Sentences with phrase «from powerful people»

Defending the integrity of science from powerful people is what got Galileo imprisoned.

Not exact matches

Aside from this, the company's search engine is one of the most powerful for undertaking job searches online because it allows people to find opportunities across a multitude of platforms some of which include LinkedIn, DirectEmployers and even Facebook, among many others.
«(I had) this dream that from a tiny acorn, the potential of a young person, could grow this massive oak tree... as Nelson Mandela said: «Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.»
Here are the five most powerful people in Canadian retail, as drawn from the 2014 Canadian Business Power 50 list.
Among his other findings, Goleman noted that emotions are contagious and flow from the more powerful person outward.
At the very least, controversial emails or other communications from high - profile or powerful people that are disclosed publicly — no matter how they are obtained — are considered in the court of public opinion where no rules of admissibility apply.
In a time before smartphones, AIM was powerful and intoxicating, a way for a generation that once had called people on the phone to communicate in quick bursts from their computers.
Jesus condemned the oppression and marginalization of his impoverished people by the Romans and other ruling elites who sought through their unjust system of taxation to extract as much wealth as possible from the majority of people to benefit the rich, powerful, ruling elites.
Snapchat, by contrast, collected powerful imagery and reactions from people who were on the scene, or close to it (although it also included official sources).
«The Communist Party thinks it's now powerful enough to intimidate [non-Chinese], from business people to diplomats to academics and journalists, and it's willing to throw its weight around,» veteran China reporter Paul Mooney said.
«Mentorship from the right people and groups is still powerful,» Gerber says.
The ability to create and manage a successful program requires dedicated people, a powerful and strategic approach, solid technology and a good process that aligns actions from the beginning to the end.
The money and advice from the Vegas Tech Fund are a powerful lure, even for people who would rather be surfing every day, like Elyse Petersen.
Pinterest Analytics is a powerful social media tool that allows you to see what people Pin from your profile and website, as well as what your audience enjoys to pin outside of your own content.
Earlier this year, Tomicah Tillemann, Trust Accelerator co-founder and New America director of the Bretton Woods II program, commented about Georgia's decision to use the public Bitcoin Blockchain: «If you think about this happening at a time when a lot of people are struggling to separate what's real from what's fake, this is a powerful tool to prove what's real.
With such a powerful corporation behind this, led by a person who wants to see cryptocurrency adoption, I don't think it will be too long before we see more positive movements come from the Comcast camp.
In my experience, bishops think they belong at the center of things but for reasons entirely different from why other powerful people are powerful.
He has worked powerful miracles down through the ages through people who claim to receive their power from the spirits of the dead.
Reflect on this a little: Many of the inspirations of the threefold system of political economy derive from evangelical inspirations such as personal creativity, personal responsibility, freedom, the love for community through association and mutual cooperation, the aim of bettering the condition of every person on earth, the cultivation of the rule of law, respect for the natural rights of others, the preference for persuasion by reason rather than by coercion, and a powerful sense of sin.
In the apocalyptic developments reflected in the books of Ezekiel, Joel, and Daniel, the judgment takes shape as a great battle in which Yahweh will rescue his people from the hands of the powerful empires which have held them in bondage.
Few people need us to be a «voice for the voiceless,» instead I believe it's more powerful to elevate and amplify the voices from the margins, from the ones we overlook and pass over, to say that everyone is worth listening to and that — regardless of race, socio - economic status, geography, ability, and so on — people get to own their own stories.
I've heard powerful, encouraging things from stay - at - home moms, from conservative evangelicals, from biblical scholars, from plenty of guys, even from People Magazine.
The Judge: But since you're all powerful, you could have easily prevented him from killing all those people, right?
Persons who are relatively powerful, who are in charge of processes, organizations, or structures of influence may need pastoral counsel that will guide them away from the egocentric abuse of power and toward a more morally accountable use of power.
The short version is: I don't think the Exodus did happen in historical time, but that doesn't at all detract from its powerful spiritual truth, or from the ways we've constituted our community through telling this story in the first person plural, and through embracing the teaching that the Exodus didn't just happen then but unfolds even now.
The Wall Street bailouts, needless wars, climate destruction have all occurred because powerful people making a lot of money from these enterprises.
Secondly, can you imagine if on gods level he's actually not nearly as powerful as you think he is, it's just he's so much more powerful than you (or at least you perceive him to be) that you give him powers he doesn't posess, I mean you are just taking other people from 2,000 word for it that this is what god is like and sure you pray, but like you said, you just know, god hasn't come down and spoken with you, sent you a note, a vision or any other nonesense.
He said the pessimist in him mocked his receipt of a degree in law when «law is ever more a hollow word, resonant but empty, in a world increasingly dominated by force, by violence, by fraud, by injustice, by avarice — in a word, by egoism»; when civil law permits «the progressive and rapid increase of oppressed people who continue being swept toward ghettos, without work, without health, without instruction, without diversion and, not rarely, without God»; when under so - called international law «more than two - thirds of humanity (exist) in situations of misery, of hunger, of subhuman life»; and when agrarian law or spatial law permits «today's powerful landowners to continue to live at the cost of misery for unhappy pariahs»; and whereby «modern technology achieves marvels from the earth with an ever - reduced number of rural workers (while) those not needed in the fields live sublives in depressing slums on the outskirts of nearly all the large cities.»
Because he is a religious authority figure, people spontaneously project on him a rich variety of associations from their early life, including powerful feelings about such matters as God, heaven, hell, sex, parents, Sunday school, death, sin, and guilt.
