Sentences with phrase «from normal plant»

These include adequate uranium supply (probably necessitating immense uranium strip mines in Tennessee), almost inconceivable reactor and waste - transport accidents, low - level radiation effects from normal plant operations, and the burden of guarding both radioactive waste and outdated but radioactive nuclear plants for thousands of years.

Not exact matches

MIT's Kirtley noted that remote microgrids that aren't connected to a larger main grid would also require overbuilt generation and energy storage even during normal operations, since they can't get backup power from another central power plant.
The plant runs 24 hours a day from mid-June through September and cuts back to a normal 10 to 12 hour day during the off - season.
But the real thrill came when Stark would grab plants that I had never even heard of before: pineapple weed, chickweed, mugwort, purple - flowered erodium (also called stork's bill), vetch (from the wild pea family), mallow (a plant that, according to Stark, is high in calcium), and the highlight of the day: wild onions, purple - flowered and pleasantly sweeter than your normal green onion.
Now researchers at the Food Technology Plant Special Research Centre (CeRPTA), attached to the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, claim to have created a type of bread with a similar taste and consistency to that derived from wheat flour - with a spongy texture and normal volume.
Because the Wankel is such a departure from normal automotive engines, an ongoing argument has developed over how to determine its displacement or «size,» and as long as the dispute is unresolved, few people will experiment with the power plant in big - time competition.
Such plants have two mutant copies of a gene called hothead, which differ from the normal gene by a single base pair.
When hydrocarbon - based fuels like methane are burned in normal air, nitrogen gets mixed in with the combustion product — flue gases from conventional gas power stations contain as little as 3 percent CO2 — which makes scrubbing carbon from power plant emissions difficult and expensive.
In another experiment, in lab - dish conditions, the researchers colonized roots of sterile - grown normal Arabidopsis plants with a set of 35 bacterial species isolated from roots of plants grown previously in the same native soil.
Inhibition of transcription (blockade of water) on tumor suppressor genes, such as p21, leads to cell transformation (growth of the cactus - like eremophytes instead of normal plants from the drought).
To test whether a partial loss of plant - derived dietary fiber would result in a partial loss of native gut microbes, the authors also collected fecal samples from a semi-captive population of red - shanked doucs who lived in a sanctuary and received about half of the normal variety of plants eaten by wild doucs.
Mander, a chemist from the Australian National University in Canberra, has developed a version of a plant growth hormone which keeps grass lush and green but slows its growth to about a third of its normal rate.
In normal coal - fired plants, nearly all the pollutants go up the smokestack, where some of them are captured from the exhaust by scrubbers.
Because these leaves were unable to proceed through the normal aging process before being dislodged from the trees, nutritional status of the plants temporarily decreases and forest floor nutritional deposits temporarily increase.
Seedlessness in table grapes results from the abortion of the embryonic plant that is produced by fertilization, a phenomenon known as stenospermocarpy which requires normal pollination and fertilization.
Several surveys have suggested that highly diverse plant communities are more resistant than species - poor ones, changing less from their normal state during periods of drought — and recovering more rapidly afterwards.
That way, even if the original genes in the mitochondrial are deleted, the backup copies will be able to supply the proteins needed to keep normal energy production going, allowing the cellular power plants to continue humming along normally and preventing them from entering into the toxic, mutant metabolic state.
Response: SMR - 160 is a small modular pressurized water nuclear reactor power plant that does not rely on any pumps or motors to remove heat from the nuclear fuel, for all normal and accident scenarios.
More than that, we need compounds from colourful pigments in plants so that our immune systems can work effectively, our gut bacteria have the resources they need to work on our behalf and to scavenge and neutralise free radicals produced through the body's normal activity.
Madre Nature itself is sourced from the heart of a Peruvian rainforest, meaning that the plant is in its normal habitat and will produce all of its usual nutrients.
Even though plant foods, especially green leafy vegetables, are high in oxalates, in a normal person the oxalates are poorly absorbed, because in the intestine almost all of this substance is in the insoluble form of calcium oxalate.67 Fats from meat or any other source will assist the absorption of oxalates by forming so - called «soap complexes» with the calcium found in the calcium oxalate present in foods.
