Sentences with phrase «from nothingness»

In a Christian book of the second century, the Shepherd of Hermas, the first commandment is rendered: «First of all believe that God is one, who created and formed all things, who called everything from nothingness into existence, who, Himself incomprehensible, comprehends all in Himself.»
Having said that, one explanation is that the big bang came from nothingness because nothingness is unstable.
A young cosmologist, John Chan (Chung Yuan Chan) had proven that the Universe only can has two states, nothingness and somethingness, and the Universe must emerge from nothingness into somethingness, and vice versa.
It's only Kanata, the main protagonist, that has the power to bring things back from nothingness by using Memory.
It's only Kanata, the main protagonist, that has the power to bring things back from nothingness by using Memory.
Without a model of quantum gravity, it is IMPOSSIBLE to describe the initial state of the universe, or even be sure if it really was a singularity, let alone «coming into existence from nothingness» (not that we even have an example of «nothingness» to compare to.
William is righteous in that our spirited souls do not exist for they are made from nothingness which is God's Holy Spirit.
Just the one of were we created by a God or did we arrive here from nothingness?
Which is to say that the path which the individual life must take is one of growth from nothingness to being, by attempting first to understand that one's life situation is ambiguous; second, by opening oneself up to the creative God - power within oneself and waiting for its revelation, however gradually it may come; and third, by acting upon its discovery.
Total surrender to a God who loves us will result in our being lifted up and rescued from that nothingness simply because he loves us beyond anything we can imagine, BUT, we do have to test that fact, in our human frailty.
After excoriating the «nothingness» of the Reagan and Bush years, she writes: «But the recoil from nothingness has left a space that, just possibly, could be filled in by a new faith that government can help people's lives.
You also might realize that the vast majority of those of us with «deep psychiatric issues» (your words) have no problem at all with atheistic beliefs (and they are beliefs — you are choosing to believe the universe sprang from nothingness, which is no less absurd than a benevolent creator).
Either God started from nothingness or the Universe did.
Here, a galvanized civilization created water from nothingness.
Feint forces of the universe they were, nearly indiscernible from the nothingness like a warm breeze on a hot summer night.
Each individual work exists as though emerging from air, as though pulled from nothingness into form, balancing light and color.
If 342 is the incoming solar radiation, you can not produce 150 W / m ^ 2 out from nothingness.
The humanist witness of his fiction is to testify, negatively, that neither art nor life can be made from nothingness.
And thus we live both before and after the Council by that ultimate, mysterious and yet so obvious substance of our faith, that is in living union with the holy and eternal God, who is not only our Creator and Lord because he has called us his creatures forth from nothingness, but who is also eternal love, who gives us his own glorious eternal life in Jesus Christ and his Spirit.
I am unaware of any scientific theories that claim «we arrive here from nothingness» There is speculation and hypotheses on the ultimate origin of this universe, but I know of no accepted scientific theory that answers that question.
I'm waxing quite Eastern here, I know, But that, I would say, is the nature of God's presence in the fallen world: his image, his bride, the deep joy and longing of creation, called from nothingness to be joined to him.
THIS is why we have hope, that though we will have ceased to be, though we be not found, He will bring us back from nothingness.
Why aren't atheists ever swayed into belief by WLC's meanderings about his hypothetical «uncaused caused» (named god) which is made of nothing but poofed everything into existence from its nothingness?
If indeed we can have within us the evolutionary steps starting with cosmic creation — from nothingness into everything that IS, to open up to the part of our hearts and minds that experience this is to reestablish our connection with the oneness from which we came.
During this short time, we don't have the apparatus to fully understand God, but many of us see the fallacy of believing in things like the «big bang» theory where ordered things come from nothingness.
Current theory does not suggest that our universe was created from nothingness, but rather was an offshoot of one of an infinite number of other universes in an «n» dimensional Multiverse.
Thou from nothingness hast called us into being; and when we had fallen away from thee, thou didst raise us up again; and thou hast not ceased to do all things until thou hadst brought us back to heaven and hadst endowed us with thy kingdom which is to come.
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