Sentences with phrase «from obedience to authority»

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Once God has ceased to exist in human experience as the omnipotent and numinous Lord, there perishes with him every moral imperative addressed to man from a beyond, and humanity ceases to be imprisoned by an obedience to an external will or authority.
The Roman Catechism, issued in 1566, three years after the end of the Council of Trent, taught that the power of life and death had been entrusted by God to civil authorities and that the use of this power, far from involving the crime of murder, is an act of paramount obedience to the fifth commandment.
Whenever I felt that our obedience to or admiration of a leader was too great, this explanation was always used... that we were serving God, not the person in authority who was benefiting from...
Whenever I felt that our obedience to or admiration of a leader was too great, this explanation was always used... that we were serving God, not the person in authority who was benefiting from it.
«6 Such a God is the author, or the excuse for «the alien power of the moral imperative» which is «addressed to man from a beyond» and imprisons him «by an obedience to an external will or authority.
The beginning of the exercise of parental authority is precisely that: the father's recognition that he has a moral obligation to inculcate in his son the habits of prudence and obedience, and thus to protect his son (and the rest of the family, and possibly the neighborhood) from the boy's own childish irresponsibility.
Christ's authority to be called «lord» comes not only from his exaltation by God through the resurrection and ascension but through his self - emptying obedience.
First of all, he has not understood that he himself, according to Jesus, is claimed by God, an authority experienced as external to himself, and is by Him constrained to decision in the present moment — that God requires from him obedience.
Thus a teacher is not and never can be a civil servant... Whatever authority he may possess to teach and control children, and to claim their respect and obedience, comes to him from God, through the parents and not through the State, except in so far as the State is acting on behalf of the parents.
The obedience for which Jesus asks is easy, because it frees a man from dependence on a formal authority, and therefore frees him also from the judgment of the men whose profession it is to explain this authority.
The obedience that Jesus gave to his Father he expected the people to give to him, for he had not worked from his own authority but from the authority of God who sent him.
The first is obedience to authority without conviction; and the other is destroying them that differ from me for God's sake.»
50 years of «obedience to authority»: From blind conformity to engaged followership.
By turns both moving and chilling, Blass's biography profiles psychologist Stanley Milgram, who conducted the notorious 1960s obedience experiments in which compliant subjects inflicted what seemed to be electric shocks on a screaming victim (in fact an actor) on orders from an authority figure.
But when he begins to understand that Christ has delivered him from the reign of sin, when he begins to see that he is united to Him who has all power and authority and that it is possible to walk in obedience, he begins to have hope, and as he hopes in Christ, he begins to have joy.
At that point, the government is acting illegally, and has abandoned all legitimacy, and any moral authority to expect obedience from citizens.
To all cases arising under the laws of the United States, because, as such laws, constitutionally made, are obligatory on each State, the measure of obligation and obedience ought not to be decided and fixed by the party from whom they are due, but by a tribunal deriving authority from both the partieTo all cases arising under the laws of the United States, because, as such laws, constitutionally made, are obligatory on each State, the measure of obligation and obedience ought not to be decided and fixed by the party from whom they are due, but by a tribunal deriving authority from both the partieto be decided and fixed by the party from whom they are due, but by a tribunal deriving authority from both the parties.
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