So a magical all - powerful being living in some fantasy world in the clouds created the earth, placed a modern day man and woman on the earth from whom all humans are modeled in a fantastical garden 4.5 billion years ago, allows «good» people to live in a cloud kingdom where everyone who has ever died lives (like a Florida retirement community in the sky), and sends «bad» people to a fiery pit of despair for all eternity.
It is this fact which, as in the early church so now, has been a powerful force in moving people toward the acceptance of the second part of the argument, namely, that there must be an authoritative church which will adjudicate finally, absolutely, and even infallibly on which interpretations should be seen as resulting from the Spirit's illumination and which should not.
The cross of Christ was not meant to provide a means of forgiveness for a humanity that is universally condemned for the sins they could not avoid if they had wanted to (doctrine of Original Sin) but God gave his Son as a graphic and powerful demonstration that God forgives any and all, and invites everyone into the Kingdom of God wherein a person is given the Holy Spirit to help overcome and be free from sin.
There is nothing more powerful to alienate reasonable people from your sort than your ignorant rants.
Not sure i am convinced because how do you explain the verse an eye for an eye in the old testament there have always been consequences for wrong doing and stiill are for sin.If we believe the word then that word is from God not satan.As far as satan is concerned he uses violence as his tools of trade he works on our fears and is limited to robbing stealing and destroying he does nt have anything else.Violence confirms to us that there is a spiritual battle going on both on the earthly plane and in the heavenlys and the battle is over souls.The verse the kingdon of heaven is expanding and violent people take it by force is referring to that spiritual battle and as satan uses violence to expand his dominion so does God use violence to counter him.So what does he mean by that term for me i think it is saying that the the force of evil that satan uses or violence is overcome by a greater violence or force a more powerful one that being the Love of Christ.Through the cross we see that clearly portrayed and in our lives that very same battle is still happening right now for dominion be clear if we walk in the flkesh satan will have dominion over us but if we walk according to the spirit and abide in Christ we have freedom from our old nature.and satan.He can oppose us but he wont be able to influence us if we are in Christ.
Presiding over the event will be a mutilated Christ statue rescued from a bombed - out church 15 years ago - perhaps the most powerful reminder of the senseless political violence that left more than 250,000 people dead and millions displaced.
Every religious person and non religious person can have powerful personal experiences with whatever they want to call it, doesn't prove it is actually coming from a god.
I'm the guy that wants you to have the all powerful deity, the perfectly good deity that really can stop bad people from doing bad things.
Hey, after we debate what people in the Dark Ages cobbled together in a book about a ranting, apocrophal prophet from the Middle East 2,000 years ago, lets have another really worthile debate about whether Zeus or Apollo was a more powerful god.
Little Georgie Dubya was from skull & bones, an organization that hand picks people from wealthy families to be placed in powerful positions to make policy from banks, oil industries, world trade, education, wall street, and yes... politics.
It's a greater fantasy NOT to believe that there is an all powerful invisible god somewhere in the universe who knows everything, can do anything, hears everyone's thoughts, etc, or that someone died and rose from the dead three days later (this same person was born of a virgin), or that someone spoke to god via a burning bush, or that one old man, who lived to be 900 years old, built a boat that held two of every animal on the earth to survive a worldwide flood?
If I was powerful enough to have created the universe, I wouldn't allow the Catholic Church to use my name to steal money from poor people.
The greatest threat to freedom of thought and conscience comes from a government [or group of people] that becomes «all powerful» and at the same time, one that is NOT «of the people, by the people, and for the people
With the fall of the Roman empire, due to its internal moral laxity and external attacks by «Barbarians» from the North and East, the Church became the single most powerful agency for the formation and social stability of the European peoples.
These were the people who had tried to crown him king and who wanted from him a prosperous, powerful, secure, and independent nation in which to live.
Here is a link to a video that is a powerful speech its from an older movie called the dictator, very good movie by the way, Anyway Charlie chaplin plays the part of hitler and uses a very powerful and memorable speach about equality and the way life is moving,»» you have shown nothing but malice in these comments and you wonder why gay's are protrayed as the «bad guys» in video games and movies and if you don't believe that then watch this»» the point is I will respect the person who is silent, holding a flag that has ever color before i Can or Will ever respect someone like yourself.
In sum, the Court has fashioned, in Romer v. Evans, a powerful new instrument for blocking from the academy and the professions people who are «overly serious» about their religion» which is to say, people who take seriously the traditional moral teachings of Christianity and Judaism.
It is a historircal recored fact that the jewish historian josephes inb the atiqaties bof josephes, that there was a man named who did great exploites and mericals and powerful teachings.and every thing that the bible said about the jewish people being taken from their land and going into captivity to russia then will be returned back to their land to never be up rooted again.
If we say to Father Gutierrez, «Power to your revolution; power to your people,» he will respond, as he has, that «there can be authentic development for Latin America only if there is liberation from the domination exercised by the great capitalist countries, and especially by the most powerful, the United States of America.»
These powerful emotions are enough to allow otherwise intelligent people to believe virtually anything put in front or, or taught to them, that they can somehow gain comfort from.
Beginning with its origins in the forest primeval — so dense, people said, that a squirrel could run the length of Pennsylvania without ever touching ground — she leads us through its evolution: frontier fortification of the 18th century, industrial giant of Carnegie, Frick and Mellon, and «clean city» of the 1950s, dominated from the beginning by Scotch - Irish and Germans, political conservatives, and staunch Presbyterians, all driven by that «powerful Calvinist mix of piety and acquisitiveness.».
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