Sentences with phrase «from other dimensions»

Dark matter could be small black holes or objects from other dimensions.
Her artworks are in a constant flux of becoming; often composed from fragments of past and present works, as well as fragments from other dimensions.
But the movement fell apart when its inventor, John C. Lilly, started taking LSD while floating and claimed to encounter beings from other dimensions.
Oh, and they may have unleashed monsters from other dimensions into the Earth's temporal plane.
In Gameloft's new release, Spiderman Unlimited, Nick Fury decides to bring in several Spideys from other dimensions to combat the Sinister Six and their henchmen.
He's on his way to become part of the sorcery squad defending the world from threats from other dimensions just as the Avengers deal with physical ones.
Plot spoiler: there's a villain (telegraphed from the first time we meet him), and our four protagonists — now physically transformed because of an accident involving radiation from that other dimension — must learn to work as a team to destroy him.
But this is a world where Glory is earned by killing chickens minding their own business, to say nothing of chopping down liches from other dimensions.
As the shifting multiverse bends cities into pretzels, the MS750 digs up rich and defined upper bass to bring some authority to the table, while the upper register cuts the sparks from the fiery weapons the sorcerers conjure from other dimensions with clear distinction, drawing you deeper into the story.
Although the palette may actually be a bit lighter then Metroid, the general atmosphere and visuals are darker, featuring piles of corpses and monsters from other dimensions.
In Gameloft's new release, Spiderman Unlimited, Nick Fury decides to bring in several Spideys from other dimensions to combat the Sinister Six and their henchmen.
Our universe's creation is only possible via «spill - over» from other dimensions.
«This is a coming - of - age story for young adults, taking place in a modern world full of dark witch, evil sorcerers, good wizards, and beings from other dimensions.
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