Sentences with phrase «from microscopic organisms»

Scientists estimate that 100 to 10,000 species — from microscopic organisms to large plants and animals — go extinct each year.
I like to think we can apply this same logic to many other things, including a belief that we evolved on this planet from microscopic organisms.

Not exact matches

It turns out the microscopic organisms are correlated with dozens of health conditions — everything from irritable bowel syndrome and acne to mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
As the baby grows in utero, they are seeded with trillions of microscopic organisms that they receive from mom, dad, and anyone living in the house.
It gets rid of odors, from the ones other people can smell to the microscopic little organisms that will cause problems later.
Scherer would later find dozens of crushed diatom shells in his samples — possible remnants of microscopic aquatic organisms from when the site of Lake Whillans was a shallow seafloor.
Organisms that surprisingly survived the harsh 7,000 - kilometer journey across the Pacific Ocean on 634 items of tsunami debris ranged from 52 - centimeter - long fish (a Western Pacific yellowtail amberjack) to microscopic single - celled protists.
Striking close - up photos and micrographs reveal the dazzling diversity of these tiny creatures — from microscopic unicellular organisms to complex crustaceans.
In a second piece, Wise explained how a marine ecologist is using robots (with casings made from surplus fire extinguishers) to mimic the motions of microscopic marine life, including crab larvae, as they move through ocean waters during their development into adult organisms.
«The discovery of microscopic shells of organisms that lived in warm shallow seas, and of spores and pollen from land plants, reveal that the geography and climate of Zealandia were dramatically different in the past.»
For years, scientists have been unable to reconcile the nutritional requirements of crustaceans, sea cucumbers, snails, and tube worms nearly a mile beneath the surface with the amount of nourishment — microscopic organisms and other organic matter — that rains down from above.
Scientists from the BOREA Biology of Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems research unit (CNRS / MNHN / IRD / UPMC / University of Caen / Université des Antilles)-- together with a colleague from the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg, Germany — have shown that Parisian street gutters are oases of microscopic life, home to microalgae, fungi, sponges, and mollusks [1].
To answer this question, the researchers analyzed marine sediment cores collected off Galicia (Spain) and from the Bay of Biscay, containing pollen and foraminifera, microscopic marine organisms with calcareous skeletons.
With rising temperatures, the ranges of many species of phytoplankton — the microscopic, plantlike organisms the grazers feed on — will shift away from the tropics and toward the poles, according to a new study.
bacteria Microscopic, single - celled organisms that dwell nearly everywhere on Earth, from the bottom of the sea to inside animals.
«The discovery of microscopic shells of organisms that lived in warm shallow seas, and of spores and pollen from land plants, reveal that the geography and climate of Zealandia were dramatically different in the past,» adds co-chief scientist Gerald Dickens.
A parasite is technically defined as a microscopic organism that derives nourishment from its host without benefiting or killing the host.
These causes can come from a variety of sources including the environment, food, fleas and microscopic organisms.
Neto's earth - toned crocheted structures are both animalistic and reminiscent of microscopic organisms in form, a strange duality that causes the works to feel like indigenous products or abodes from a parallel universe, one where Western colonization never infected native culture, allowing the tribes to continue to develop culturally and technologically on their own.
Growing evidence suggests that ocean acidification will strongly impact many types of marine organisms, from microscopic plankton to shellfish and corals.
Most Antarctic marine organisms, from microscopic phytoplankton to the Adélie penguin, depend on sea ice to live and reproduce.
As nutrients remain stuck at the bottom of the lake, organisms ranging from microscopic algae to fish can be threatened.
Blooms can come from algae that range from microscopic single - celled organisms to macroscopic seaweed, and cause harm through the production of toxins or by accumulation of the plants.
The conclusion is based on a finding that bromine and iodine oxide, natural chemicals produced by sea spray and emissions from microscopic sea organisms, destroyed ozone in the atmosphere west of equatorial Africa — destroyed 50 % more ozone than than expected.
But if this microscopic organism evolved from more complex jellyfish down to something with just a few cells, they may call into question the boundary of that definition.
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