Sentences with phrase «from omnipotence»

When they are thought of through the metaphor of women's breasts, the connotation is even more remote from omnipotence.
We are limiting the ways in which God can gain glory from His omnipotence.

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Why should God's omniscience and omnipotence obligate him to prevent us from doing bad things, thereby violating our free choice?
Hence, only the first interpretation is meaningful, and it can not be used to deduce from the existence of (genuine) moral evil the nonexistence of benevolent omnipotence, since «whether the free men created by God would always do what is right would presumably be up to them» (GPE 271).
Not only creation out of nothing but omnipotence in general is absent from the Bible.
Do we not all wonder from time to time, from funeral to funeral, from war to war, why God does not fire up that omnipotence and straighten things out?
In this freedom from self, says Bonhoeffer, is to be found all that we can know of God's omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
Take any traditional objection to accepting the old Platonic analogy of God as the World Soul and it can be shown that the objection stands or falls with aspects of a tradition which philosophy has been moving away from since the middle ages — for instance ideas of sheer infinity, sheer immutability, also what is usually meant by omnipotence.
From these he emphatically excludes the notion of omnipotence.
«The Highest Beings stand out from one another as dark omnipotence and shining goodness, not as later with Marcion in dogma and creed, but in the actual experience of the poor soul of man.»
His religious difficulty came from the kind of theology he found around him, its habit of identifying words in a book (written by human hands and thought by human brains) with the words of God, also from the habit of playing fast and loose with the dangerously ambiguous concepts of omnipotence and omniscience, and taking these more seriously than any definite affirmation of the freedom of creatures to make decisions that are their own and not God's.
Surely, if God could reassert divine omnipotence from time to time, these kinds of things should be done» (PPT 193).
For Israel, God was the ultimate reality, he was all power (though that is very different from the concept of omnipotence of later centuries), and he was good — not a being concerned with selfish interests, but his character was grace and love.
If it was God, God did it from omniscience / omnipotence, knowing the initial conditions that would result in us after 13.8 B years.
Professor Hartshorne has reinterpreted the omnipotence of God from a Whiteheadian perspective in such a way as to shed light on the problem of evil.
God's omnipotence follows from His existence as naturally known, andhuman freedom is a concrete datum of experience as well as a presupposition of the Gospel.
God appears to me in another form besides that of love; in the form of omnipotence, of a severe power not bound by love... So long as love is not exalted into... an essence, so long there lurks in the background of love a subject who even without love is something by himself, an unloving monster, a diabolical being, whose personality, separable and actually separated from love, delights in the blood of heretics and unbelievers, — the phantom of religious fanaticism.»
It rather arises from, and leads to, the discovery that God is love, and that it is by forgiving that he manifests most fully both his love and his omnipotence
What is confusion for us is order for Him, what we call chance is designed by Him, thought out from eternity and executed with omnipotence.
Man has departed from God; he does not see God's activity in the everyday events of the world; the thought of omnipotence is to him an empty speculation which gains meaning only if he sees God's miracles.
«Omnipotence does not refer to God's absolute power to accomplish what he wants... God's omnipotence is the power to let black people stand out from whiteness and toOmnipotence does not refer to God's absolute power to accomplish what he wants... God's omnipotence is the power to let black people stand out from whiteness and toomnipotence is the power to let black people stand out from whiteness and to be.»
Their positive meaning is lit up only by the fact that in this act He is this God and therefore the true God, distinguished from all false gods by the fact that they are not capable of this act, that they have not in fact accomplished it, that their supposed glory and honour and eternity and omnipotence not only do not include but exclude their self - humiliation.
This image is shocking, even almost blasphemous, when examined from the point of view of our ordinary standards of rationality, or of what we usually think should qualify as ultimate reality, or omnipotence or as the foundation of our being.
Now, when God's enemy stands before Him, He cries to God, whose omnipotence He knows: «All things are possible with thee; let this cup pass from me» (Mark 14:36).
