Sentences with phrase «from new power plants»

When the organization received its first contract from a new power plant back in 2001, it had only two years to commit $ 600,000 to projects.
EPA released a final rule to limit greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants on August 3, 2015.
So please join me in standing up for our children's future and support the EPA's groundbreaking new rule to limit carbon pollution from new power plants today.
Tambour Hefer Ecology Ltd. has begun delivering electricity to the national grid from its new power plant driven by manure and other organic waste located in Hefer Valley, near Hadera.
WASHINGTON — A year after a plan by President Obama to limit greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants set off angry opposition, the administration will announce on Friday that it is not backing down from a confrontation with the coal industry and will press ahead with enacting the first federal carbon limits on the nation's power companies.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued the first - ever limits on heat - trapping pollution from new power plants in March, ignoring protests from the energy industry and Republicans who fear regulation will raise electricity prices and kill off coal as an energy source.
It included options for the president to extend Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations that govern carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants to existing plants, create a North American climate pact with Canada and Mexico, support carbon capture and storage (CCS), expand natural gas drilling, and expand tax credits to other renewables beyond wind.
On Sept. 20, 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a new proposal for carbon pollution from new power plants.
Several other administration policies are likely to have a greater impact on global greenhouse - gas emissions, including the Environmental Protection Agency's rule to limit carbon emissions from new power plants and its first - ever carbon limits on cars and light trucks.
In December, he was among 10 Republicans who split with the party over a bill that would have blocked the first nationwide rules to limit greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants.
In releasing its draft rule in 2013 on carbon emissions from new power plants, EPA cited Kemper, along with three other proposed plants, as an example of the viability of CO2 capture technology.
Like fossil fuel development or not, the Kemper plant is at the center of U.S. EPA's plans to regulate carbon dioxide from new power plants and at the center of global emissions, considering that «low - rank» coals like Mississippi lignite constitute half the world's coal supply.
The bill would also bar the Obama administration from implementing a host of new environmental regulations, including those aimed at regulating greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants.
That work started following the Obama Administration's decision to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants.
The EPA has already written draft regulations to limit emissions from new power plants, but the main opportunity for big reductions lies with new rules on emissions from existing facilities.
That controversial proposal, announced in early June, followed on the heels of EPA's January proposal of regulations limiting greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants.
The Environmental Protection Agency is set to announce a proposed rule to strictly limit carbon emissions from new power plants, several news sources have reported.
Any changes to regulations that have existed for some time and moved into implementation, like fuel - efficiency standards for cars and trucks or rules controlling the carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants, would certainly face legal challenge from environmental groups, some state governments, and even industry groups seeking certainty or to protect investments.
The Environmental Protection Agency proposed standards that will limit dangerous carbon pollution from new power plants.
And the national news isn't all bad, as the US government has issued draft regulations on greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants, and is working on regulations for existing power plants.
«The Environmental Protection Agency's first - ever limits on carbon pollution from new power plants are critically importan...
Crucial new EPA rules are in the works, including regulations on carbon dioxide from new power plants and, climate hawks hope, existing power plants too.
[no - glossary] In late September, the ether was all abuzz with news of EPA's proposed New Source Performance Standards for regulating carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants.
It's taken some time, but the EPA has finally taken a first step towards curbing CO2 emissions from new power plants, particularly coal - fired ones.
The administration also reached an important deal with China to limit hydrofluorocarbons and has implemented or proposed higher standards for gas mileage in cars, fuel cleanliness, energy efficiency in appliances and fewer emissions from new power plants.
«By taking common - sense action to limit carbon pollution from new power plants, we can slow the effects of climate change and fulfill our obligation to ensure a safe and healthy environment for our children,» Ms. McCarthy said in a statement.
While Zichal would not offer details, observers and former Obama administration officials say the plan will call for EPA to go beyond its current efforts to limit carbon emission from new power plants to implement rules on power generating stations that are already in operation.
The administration is preparing regulations to limit carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants, but Ms. McCarthy would not say when they would be released.
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