Sentences with phrase «from multiple schools»

You can request more information from multiple schools offering degree programs in social work.
How will combined summer schools be reported when students attend from multiple school districts?
You should request information from multiple schools to find the program right for you.
My example involves a group of AP Calculus teachers from multiple schools located in a geographical region.
We concentrate on state and metropolitan charter trends and not district level patterns since many charter schools can — and do — draw students from multiple school districts.
LINK Club takes place at an affordable housing community that serves students from multiple schools in Alexandria.
Professional learning can be arranged as an in - school event for a single school or through our regional events, with participants from multiple schools from across the region.
Education savings accounts could prove to be the most effective mechanism for delivering private - school choice: they provide parents with more flexibility to customize the educational experience of their child, potentially drawing from multiple schooling providers.
Because he was able to turn around the Illini football program, Mackovic received interest from multiple schools regarding their head football coaching position.
Students from multiple schools experienced agriculture through hands - on learning on «Ag Day.»
Parents of children in Lackawanna city schools received a letter yesterday informing them of elevated levels of lead in water from multiple schools.
«Because charters are allowed increased flexibility in curriculum and admissions procedures, and because charters typically accept students from multiple school zones or neighborhoods, they are well positioned — in theory — to facilitate student integration through weighted lottery systems and targeted outreach,» notes the February report from The Century Foundation.
Most egregious, teachers from multiple schools reported that the glossary provided for ELL students taking the SBAC test is not translated into all the languages our students speak.
Five years ago Paul Tractenberg proposed several remedies, including developing «a system of very high - quality regional magnet schools that are good enough to attract students of all races and socioeconomic strata from multiple school districts» as well as creating county - wide districts, something I've advocated in the past.
Getting an accurate assessment of why students are defaulting requires input from multiple school professionals.
Academics work with transdisciplinary thought leaders and students from multiple schools worldwide.
Her approach integrates techniques from multiple schools of therapy — psychodynamic, narrative, emotionally focused and behavioral — and is informed by her work with more than two thousand clients; her experience teaching more than a dozen different courses in psychology and marriage and family therapy; and her time spent supervising hundreds of therapists in training.
Expert practitioners also noted that a STEM PLC with teachers from multiple schools is a useful strategy when it is not possible to get more than a very few teachers from a single school (e.g., a PLC focused on the work of high school physics or a PLC for mathematics or science teachers in small schools in a rural area).
Professional learning can be arranged as an in - school event for a single school or through our regional or online courses, with participants from multiple schools.
In general, students who gather information from multiple schools can make a more - informed decision about the future of their education — helping you to find the perfect program for your needs.
This is all in addition to the suggestion that having PLCs with teachers from multiple schools can help create a broader community in which to discuss issues and share best practices.
Insight in action Each year as part of an MSP program, six teachers from multiple schools and districts were selected to serve as full - time release teacher leaders.
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