggests that everyone, not just those most lacking the skill, would benefit from a self - control boost.
Professor Adeeba Kamarulzaman, an author on the study from University of Malaya, Malaysia, said: «In recent years, compulsory drug detention centres in Malaysia and across Asia have come under scrutiny and question over their lack of effectiveness in treating addiction and their human rights transgressions.
A study in this issue of JCI Insight demonstrates that mice lacking the proinflammatory signaling molecule TAK1 are protected from obesity and insulin resistance induced by a high fat diet.
Reductions in biodiversity from illegal wildlife trade can have other substantial negative human health impacts, including the loss of potential sources of pharmaceuticals, experimental models for studying disease, crop pollination and micronutrients for humans lacking alternative sources of protein.
Surveys and observational studies have suggested it could be beneficial for infants to encounter wheat, egg and cow's milk from an earlier age, while there are also concerns that delayed weaning could cause anaemia, due to a lack of iron in breastmilk.
Promising results from the new trial would be a major step forward for a field that has long been criticized for studies that are poorly designed, incomplete or lack control - group comparisons, as well as for the peddling of unproved therapies in many clinics worldwide.
«Our finding from statistical analyses of all genes in the genome that SMCHD1 was the only plausible site of causal variants for arhinia — lack of a nose — was frankly shocking, since prior to our study no patients had ever been reported with both conditions.»
Whereas the reasons for the effect remain unclear, a large study led by Devanand suggests «safety and nutritional issues associated with the loss of smell» — the inability to smell smoke, for example, and lack of interest in food from loss of taste — could be contributors.
A second letter, from David Hawkes, a viro logist at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and two colleagues argues that the paper «lacks a clear methodology, adequate controls to control for bias, descriptions of results consistent with the data presented, or enough information for this study to be reproduced.»
One of the challenges to drawing conclusions from a study like this one is the lack of exact data on the U.S. postdoc population, which means that the precision of the quoted numbers is probably misleading.
A growing number of epidemiologic studies have suggested an association between sedentary behavior and chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and even death that is distinct from those related to a lack of physical activity.
A US study from 2011 showed high levels of methane in water wells close to shale gas wells, but has been criticised for lacking data on levels of background natural methane in the water.
Twelve percent withdrew from the study for lack of efficacy.
The study notes that there are several reasons patients did not receive additional physician follow - up including: patients believing they didn't need additional care and the lack of a coordinated referral system from the emergency department to physicians who can provide follow - up care.
«This suggested that fungal symbionts that colonize plants which are deficient in lipid biosynthesis suffer from a lack of essential lipids,» says Andreas Keymer, a PhD student in Gutjahr's group and first author of the new study.
Leite said the main problems with this study are the small sample size, the fact that patients were studied retrospectively, and the lack of pathological data from placenta samples.
«We know from previous research that lack of insurance typically results in diagnosis of cancer at a later, and usually less treatable, stage,» said lead study author Xuesong Han, PhD, Strategic Director, Health Policy and Healthcare Delivery Research, American Cancer Society.
Nevertheless, as Tobias says, it is still ``... a field beset with relatively few facts but many theories... The story of early hominid brains has to be read from carefully dated, well identified, fossilised calvariae, or from endocranial casts formed within them... Such materials confine the Hercule Poirot, who would read «the little grey cells» of fossil hominids, to statements about the size, shape and surface impressions... of ancient brains...» The other major limiting factor at the moment is the lack of suitable fossil skulls for such studies.
But despite the lack of direct evidence, he points to some intriguing animal studiesfrom polar bears and penguins to giant pandas and barnacle geese — that suggest the answers might depend on an animal's ecology.
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