Sentences with phrase «from public sources»

Like district schools, charter schools receive most of their funding from public sources and are subject to state regulation.
Although the information contained in this case study has been obtained from public sources that the author believes to be reliable, the author can not guarantee its accuracy.
Previous reports have focused only on resistance, and included only data from public sources.
*** Note that all information in this post was derived from public sources.
A 60 per cent replacement rate means that someone who earned $ 40,000 on average while working would receive $ 24,000 in retirement income from public sources.
That strategy aimed to increase funding for research and development to 3 percent of gross domestic product, with 1 percent from public sources.
All data was collected from public sources by either downloading publicly available files or directly contacting public institutions.
This does not change the fact that the money came from public sources.
(According to The Week: «The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that one third of all water from public sources goes toward landscaping — most of it on grass.»)
Since the required amounts of investment are much more than the funds currently available from public sources, it is necessary to attract funding from other sources by creating innovative financing approaches that make it possible for a limited amount of public funds to attract significant amounts of funding from private sources.
PORTLAND — The Story of Stuff Project, Food & Water Watch, and the Local Water Alliance will release a short documentary film, Our Water, Our Future, about Nestlé Waters» efforts to secure the right to bottle water taken from a public source in Cascade Locks, Ore. next week.
Schustereit is a perfect example of why background screening companies must perform quality assurance on any and all criminal records received from public sources.
Expanding on its allegations, WSJ said on Tuesday that hundreds of millions worth of unreported political spending flowed from public sources or programs intended for other purposes, including at least $ 140 million that was spent on charity projects to boost the party's election chances.
If he or she won't cooperate, you'll have to try to get these answers from public sources, industry experts, competitors, or suppliers,» says Morris.
We used data from the RNC, data from public sources such as the voter registry, data from commercial data brokers, and research we collected ourselves with a clear statement of consent.
The Frost & Sullivan research team also reviewed more than 100 studies on the impact of sleep apnea and constructed detailed financial models leveraging collected research, results from a survey of 506 patients, and treatment fees pulled from public sources including the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) fee schedules.
About These Charts The data displayed in each chart is downloaded from public sources.
Many people find latter scenario quite doubtful, as interest rates from public sources are going to be lesser than those of the pri vate sources.
Whole life dividend information is gathered from public sources we deem reliable.
This is particularly true in private company acquisitions, where the target company has not been subject to the scrutiny of the public markets, and where the buyer has little (if any) ability to obtain the information it requires from public sources.
The formula used here for points was obtained from public sources and is an empirical match to Weight Watchers calculators, but it is not an «official» Weight Watcher's calculator.
Each Sector Skills Council is licensed by the governments of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and receives funding from public sources.
Less than half of the expenditure on early childhood education comes from public sources (47 per cent), the second lowest share among OECD countries.
2.5 We may collect, use or disclose personal information without the client's knowledge or consent in the following limited circumstances: · When the use of personal information is permitted or required by law · When the personal information is available from a public source (e.g. at telephone directory) · When we require legal advice from a lawyer or regulatory association · For the purpose of collecting a debt · To protect ourselves from fraud
All data has been obtained from public sources.
Approximately 85 % of our revenue derives from private sources; only a small portion of our funding derives from public sources, and the majority of the funds from public sources are designated for scientific research projects.
This foundation, together with funding from public sources, also contributes to the running of the Berlin project space, which runs a generous programme hosting exhibitions, discursive formats, workshops, interventions and performances in public spaces.
Governments need the active engagement of the private sector in order to meet and raise ambitious mitigation targets and provide private finance flows far greater than those from public sources.
And as Forest Trends research shows, over the last 10 years most of the money — approximately 90 % — in 13 key REDD + countries has come from public sources.
LARA can also answer several thousand legal questions, mainly derived from public sources, such as the courts.
Much of the data that comes from public sources is messy and requires significant clean up.
Examples of the types of personal information that may be obtained from public sources or purchased from third parties and combined with information we already have about you include: household information, credit reports, and driving incident reports.
In Bolding's view, what Cambridge Analytica does — which is aggregating information about people — from public sources, from data brokers, and its own internal sources — and then running analytics on it to determine their likes and dislikes, is just smart business.
compile high - quality data from public sources and publish it online and in our Montana KIDS COUNT Data Book.
The premise of Trenlii is to interpret the data the client doesn't have from public sources (but would kill for!)
Caroline Blazovsky, a healthy - home expert in New Jersey, says everyone should get water tested — whether the water comes from a well or from a public source.
The above information including square footage is based on data received from the seller and / or from public sources.
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