Sentences with phrase «from other shooters»

Controls are great, but what really sets this game apart from every other shooter out there is the cover system.
The key thing that makes the series different from other shooters on the market is its loving art direction and fun, wacky characters.
Otherwise, it was a fair multiplayer mode that didn't hold anything distinctly notable from other shooters.
I'll always enjoy this game as it really does stand out from other shooters by doing something different.
You need to play with an entirely different mindset from other shooters, especially concentrating on the melee attacks.
What mostly sets this game apart from other shooters is how it looks and sounds, one of those aspects being good and the other one being sort of a mixed bag.
There's a few quirks to the controls that are necessarily different from other shooters.
Otherwise, it was a fair multiplayer mode that didn't hold anything distinctly notable from other shooters.
all suggest that Special Forces: Team X wanted to be a zany, off - the - wall game, that it wanted to try to set itself apart from the other shooters out there.
The original game was regarded as a particularly fun and challenging dual - sticker shooter roguelike that plays a lot different from other shooter roguelikes, and this expanded version keeps that similar heterodoxy while adding a ton to the game.
The two Wolfenstein games made by MachineGames are far different from any other shooters released recently, not only for its complete focus on a single player story mode but also for the daring themes explored in the plot.
Payday 2 has the quintessential control scheme from any other shooter out there, so you know what to expect.
The graphics in The Bug Butcher are very cool and help to set this game apart from other shooters in the genre.
Side - scrolling shooters are available in abundance so what exactly sets apart Sine Mora EX from these other shooters.
Breach will test your patience, but gamers who need a respite from other shooters will find a reliably enjoyable experience.
The game lands a solid punch that even the most die - hard of fans from other shooters will have a hard time not appreciating.
When you factor in that you can «Rodeo» enemy Titans by jumping on top, ripping open a hatch, and hammering the vitals with your pistol to take them down, you can see how this game aims to take the crown from all other shooters.
It seemed as though THQ was doing everything right with Homefront — the marketing was there, there was plenty of hype and the story, written by Hollywood screenwriter John Milius, was unique from other shooters.
It doesn't matter if you've come from other shooters like Call of Duty or Destiny, you'll find find yourself right at home with Overwatch.
This is what differentiates Splatoon from other shooters.
Days of Crime also stands apart from other shooters thanks to its advanced customisation system.
What they really act as is target practice, and the chaos that ensues during these battles is currently unmatched in intensity from any other shooter.
The original game was regarded as a particularly fun and challenging dual - sticker shooter roguelike that plays a lot different from other shooter roguelikes, and this expanded version keeps that similar heterodoxy while adding a ton to the game.
The two Wolfenstein games made by MachineGames are far different from any other shooters released recently, not only for its complete focus on a single player story mode but also for the daring themes explored in the plot.
The typical and fairly responsive control scheme from every other shooter out there, and the same non-ideal vehicular gameplay as always.
The sound effects and the music in The Bug Butcher also help to demarcate this game from other shooters out this year that approach the gameplay in the same fashion.
A major component of what stands Titanfall apart from other shooters is the inclusion of a minion system.
Another thing that makes Destiny different from other shooters is the mission design; the missions feel like they were designed more with co-op play and replayability in mind than for an immersive single player experience.
Outlining future plans for Titanfall 2, developers Respawn Entertainment made a blog post talking about what sets their game apart from other shooters.
⋅ In your experience is balancing in LB different from other shooters?
With the aforementioned feature set it feels thoroughly modern, and its relatively slow pace sets it apart from other shooters.
It fits the style and the tone of the game perfectly, and sets it apart from every other shooter I've ever played.
From the beginning Ikaruga stood out from other shooters, distinguished by a unique artistic style that was both austere and painstakingly detailed at the same time.
In general, there's little to differentiate it from any other shooter's comparable modes.
The Division still remains one of my most anticipated games so it was great to see some more gameplay footage and what makes it different from other shooters.
Despite heavily «borrowing» from other shooters (most notably Gradius series) and some pixellation of graphics, the game is still highly entertaining and plays flawlessly.
What really makes The New Order stands out from other shooters is that it has cheesy big budget cut - scenes and out of this world gameplay grounded in some reality.
But what is it that sets Starhawk apart from other shooters?
GamingBolt had a chance to speak to publishing producer Chris Thomas a E3 2015 about Battleborn and found out what sets the game apart from other shooters, how players will keep coming back and some of the cooler things you can do.
The multiplayer tries mechanics to differentiate itself from other shooters (setting traps, for example).
Because you are directly controlling a flying knight / badass who wouldn't have it any other way, Lords of Thunder has a number of characteristics that set it apart from other shooters.
This flexibility to customize each ability according to your play style is what really makes your experience playing Destiny stand out from other shooters.
Although frequently hard to keep track of, especially upon first play through, it's a nice addition of dramatic weirdness that helps set the game apart from other shooters.
By jumping back to the first world war, developer EA Dice has not only discovered fresh game design ideas through the antiquated weaponry, it has also ensured that its game stands apart from other shooters, which have dominated disc - trays for the past 10 years.
Distinguishing it from other shooters of a similar caliber might be difficult, but if done correctly, and with a compelling story, a Punisher game could easily be a beautiful, brutal, and absolutely fun game to experience.
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