Sentences with phrase «from religious groups»

Direct interactions were defined as getting out of one's house, visiting friends, talking on the phone and attending meetings of groups and organizations (apart from religious groups).
Only until recently have atheists been given the ability to express their views and find others with similar views without the threat of ignorant violence from religious groups and individuals.
Video games have often attracted moral outrage from religious groups.
The government's controversial Lobbying Bill has been temporarily put on hold following months of pressure from religious groups, charities, thinktanks and NGOs to give it further scrutiny and for major changes to be made before it is passed.
According to a recent article in The Star, both Richmond and Todai have come under fire from religious groups who are claiming that the name of their store is «blasphemous.»
After news broke of the Satanists» proposal, the state was flooded with requests from religious groups seeking to erect monuments to their own faith, including Hindus and Pastafarians, a satirical religion that «worships» the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Had it been from a religious group like Al Qaeda, they would have already taken responsibility for it.
Following protests from religious groups and the media, the federal government appeared to pull back on its requirement, with this clarification appearing on the relevant website:
The musical, penned by the brains behind Team America: World Police and South Park, has drawn plenty of criticism from religious groups since popping up in the West End a couple of years ago... and I can see why.
The Jharkhand Freedom of Religion Bill - 2017 was passed by the Bharatiya Janata Party - led government despite significant opposition from religious groups, civil society, and the tribal groups across Jharkhand.
CNN: White House receives political cover on immigration from religious groups President Barack Obama is receiving political cover for his decision to stop deporting some young illegal immigrants from two big groups with whom his relations have been rocky: evangelical Christians and Catholics.
The bill, which garnered strong bipartisan support, is also expected to pass the Senate, and would address what its sponsors consider a discriminatory practice that keeps federal disaster money from religious groups.
As an atheist, you can't be upset at one religious group stealing a holy day from another religious group.
His office has been the lead on defending New York's marriage law against challenges from religious groups.
[Yarhouse and Stanton] chose the wrong statistics to evaluate, they violated statistical laws, and they didn't have a control group — just a small sample of people recruited from religious groups.
Michael Turner, director of the JCQ, which represents exam boards, assured it had considered comments from a wide range of figures from religious groups, schools and colleges before making the decision.
This strand of homeware design comes from a religious group who are grounded in the guiding principles of simplicity and utility.
I especially hate political pressure from religious groups that cause society to bend to the will of dogmatic BS.
Former Mayor Mike Bloomberg didn't support adding any new holidays into the school year because he worried it would compel the city to honor requests from every religious group.
There are things that sets Jesus and His followers distinctly apart from all religious groups in history, including those religious groups that bear the name «Christian.»
The government's controversial Lobbying Bill has been temporarily put on hold following months of pressure from religious groups, charities, thinktanks... More
My observation has been that the liberal arts colleges best able to think about themselves in terms of fundamental purposes resistant to economism are those from religious groups that have not long been assimilated into the American mainstream.
Mere weeks before the cameras would roll, though, Paramount pulled the plug, citing pressure from religious groups and concern over the ballooning budget for the proposed Israel shoot.
Under pressure from religious groups, southern states have been drawing up religious freedom laws to circumvent the legal effects of this ruling.
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