Sentences with phrase «from omnipresent»

Just as Google moves away from the omnipresent search bar, Samsung's bringing it back.
To escape from these omnipresent conditions Vasquez began tagging facades and walls, thereby improving his technique and furthering his reputation.
As an ostensibly secular country built around the supposedly rational ideology of democratic capitalism, a drive across its vast and varying landscape reveals a space steeped in its own mysticism, manifest in any form from the omnipresent evangelism of the bible belt to the rootless, new aged occultism of California.
Describing them not as a playful diversion but a contagious affliction, Kusama's world was plagued by an obsessive imagination, and she found making art to be her only escape from her omnipresent visions.
At one end we struggle to engage parents who show little interest in their child's education and at the other, we can feel vulnerable and even under attack from the omnipresent eye of parents who demand high levels of involvement.
The tension in «Schindler's List» comes, of course, from the omnipresent threat of violence.
Now he has to seek refuge from their omnipresent importunity.

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It is omnipresent in the news — from the FBI attempt to force Apple to create a «backdoor» for the iPhone to the Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital payment to regain computer system control from hackers.
I pray to whichever holy name (God, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna, Jesus, etc.) suits the ONE Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent being that ignorance is wiped away from our species and we become a closer, more loving, peaceful creature and that we realize how much time we waste and how much further we push our fellow neighbor and brother under God, regardless of creed, away debating over who's God is better and discover the error of our ways before we destroy each other... before it's too late, because The End is Nigh!!!!! LOL!!!!! Really though, isn't the world full of enough tragedy, and aren't their so many more important things that need our energy and attention like the innocent children in Pakistan dying from diseases from the flood or the homeless children in our own country, or the lack of education, which is exactly what leads to this kind of debate?
From commercials predicated on creating desires rather than on meeting utilitarian needs, to the therapeutic rhetoric of politicians of Left and Right, the gravitational pull toward a psychological understanding of the self is powerful and omnipresent.
The conclusion from this examination of the texts is that the analogy between molecules and electrons on the one hand and God and actual occasions on the other is without foundation and very misleading, since it lulls the unwary reader into feeling that since Whitehead at least implicitly acknowledges overlapping regional standpoints in the first instance (which we have seen to be false) then to say that God is omnipresent, meaning that the standpoint of God includes the regions which constitute the standpoints of all actual occasions, is merely an extension of a general principle which Whitehead at least implicitly endorses.
More and more it became evident to me that everything I loved about the Irish character was inseparable from its religion, because the religion was omnipresent in everything people thought and did.
While freedom can manifest itself in the form of creative reconstruction, it can also, when combined with the omnipresent factor of inequality, lead to injustices beyond those that may flow from our natural inequalities.
Myles Dempsey is omnipresent at New Dawn, greeting everyone, trundling in his chair - bike across the meadow, transferring painfully from it to join guest speakers for lunch.
No assumptions have to be made to know an all - knowing omnipresent super-ghost creates universes and planets from nothing using his cool god magic!
In Creative Synthesis and Philosophical Method Charles Hartshorne writes: God «Can not absolutely conceal himself from any creature, for the omnipresent can never be more than relatively inaccessible» (CSPM 156, italics added.
Traditional church architecture may have sprung from contingent roots, but it has been refined by millennia of observation: God is omnipresent, but we perceive the divine presence better in some places than in others.
22 In the world's transition from triviality toward aesthetic intensity there is the omnipresent risk of evil.
Referring to the Oneness of the Trinity which is omnipresent, I can only say from my own experience with our Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, that none of them could ever do anything the two other persons couldn't or wouldn't do as well.
The omnipresent Idly from South India was a delicacy in mom's place before my marriage.
Woods, though, was as inaccessible as he was omnipresent during his fifth Jam, gliding from a three - hole celebrity golf match on Saturday morning through a mingle - with - role - models session for children in the afternoon, to a concert (featuring VH - 1 darlings Train and Woods's longtime favorite, Don Henley) in the evening.
Almost all the stools and tables were occupied, the beer was flowing, and the omnipresent televisions flickered from their perches.
For another, it misses the point of the original ad campaign, where it was an unspoken and omnipresent absurdity that the little clown head from the top of your antenna was suddenly the CEO of a multinational corporation.
The awkward transition from Kahn to Neuer; Rensing debuted for Bayern in 2003 but due t0 the omnipresent Oliver Kahn never managed to establish himself as more than a solid # 2.
But how did a 7 - inch - high rubber giraffe from Europe become omnipresent in the United States?