From my reading of every vegan DHA status paper I could get my hands on, as well as talking to Jack Norris about this issue repeatedly, I've come to believe that without supplementation it is impossible to achieve normal DHA status on a plant - based diet, no matter how much ALA one consumes.
He said that on this normal - calorie plant - based diet, without fasting, counting calories, suffering from hunger, or skipping meals he had lost 80 pounds (40 kilos) in 6 months!
The normal flowering plant from ginger family is now an excellent remedy to cure various diseases.
Cold pressed juice is more effective than normal juicers because it's a system that's been devised to give the fruit the least exposure to heat and air, so when you sip that delicious juice you're getting freshness that feels like your drinking straight from the trees and plants our fruit and veggies came from.
Back in October when our mama came in town to visit for Molly's birthday I purchased a potted orchid plant from our local Central Market (kind of between a Whole Foods and a normal grocery store) to surprise Molly.
This is another effort from Mitsubishi to help give back to Normal, IL, where it recently closed its Mitsubishi plant.
It contains Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids from fish and plant sources and well as other nutrients needed to promote a healthy skin and shiny coat, and reduce normal shedding in dogs and cats.
Essential oils utilize the oil extracted from plants to enhance recovery, support normal healthy behavior and support a normal healing process in our patients.
The color comes from plant pigments in the food or from normal pigments produced in the wall of the bladder.
Normal rabbit urine can range in color from a light yellow to a deep orange - red (a «rusty» color) due to a variety of plant pigments that may have been eaten or pigments, called porphyrins, produced by the bladder itself.
While it's normal for cats to eat a bit of grass, eating a large amount of plant material could mean something is missing from your cat's diet.
Fire Piranha Plants make their return in New Super Mario Bros., while Big Piranha Plants also make their return from Super Mario Bros. 3; like certain normal Piranha Plants, the later is exclusively seen outside pipes, as huge pipes do not make an appearance.
Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics have now discovered that plants themselves produce methane and emit it into the atmosphere, even in completely normal, oxygen - rich surroundings.
Observational data, evidence from field experiments, and quantitative modeling are the evidence base of the negative effects of extreme weather events on crop yield: early spring heat waves followed by normal frost events have been shown to decimate Midwest fruit crops; heat waves during flowering, pollination, and grain filling have been shown to significantly reduce corn and wheat yields; more variable and intense spring rainfall has delayed spring planting in some years and can be expected to increase erosion and runoff; and floods have led to crop losses.4, 5,6,7
Neilio, I'm with you on this.I just love the way you stand up to that guy's strange arguments.I too am extremely concerned at the way we are all being made to follow this crazy «science», to the detriment of most normal Humans» lives.I'm in England.We are living on a huge mass of fossil fuel, (coal, oil and now gas from Fracking), and we're being told that we must not use it to keep warm.Coal - fired power plants are being shut down.Useless windfarms are swamping our country.Nuclear stations are planned when Germany has banned them in favour of Coal.China and India are building and using more coal stations than we ever did.
Along with the hot summer, annual precipitation for 2003 was as much as 12 inches (300 millimeters) below normal, leaving most of Europe in a drought.21 Damages to the agricultural sector were estimated at more than U.S. $ 16 billion (more than $ 13 billion).3, 21 Many areas saw an increase in wildfires, while low water levels in major rivers led to problems ranging from irrigating crops to cooling power plants.4, 21,22
Data from the Teapot Dome site (Wyoming) indicate continued photosynthesis, but during or immediately after the Cretaceous - Paleogene event, growth was restricted sufficiently to curtail normal plant reproductive cycles.
Under normal driving conditions, well - to - wheel carbon dioxide emissions for vehicles running on electricity from natural gas — fired power plants are one fourth as high as emissions from cars directly burning natural gas.
Perhaps one day in the distant future we'll be able to go 3D - print an apple tree, or build an internet - connected modular maple tree from a kit, or have access to hyper - trees that grow at 10X the normal rate, but until that day arrives (and probably for long after), we'll need to keep buying young trees, planting seeds, and taking cuttings the old - fashioned way, which is actually much simpler and cheaper than any tech solution to anything.
As you are aware normal development proceeds from laboratory scale to pilot plant to semiworks to comercial scale.
However, Consistent Group was far from normal: - The agency recruited Polish staff (for hotels and food processing plants) in Poland, organised their travel, accommodated them in the UK (for full rent) and organised their work with the agency's clients.
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