Sentences with phrase «from rising sea levels»

More than 150 million people worldwide are at risk from rising sea levels and extreme storms that cause coastal flooding.
The likelihood of damage from rising sea levels is linked to the extent of global warming.
Heat - trapping greenhouse gases are attributed as a major contributor to climate change that the world experiences today and whose effects range from rising sea levels to potentially fueling international conflict.
It is no longer so hard to imagine what might happen from the rising sea levels that the world's top scientists are telling us will accompany global warming.
As early as 1991, small island states were calling for an international insurance pool covering residual damage from rising sea levels that couldn't be prevented by mitigation and adaptation efforts.
As more and more coastal cities face growing challenges ranging from rising sea levels to population density problems, more and more urban planners are switching to building unconventional means as a solution.
The global financial capital may face flooding from rising sea levels as a result of climate change
He's pledged to make the Maldives carbon neutral by 2020 and held an underwater cabinet meeting in scuba gear to highlight the existential threat his nation faces from rising sea levels caused by global warming.
The representatives from Harford County Climate Action made it clear — human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, has had a clear and measurable impact on the Earth's climate over the last century, and those actions have put low - lying areas of Harford County in danger from rising sea levels.
(06/19/2013) Migratory shorebird populations are at great risk from rising sea levels due to global climate change, warns a recent paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
The low - lying Pacific Island country of Kiribati is one of many micro-nations in danger of serious damage and even inundation from rising sea levels caused by melting polar ice and increasingly turbulent global weather.
Instead, the report focuses on problems that are likely to disproportionately hit developing countries: coastal inundation from rising sea levels, plummeting food production and associated malnutrition, unprecedented heat waves, increasing fresh water scarcity, more frequent and intense tropical cyclones, and the loss of biodiversity.
Coastal cities can not move inland to get away from rising sea levels.
Impacts: The oil - rich Niger delta is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, with erosion resulting from rising sea levels.
The people of Bangladesh will be in trouble from rising sea levels but so will the folks in Florida.
«This includes record numbers and record intensity of hurricanes and typhoons, record widespread heavy rains and flooding — think Houston, Louisiana, the Carolinas (Hurricane Matthew) and now California — record drought, heatwaves and wild fires, and increasing inundations in coastal regions from rising sea level
Interestingly, Jansen's animal sculptures arose out of a desire to automate creatures that would fortify Holland's coastline with extra sand, in order to protect the nation from rising sea levels spurred by climate change.
Many coastal areas and ocean island countried are suffering from rising sea level.
Generating more land there in the future could help protect New Orleans and the surrounding area from rising sea levels.
Generating more land there in the future, though controversial, could help shield the city of New Orleans from rising sea levels.
And in the WWF site it says that we havn't got this kind of warming for 10 000 years, so how is it possible that coastal cities from 8000 years ago flooded on the coast lines from rising sea levels.
It's near neighbour, Kiribati, is likewise trying to get its hands on some of that money to reimburse it for the NZD10 million paid to Fiji for 15,000 acres of land on which to resettle refugees from rising sea level.
The first exhibit is a multi-user game called FLOOD ALERT, the objective of which is to maintain London's flood defences from rising sea levels.
If New Yorkers are to pay $ 20 billion or more to keep the city safe from rising sea levels and floods, let the oil industry pick up the tab for the «public nuisance» it has knowingly and willfully created.
Small island developing states, from the Pacific to the Caribbean, say they are suffering ever more from rising sea levels and storm surges whipped up by cyclones.
Despite headlines claiming that man - made climate change has caused five Islands (out of nearly a thousand) to disappear from rising sea levels, a closer inspection of the study reveals the true cause is natural, and the report's lead author says many of the headlines have been «exaggerated» to ill - effect.
If this trend continues, truly catastrophic consequences are likely to ensue from rising sea levels, to reduced water availability, to more heat waves and fires.»
Those possible liabilities could result, the lawyers argue, from future suits over the flood damage to low - lying property anticipated from rising sea levels sparked by climate change, produced by the combustion of the fossil fuels they produce.
These include energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, planning for the impacts of climate change, environmental permitting, the threat to businesses and their critical infrastructure from rising sea levels and flooding and water regulations.
Vitter's home state is one of the biggest oil producers in the U.S. — although it's also one of the states most vulnerable to economic destruction from rising sea levels and extreme hurricanes, which climate scientists link to global warming.
In a study recently published in Climatic Change, we delineated low - lying coastal areas of the conterminous USA that may confront impacts from rising sea levels.
Within a few weeks these murals will be forever gone, but for those who find them, I hope they ignite a sense of urgency, as they represent the millions of people in need of our help who are already being afflicted from the rising sea levels of climate change.
Supporters say limiting heat - trapping gases is needed to protect human health and the environment; the state faces severe economic and environmental disruption from rising sea levels; increased risks of drought and wildfire, and other climate - change impacts.
I'll make sure you don't miss anything important, from rising sea levels on the East Coast, to drought in the Southwest, to extreme storms in the Midwest.
Here's an Associated Press summary in The Times and a BBC article on the Dutch findings, which are in a report initiated after an errant conclusion about the risks from rising sea levels in the Netherlands made it into the 2007 climate assessments by the panel.
The lawsuit, against BP Plc, Chevron Corp, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil Corp and Royal Dutch Shell Plc, follows similar lawsuits filed last year by San Francisco and other California cities seeking billions of dollars in damages from rising sea levels due to climate impacts.
- Dangers from rising sea levels are not limited to small island nations.
The most pointed works are by Patrick McDonough and include a lifeguard station to be built in anticipation of the waterfront to result from rising sea levels.
For half of my 62 year adult life now they have been telling me that we're in for real trouble from rising sea levels and there are no signs that it is happening or about to happen.
record drought, heatwaves and wild fires, and increasing inundations in coastal regions from rising sea level.
The investigation was commissioned by the Netherlands parliament, elements of which were incensed earlier in the year to discover that according to the IPCC, more than half (55 %) of their country was at risk of flooding from rising sea levels.
NEW YORK, NY (September 21, 2011)-- Global Green USA today launched the I AM Campaign to raise awareness about the serious threats Americans face from rising sea levels, and challenge citizens to take action in their communities.
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