Sentences with phrase «from other projects»

Using a PowerPoint or other medium, begin to cover with students the basic elements of a Type 3 and what makes it different from other projects.
In fact, the instructor probably has other responsibilities, which means training time takes time away from other projects.
How did working on this film differ from other projects you've worked on?
What can we learn from other projects of apology and recognition?
If you already have all or most of the ingredients on hand from other projects, the DIY base version is going to be less expensive.
The main benefit is that you can easily copy objects from other projects (e.g. images, texts, or sounds, along with their properties) at any time.
What is it that sets this project apart from your other projects?
If you do the other stuff first, you can pay for your PV system with the dollar savings from the other projects.
And, an important difference from other projects is that it uses a decentralized system to match buyers with sellers.
Assisted other experts in completing projects by sharing knowledge and experience garnered from other projects.
For the wood, you can reuse wood from other projects to minimize costs.
Was your process any different from other projects you've worked on?
Use leftover scraps from other projects or slice off narrow lengths from your favourite vintage fabrics.
Baby bibs are really simple to make and a great way to use leftover material from other projects or old towels.
I had most of these simple materials left from other projects and the wreath I picked up at the Dollar Tree.
Now what is not to like about a free project that you can upcycle some odds and ends from other projects with.
At times White has done the work for the U.S. team for no charge, but he keeps his lab going with funding from other projects, such as a study he did for an elliptical bike maker to examine whether the product maintained fitness in high - level athletes, working with collegiate teams, and donations from former rowers.
As part of Agency by Design's work, the research team began to wonder: What thinking routines could we borrow and expand on from other Project Zero initiatives, and what thinking routines could we develop ourselves, that would cultivate the three primary maker capacities of looking closely, exploring complexity, and finding opportunity?
TRON's «paper» is mostly copied from other projects, or is super basic p2p passed off as original.
MIT Technology Review called it «bold but short on ideas,» while others have pointed out that much of the technical theory laid out in the document is recycled from other projects.
This usually seems to be a popular item at craft bazaars, and it is a great way to use up scraps of yarn from other projects.
Ladder stitch links are easy to make in your spare time with leftover beads from other projects.
Students submit their work, get feedback from their teachers, glean inspiration from other projects and refine their designs as they go.
Since all of my supplies were left overs from other projects.
For the second level domain names you do the DNS settings for your domain names yourself or point the domain to our IP address (any from region -, where everything is already set, Then you can drive the traffic from your other projects to your dating site and promote it in the search engines.
Scott has a few exes of his own to deal with too, and all the exes, both his and hers, do smart turns, in part because of the many smart actors you'll remember from other projects that drop by: Alison Pill, of «Milk» and «In Treatment,» as a former sweetheart working through her issues as Sex Bob - Omb's drummer and «Fantastic Four's» Chris Evans as skateboard superstar Ramona - ex, among others.
The Avengers is probably the most impactful Marvel film we've seen yet, taking the studio to new heights, inspiring games from LEGO console adventures to casino titles not unlike the aforementioned Punisher game, and even earning its own sequel despite sprouting from other projects.
The broader look of the world is an afterthought, seemingly cribbed from other projects.
To meet state mandates on school security, many Florida districts are shifting money from other projects, including instructional, dipping into reserves or contemplating borrowing.
They grow at a snail's pace in order to cultivate talented employees and teams (a very good approach), but that means that new projects take away resources from other projects.
Dark Day Interactive - is a small indie Development company, based in Australia and the United Kingdom, with past experience in the video game market, with the current release of Once Bitten, Twice Dead on PC, and iOS hits like Sky Island, the team has taken there past skills and knowledge from other projects and combined them into one tight company, answering to no major publishers, only making games they love, for the community and helped shape by the community.
The last exhibit — it is in fact located on the second floor in the video room, but stands out from the other projects focused on the venue or Monaco — is one of NMNM's latest acquisitions.
Rediscovered, repurposed remnants from other projects gain new life.
But the constant cycle of collecting, analyzing, reviewing, and producing data wholly disconnected from other projects has created a lot of inefficiency.
However, that holds only for the parts that you import from this other project.
But the northern white rhino project is fundamentally different from other projects like the Woolly Mammoth Revival, and that makes the money worth it, says Joseph Bennett, an assistant professor at Carleton University, who's criticized the costs of de-extinction and is not involved in the northern white rhino project.
Also in January of this year, the team was called out for plagiarizing huge portions of their whitepaper from other projects, most notably their competitor SONM.
Competition from other projects could also play a part, though at the aforementioned Taipei blockchain conference in November 2017, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin seemed unconcerned about potential threats from competitors, saying, «The Ethereum killer is Ethereum, the Ethereum of China is Ethereum, the Ethereum of Taiwan is Ethereum... 2.0.»
As Buterin revealed, 20 percent of the post was plagiarized from the Tron website, a clear play on the accusations that much of Tron's whitepaper was plagiarized from other projects.
While the Billing Clerk will be a part of the Accounting Team, this individual must be able to work with and take direction from other project managers.
The developer accused the brokerage of tortiously interfering with his contracts and damaging his reputation, and he withheld commissions from the other project on which the brokerage served as listing agent.
wish i could afford your help with a design dilemma i have, but i will just have to take my cue for now from your other projects.
I had left over drawer pulls from other projects so I chose one to use as a handle for the cloche.
And, I used leftover tile from other projects to tile the wall behind the washer and dryer, and leftover lumber to build the shelves.
If you have lots of fabric scraps leftover from other projects, don't throw them away!
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