Sentences with phrase «from outside jobs»

Here is the summary on it: Lawmakers will be required to disclose their income from outside jobs.
Good - government groups have long said one way to prevent corruption is to pay lawmakers more and restrict how much they can make from outside jobs.
Only 11 state lawmakers made $ 100,000 or more from their outside jobs.
Lawmakers would have to disclose their earnings from outside jobs.
Disclosure forms made available for the first time Wednesday by the state Joint Commission on Public Ethics detail the amount of money state lawmakers earn from their outside jobs.
And any pay hike may also be tied to changes in overall lawmaker pay, such as capping the amount legislators can receive from outside jobs and imposing new documentation requirements to collect per diems.
But if you're responding to conflict in a negative way, or feeling threatened by a peer or subordinate, or letting life pressures from outside the job leach into the workplace, counselling in the short term can offer some insight into why you're acting the way you are.
There are significant differences in outside income among legislators of different demographic groups: White legislators earn an average of $ 35,273 per year from outside jobs, compared to $ 2,733 for African American lawmakers and $ 11,333 for Latinos.
The debate hinges on possible limits on the income lawmakers can make from outside jobs - an idea popular with Democrats but opposed by Republicans.
The lawyers, represented by the Public Employees Federation union, are protesting the demand, which would make public some of their and their spouses's financial details — such as the value of stock holdings, rental income or money earned from outside jobs.
Republicans earned substantially more from outside jobs (between $ 39,119 and $ 67,582 per member) than Democrats (between $ 9,982 and $ 20,504).
The recent indictment of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is simply the latest in a series of scandals involving the conflicts created by allowing sitting legislators to earn unlimited, unrestricted income from outside jobs.
In return for the raises, council members would agree to give up «lulu» bonuses of $ 8,000 to $ 25,000 for chairing committees, as well as income from outside jobs.
Kaminsky, a Nassau County state assemblyman and former Brooklyn federal prosecutor, co-sponsored the Ethics Reform Act of 2015, which would allow the $ 79,500 base legislative salary to increase to a range of $ 112,500 to $ 174,000 in exchange for a ban on lawmakers» receiving income from outside jobs.
Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed tighter campaign finance limits, term limits and restrictions on how much lawmakers can make from outside jobs, but none of those government reform ideas made it into the budget.
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