Sentences with phrase «from possessing a firearm»

Many Minnesotans are prohibited from possessing firearms due to a past conviction, thereby preventing them from taking part in long standing family traditions of hunting and shooting, and limiting their ability to protect themselves and their families.
Pressed a third time for what action he plans to take, the governor noted that on Wednesday he released the first platform of his State of the State agenda: Legislation that would ban those convicted of even misdemeanor domestic violence crimes from possessing firearms.
The defendant, Miguel Games - Perez, was prosecuted for «knowingly violating» a statute prohibiting a convicted felon from possessing a firearm in interstate commerce.
New York state will now prohibit anyone convicted of domestic violence from possessing a firearm.
It contains several proposals already announced by Cuomo — codifying Roe v. Wade into the state law and constitution, banning domestic abusers from possessing firearms and reauthorizing the state's Minority and Women - Owned Business program.
If you are a person who faces a lifetime prohibition from possessing a firearm due to a prior conviction for a crime of violence then seeking restoration of your firearms rights is likely the proper remedy to pursue.
If a judge approves the request, Cruz would be involuntarily hospitalized for a mental health evaluation and barred from possessing firearms.
A day after the shooting at Stoneman Douglas, gun control advocacy groups occupied the Massachusetts State House, demanding action on a bill that would prevent individuals who pose extreme risks to themselves or others from possessing a firearm.
«The message the criminal justice system sends out about the serious consequences that flow from possessing a firearm is an important part of deterring people from carrying guns,» the chief constable told the Times.
Lavine's legislation would add felony and misdemeanor hate crimes to the list of «serious offenses» in state penal law that disqualify individuals from possessing firearms.
«Though this current law functionally prohibits New Yorkers from possessing firearms that are equipped with bump stocks or similar devices, our understanding is that it does not prohibit possession of bump stock devices that are un-attached to a firearm,» said Ari Freilich, a staff attorney at the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
In 72 percent of cases, the abuser was prohibited from possessing a firearm by federal law.
Prohibit almost everyone except police, security guards and military from possessing firearms in the city.
I'm watching three: Ashcroft v. Raich, Pasquantino v. United States (does the federal wire fraud statute criminalize evading Canadian taxes) and Small v. United States (does the felon - in - possession statute prevent someone convicted in a foreign court from possessing a firearm in the United States).
Commonly imposed conditions include; no contact conditions prohibiting the accused from contacting certain people or locations, informing the court of any changes in residence or employment or prohibiting the accused from possessing firearms.
Commonly imposed conditions include; no contact orders between the accused and the victim or location of the alleged offence, prohibiting the offender from possessing firearms, ammunition or explosives, or reporting any changes in residence or employment to the court.
18 U.S.C. Sec. 3142 (c)(1)(B)(vii) requires that those indicted on certain crimes must «refrain from possessing a firearm, destructive device, or other dangerous weapon» when out on bail.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Assemblyman Charles Lavine, also a Democratic Nassau County executive candidate, introduced an amendment to the SAFE Act that would prohibit any individual convicted of a hate crime from possessing a firearm.
Under existing law, only domestic violence abusers convicted of a felony or «serious» offenses are prohibited from possessing firearms.
Other safety proposals have been announced by the governor, including legislation to prohibit domestic abusers from possessing firearms and new laws to combat sexual extortion and revenge porn.
If a judge approves the request, Cruz would be involuntarily hospitalized for a mental - health evaluation and barred from possessing firearms.
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)- New York state will now prohibit anyone convicted of domestic violence from possessing a firearm.
Charles Lavine unveiled legislation that would prohibit any individual convicted of a hate crime from possessing a firearm.
Charles Lavine unveiled legislation Monday that would prohibit any individual convicted of a hate crime from possessing a firearm.
Courts in Rhode Island rarely require abusers to turn in their firearms, even when orders prohibit them from possessing firearms under federal law and there is evidence they pose a lethal risk to victims, according to research presented today at the American Public Health Association's 2016 Annual Meeting and Expo in Denver.
Indiana judges and clerks have the ability to electronically send information to the FBI about individuals who may be prohibited from possessing a firearm.
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