But he clearly doesn't mean by this that the concept of omnipotence he attributes to God is derived solely from biblical statements, for he immediately adds that «unfortunately, Scripture contains no explicit statement concerning God's omnipotence, nor does it discuss the issue in any philosophical way.»
Just because your actions illicit an emotional response from someone doesn't make you «more powerful» or removes their omnipotence.
Another problem came from the new doctrine of divine omnipotence.
20 Omnipotence is «derived predominantly from abstract thought.»
And what is interesting here, I think, is that while the standard view of omnipotence does not appear to entail that beings other than God are devoid of power, it does entail that the exercise of power on the part of any finite being is importantly conditioned, i.e., it is contingent upon God's willingness to refrain from exercising some power of his own.
Since, for Griffin, what I have called the «standard view» of omnipotence is not distinguished from and, inflict (given one of his arguments) reduced to the monopolistic view, it, too, is incoherent and for the same reasons.
Although the concept of omnipotence used in traditional Christian literature is not a paradigm of clarity, the questions asked in this passage can only have resulted from a somewhat surprising misconstrual on Hartshorne's part.
As should be clear from the foregoing account, Griffin's argument against the standard view of omnipotence rests on the claim that Premise X is in some way deficient.
God is to be known in human form, as a man existing for others; and the sole ground for the doctrine of His omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence in His freedom from self, maintained even to the point of the death of God incarnate.
He has been reproached by sociologists for believing in the omnipotence of the scholarly analyst of the laboratory without ever having used the laboratory, and for explaining events as the function of «technical» expressions which hide reality from him in the same manner that the accounts of corporations are carefully edited and kept from the public by so - called «experts.»
He asks how God knows continua of possibilities, and he responds that it is from the combination of God's omniscience and omnipotence.
Well, it may provide some of us with a feeling of God - like omnipotence to feed the birds in winter, but the face of God that is reflected in Jesus» teaching from the mountain is not that of a kindly Feeder of Birds.
Our desire to be magically extricated from all situations of disorder that inevitably accompany adventure precipitates numerous forms of self - abasement and hostility in the face of the imagined omnipotence of a divine potentate.
Descartes, far from disassociating himself from that view of divine omnipotence, held an especially strong version of it.
Just as the divine omnipotence and omniscience can not be realized existentially apart from his word uttered with reference to a particular moment and heard in that moment, so this Word is what it is only in the moment in reference to which it is uttered.
From the psalmist's perspective, more metaphysical than temporal, priorities are also realigned by God's omnipotence.
From Leibniz through Hume, from Alvin Plantinga to J. L. Mackie, the problem of evil has often been cast in bare intellectual terms: how to think through the contradiction that stands between the goodness, omniscience, and omnipotence of God, on the one hand, and the massive misery and undeserved suffering that characterize God's world, on the otFrom Leibniz through Hume, from Alvin Plantinga to J. L. Mackie, the problem of evil has often been cast in bare intellectual terms: how to think through the contradiction that stands between the goodness, omniscience, and omnipotence of God, on the one hand, and the massive misery and undeserved suffering that characterize God's world, on the otfrom Alvin Plantinga to J. L. Mackie, the problem of evil has often been cast in bare intellectual terms: how to think through the contradiction that stands between the goodness, omniscience, and omnipotence of God, on the one hand, and the massive misery and undeserved suffering that characterize God's world, on the other.
(When, as a toddler, I continued to defy my father and, while looking him in the eye, repeatedly put my finger on the electric socket, I was exercising my power from an identity of omnipotence.)
But it kept Thanos» most significant act as a figure of omnipotence: the moment he erased half of the sentient population of the universe from existence.
Today gold is understood from a Common Knowledge perspective only as a shadow or reflection of a powerful stand - alone Narrative regarding central banks, particularly the Fed... what I will call the Narrative of Central Banker Omnipotence.
This, on the human scale, is ironic acrobatics, a juggler's trick, an incomprehensible display of omnipotence - arrogance, since from this ever renewed impurity of the air we come, we animals and we plants, and we the human species, with our four billion discordant opinions, our milleniums of history, our wars and shames, nobility and pride.
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