Sentences with phrase «from moving any limbs»

A weight greater than 0.8 g, or about 750 times body weight, prevented ants from moving any limbs at all but did not kill or appear to injure them after we removed the transparency sheets from the ants.

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Upon discharge from the hospital, more than 25 percent of SCI patients have complete paraplegia, meaning they are unable to feel or move their legs; more than 20 percent suffer from complete tetraplegia, or paralysis in all four limbs and the torso.
There are places where he resorts to the imagery of myth and speaks of Christ as if he were living an unseen life with God in a heavenly realm above, from which he would descend to appear on the earth at the imminent end - time.38 At other times Paul could speak of the church as the body of Christ, of which the Christian believers formed «the limbs and organs».39 He exhorted the Galatians to «put on Christ as a garment», 40 he said to the Romans, «Let Christ Jesus himself be the armor that you wear», 41 and he told the Galatians how he was in travail until they «took the shape of Christ».42 In various ways Paul spoke of the risen Christ as an indwelling presence in the believer, the most moving passage being his own testimony, I have been crucified with Christ; the life I now live is not my life, but the life which Christ lives in me; and my present bodily life is lived by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me.»
During plank - oriented exercises where a limb is lifted from the ground, only the limb and not the body should move.
When I sleep, I usually don't move an inch — so I vividly remember waking up on more than one occasion to find a few of my limbs asleep along with an ugly ache in my hip from being in one position for too long.
When the body takes a hit, or makes an awkward move, fresh and strong muscles can rebalance the body and prevent the limbs from getting into a position where they might get injured.
Over a couple of months, your baby will gradually learn to move confidently from a sitting position to being on all fours, and he'll soon realize he can rock back and forth when his limbs are straight and his trunk is parallel to the floor.
By claiming that he could pry information from the brain without drilling deep inside it — information that could allow a subject to move a computer cursor, play computer games, and even move a prosthetic limb — Schalk was taking on «a very strong existing dogma in the field that the only way to know about how the brain works is by recording individual neurons,» Schmeisser vividly recalls of that day.
A team led by Brown University neuroscientist John Donoghue has implanted sensors in the brains of four quadriplegic patients that connect signals from the motor cortex to output devices, thereby enabling paralyzed patients to move computer cursors, control robotic limbs, and operate wheelchairs.
For years he had been working on a revolutionary method to pick up brain signals from paralyzed patients and translate them into commands to move mechanical limbs.
The AMOC's shallower limbs — which include the Gulf Stream — move warm water from the tropics northward, warming Western Europe.
«There's got to be some weak link in the limb that prevents elephants from moving any faster than they do,» Hutchinson told Science News.
Information from the study could help in the design of robots that may need to move on surfaces such as sand that flows around limbs, said Goldman.
The understanding resulting from the BRAIN project could dramatically enhance the kind of control that can be achieved with BrainGate and even allow a person with paralysis to once again move their own limbs.
Their analysis resulted in moving theropods from Saurischia and into a class of bird - limbed dinosaurs now known as Ornithoscelida (which formerly contained ornithischians like Triceratops).
The function of your pillar is to help you to generate power from the center of your body moving outward towards your extremities being your limbs, or segments.
It's interesting how they've evolved from the first little signs of movement, little scratches and pops, to sturdier, more insistent thumps, and now to the unmistakable sensation of something, someone, moving their limbs around inside of me.
They possess varying numbers of tentacles (ranging from four to up to ten visible limbs) of various lengths, which help them move and are in some of their appearances used directly to attack the player.
Instead, individual limbs are targeted and damaged in order to prevent them from moving or attacking, while also making it easier to attack their weak spot: the nape of the neck.
And Gerwig takes full ownership of the role; even the way she moves, with her limbs as if slightly detached from the rest of her body but completely aware of what she is doing, feels like a choice she went with and committed to.
Ice cycles quiver as she punches the air, flakes of snow slam into tree bark and the limbs of a cherry blossom shake as she gracefully moves from stance to stance.
If you can move the cat without causing harm, wrap it in a towel or small blanket to restrict its limbs and prevent it from scratching and biting you.
Start by gradually moving from the paws up the limbs, over the back and eventually to the top of the head.
In dogs that can not stand or move their limbs, keeping them rested on a soft, well padded bed, rotating from left to right side every four to six hours is ideal to prevent bed sores.
Limiting abduction (limb moving away from midline).
They possess varying numbers of tentacles (ranging from four to up to ten visible limbs) of various lengths, which help them move and are in some of their appearances used directly to attack the player.
The strings from your limb attachments lead to cardboard bricks with light strips on them, so when you move to take a step or throw a punch, the bricks move up and down, and the Joy - Con reads those movement and turns those into on - screen action.
In erasing features, removing limbs, expanding scale, and joining together internal and external bodily parts, she creates three - dimensional figures and objects in clay that move away from familiar images of the human form.
The limbs clearly are trying to move away from the power lines.
Cut back tree - limbs so that they aren't touching your house, ensure that grates, screens or other barriers are in place to prevent access to crawl spaces and attics and also, move wood and other debris away from the house.
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