Sentences with phrase «from lunar samples»

Robinson and Researcher G. Jeffrey Taylor, both at the UHM Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, compiled water measurements from lunar samples performed by colleagues from around the world, as well as their own.

Not exact matches

Our third expedition will bring back samples of lunar dust and rocks that everyone can own, providing scientists with a new source of lunar materials for research, and making these treasures from the Moon available to collectors and commercial purposes.
Researchers are using recent advances in imaging to reexamine lunar samples from Apollo 11.
So says a fresh analysis of lunar rock samples from two American moonshots.
The next step will be to sample the lunar surface, finding ways to build with it or extract resources (especially water) from it.
Wang and Jacobsen examined seven lunar rock samples from different lunar missions and compared their potassium isotope ratios to those of eight terrestrial rocks representative of Earth's mantle.
The theft of the safe, which contained 101.5 grams of material, including samples from every lunar landing, was in fact stranger and more pedestrian...
Such samples, from an unexplored part of the lunar surface, says Neal, «will have a huge impact on lunar science... but will U.S. scientists be allowed to study these?»
Based on an extensive collection of lunar and terrestrial samples, a new study probing the elusive origins of the Moon — now typically thought to have formed from a collision between a proto - Earth and a solid impactor — supports theories of a collision with extremely high energy.
And a mission to return a sample from the moon's largest impact crater would have been some comfort to lunar scientists still smarting from Obama's decision to redirect NASA's crewed space exploration from the moon to near - Earth asteroids.
All lunar samples have come from a region that's «not representative of the whole.
Brown University's Alberto Saal and colleagues measured the ratio of hydrogen to deuterium (hydrogen with an extra neutron) in lunar rock samples from the Apollo missions.
When water was first discovered in lunar samples in 2008, it was very surprising because from the time Apollo astronauts brought lunar samples, scientists thought that the Moon contained virtually no water.
From spacecraft studies and analysis of samples from NASA's Apollo lunar missions, the researchers knew how often large solar storms ocFrom spacecraft studies and analysis of samples from NASA's Apollo lunar missions, the researchers knew how often large solar storms ocfrom NASA's Apollo lunar missions, the researchers knew how often large solar storms occur.
Also, if the solar wind were responsible for the amino acids, then samples taken from near the lunar surface, which had the highest exposure to the solar wind, should have a greater abundance of amino acids than samples taken from deeper beneath the surface.
Just like contamination from lunar module exhaust, material from the solar wind could produce amino acids during sample workup.
If contamination from the exhaust produced the amino acids, then a sample taken from right under the Apollo 17 lunar module should have more amino acids than a sample taken far away.
The development of ever more sensitive microscopy and chemical - analysis techniques will continue to produce new insights from existing samples into the foreseeable future — good news, considering that no nation appears to be close to returning humans to the lunar surface.
Analysis of lunar rock samples thought to have been derived from the original magma has given scientists a new estimate of the Moon's age.
Most interesting is that the about monthly variations correlate with the lunar phases (peak on full moon) The Helsinki Background measurements 1935 The first background measurements in history; sampling data in vertical profile every 50 - 100m up to 1,5 km; 364 ppm underthe clouds and above Haldane measurements at the Scottish coast 370 ppmCO2 in winds from the sea; 355 ppm in air from the land Wattenberg measurements in the southern Atlantic ocean 1925-1927 310 sampling stations along the latitudes of the southern Atlantic oceans and parts of the northern; measuring all oceanographic data and CO2 in air over the sea; high ocean outgassing crossing the warm water currents north (> ~ 360 ppm) Buchs measurements in the northern Atlantic ocean 1932 - 1936 sampling CO2 over sea surface in northern Atlantic Ocean up to the polar circle (Greenland, Iceland, Spitsbergen, Barents Sea); measuring also high CO2 near Spitsbergen (Spitsbergen current, North Cape current) 364 ppm and CO2 over sea crossing the Atlantic from Kopenhagen to Newyork and back (Brements on a swedish island Lundegards CO2 sampling on swedish island (Kattegatt) in summer from 1920 - 1926; rising CO2 concentration (+7 ppm) in the 20s; ~ 328 ppm yearly average
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