They are becoming omnipresent in the economy and are set to replace jobs in many sectors across the economy, ranging from finance and law to transportation and call centres.
Competition from lottery games, like the omnipresent Quick Draw electronic games, is far and away the key reason for declining bingo and raffles of charitable groups.
Neither pension forfeiture nor cracking down on Super PACs has anything to do with these matters, good - government advocates say, and while laudable, they shouldn't substitute for proposals that restrict the flow of campaign money or the omnipresent correlation between those who donate and benefit from favorable state actions.
Now we have an entity that seems more befitting of the title: the omniscient, omnipresent and unseen «u-bit» (see «From i to u: Searching for the quantum master bit «-RRB-.
And although his theories were not yet mature, he was completely aware of their explosive nature: By dissociating intellect and morality from god's power of creation, and attributing them instead to self - evolving forces, Darwin undermined the very foundations of a society shaped by the Anglican Church, with its hopes of eternal life and the omnipresent threat of punishment.
Amid the thick, omnipresent arctic pack ice, the only predator they encounter — aside from humans — is the killer whale.
Supreme Consciousness or Pure Being is defined here as the eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient one life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death, yet also contained within that myriad of form from mineral to plant to lower animal to human at it's innermost, indestructible essence.
During colder months, it can be easy to cozy up with less than healthy fare, from apple cider doughnuts to the omnipresent Halloween candies.
Moving away from the all - matte - everything of last year, an omnipresent look at each show this year was healthy looking, dewy skin.
It even features a nearly omnipresent voice over narration detailing your adventures from the friendly «Uncle Jack» television personality, who both inspires the people to be the best they can be and to violently kill those who do not conform.
Wasson describes how many of her young, single and female patients aged around 25 - 30 experience a pressure from seeing their friends marrying and starting family, a strain that's further compounded by the omnipresent biological clock.
The nation's design, a veritable wellspring of ideas from an alternate reality, centers African aesthetics and artistic philosophies in lieu of their omnipresent Western counterparts.
Freed from the stress of duty and the tyranny of judgment, from the pressure of being perfect or at least omnipresent, Marlo comes back to life.
The impact of these quiet moments (and others) found in McCarey's mature sound work stems at least in part from the fact that music is so omnipresent in his films.
Mama has watched over them since their crazed father Jeffrey (the suddenly omnipresent Nikolaj Coster - Waldau), still smarting from a bad day on Wall Street that saw him going postal, tried to execute them in a remote cabin in the woods.
And the one performance we really can't imagine the show working without, aside from Tambor's, is probably that of the relatively omnipresent Amy Landecker as Sarah Pfefferman.
With his pitched Monty Burns haircut, single brown tooth and comically oversaturated blue contact lenses that make him look like a White Walker from Game of Thrones whenever he removes his omnipresent aviator sunglasses, Depp's Bulger is more courtroom sketch than man, though he does provide the requisite menace to earn the fear of those who would consider crossing him.
Braving the bitter cold were bottled - water swigging swarms of bundled - up buyers and journalists and filmmakers and celebrities — everybody from Colin Farrell to Mos Def to the omnipresent Paris Hilton.
Its huge success may have been instrumental in pushing Black over the line from lovable manchild to omnipresent irritation.
The increasingly omnipresent actor is some way from «Breaking Bad,» a broken, grizzled failure of a man, always aware of the price he pays for running with the dicier members of society, and grudgingly, heartbreakingly accepting of the inevitable conclusion to his lifestyle when it comes.
The Five - Year Engagement is far from their best work, and yet it does its own small part to celebrate the human in the age of the omnipresent superhero.
Much mileage is also gained from the resort's omnipresent, nine - man harmony group called Thathoo (featuring members from the South African a cappella group Junior Mambazo).
From the point of view of someone who started working in theatrical features when computers were completely absent, to now 45 years later when they are omnipresent, Murch will explore the constants that nonetheless remain after the «bones» of celluloid and sprockets have dissolved away, and examine the salient technical, artistic, and philosophical differences between the post-production of a theatrical scripted film and a feature - length documentary.
With strong supporting work from the always reliable Julie Walters and Jim Broadbent, as well as Emory Cohen coming into his own as a young actor on the rise and the omnipresent Domhnall Gleeson, Brooklyn proves that some good old Hollywood sentiment still can find a place in the modern world.
With strong supporting work from the always reliable Julie Walters and Jim Broadbent, as well as Emory Cohen coming into his own as a young actor on the rise and the omnipresent Domhnall Gleeson,
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