Sentences with phrase «from school coffers»

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Unpopular high - schooler Clare (Joey King) idly hopes aloud that her bully (Josephine Langford) would, like, just rot while hugging the creepily carved, vaguely Chinese - y coffer that her junk - scavenger father (Ryan Phillippe) had pulled from the garbage that morning.
By shifting funds, public attention and scarce organizational and budgetary resources away from schools and into the coffers of the testing industry vendors, the futures of poor and minority children and the schools they attend get compromised.»
And Tuesday's interminable «expose» of state - level tax - credit scholarship programs certainly deepens one's impression that the writer (and, presumably, her editors) is in love with anything that smacks of «public dollars» or «public schools» and at war with anything that might be seen as diverting even a penny from state coffers into the hands of parents to educate their kids at schools of their choice.
While remedies might have left local funding as the principal revenue source for schools, state legislatures chose instead to provide funding centrally from state coffers and to reduce the relative contribution of localities.
It is sheer folly, for instance, to expect school districts to vigorously implement an accountability scheme that disrupts their school assignment procedures, drains money from their coffers, and threatens their administrative autonomy.
Currently, 17 states have laws that generate private school vouchers through a tax - credit mechanism and that divert up to $ 1 billion annually from public coffers.
The Education Next poll found that on average adults believe 32 percent of public school funding is sourced from federal coffers.
Stein's amendment, which would have excluded federal school lunch reimbursement monies from charter schools» coffers was defeated on the Senate floor prior to the bill's passage.
Earlier in February, Solkovits told LA School Report that he wanted to boost UTLA's coffers with help from the national and state union bodies.
Under EITC, millions of dollars have been raised for public (yes, it helps public schools, too) and private education without diverting money from the state's education coffers....
The teachers union claims erroneously that the approval of Referendum 55, which would legalize charter schools, will drain $ 100 million from state education coffers.
A total of $ 91,000 in donations has rolled into Connecticut Democratic Party coffers in 2013 and 2014 from four people: Sackler, a Greenwich businessman, investment executive and charter schools advocate; his wife; mother and father.
The program has not been without its difficulties — a court challenge brought by the state's teacher and school boards associations has sought to eliminate school vouchers on the claim that they unconstitutionally divert public funds away from public coffers, among other reasons.
He also recognizes the financial elephant in the room, rapidly rising pension costs that are draining school district coffers as they've just received badly needed funding increases from Sacramento.
School choice proponents, many from out of state, funneled $ 64,000 directly into candidates» coffers in 2014, through AFC and another group.
Bill Cobey, chairman of North Carolina's State Board of Education, has heard all about K12 Inc.'s California settlement, a purported $ 168.5 million pact with the state's attorney general amid long - running allegations that the for - profit virtual charter school operator inflated student test scores and attendance to drain more cash from public coffers.
But the publicly - funded institutions, which receive per - pupil allotments from state coffers like traditional public schools, earn more than their fair share of controversy.
The Coalition for School Reform's District 6 (East San Fernando Valley) runoff election coffers have been replenished thanks to big donations received from Los Angeles philanthropist Eli Broad and StudentsFirst, Michelle Rhee's education advocacy group, among others.
And the bill would require that the property taxes collected for charter schools be listed separately on tax notices, rather than diverted from district coffers, something advocates of traditional schools have requested for several years.
NEA president Lily Eskelsen García snapped: «His silver bullet approach does nothing to help the most - vulnerable students and ignores glaring opportunity gaps while taking away money from public schools to fill private - sector coffers.
Watch the bouncing ball... as the Corporate Education Reform Industry, Families for Excellent Schools, the Coalition for Every Child, Governor Malloy's former press secretary Andrew Doba, Achievement First Inc. and the other charter school lobby groups try to divert even more public funds away from Connecticut's public schools and into the coffers of charter school compaSchools, the Coalition for Every Child, Governor Malloy's former press secretary Andrew Doba, Achievement First Inc. and the other charter school lobby groups try to divert even more public funds away from Connecticut's public schools and into the coffers of charter school compaschools and into the coffers of charter school companies...
The state supreme court also rejected the plaintiffs» contention that the Nevada Supreme Court had previously held, in State v. Hallock, 16 Nev. 373 (1882), that «ection 10 — prohibits any public funds from ending up in the coffers of a religious institution or school
What is clear is that FUSE Inc is the charter school management company that Jumoke Academy set up to divert tens of millions of public dollars away from Connecticut's public schools and into its coffers.
Charter School chain is using a completely different approach as it seeks to pull off a deal in New Haven that would shift existing funds away from New Haven's public schools and into the coffers of the Achievement First operation.
Since the beginning of North Carolina's school voucher program in 2014, Fayetteville Christian School has received $ 653,375 from state coschool voucher program in 2014, Fayetteville Christian School has received $ 653,375 from state coSchool has received $ 653,375 from state coffers.
I have seriously considered removing myself and my children from NY state in recent months as a result of these poorly designed policies that appear clearly intended to shift much needed money from the schools and teacher and into the coffers of industry.
«There is a tipping point for LEAs,» cautioned Cowell, explaining that in school districts where there are high concentrations of charter schools, students» educational experiences in traditional public schools could be compromised as funds are siphoned away from those budgets and into the coffers of charters.
In B.C., private schools are grouped into four tiers: Group 1 receives 50 % of their funding from government coffers; Group 2 receives 35 % of their funding from the government, while Groups 3 & 4 receive no funding.
The UCLA School of Law study predicts that New Jersey wedding - and tourism - related businesses would cash in to the tune of $ 102.5 million per year for the first three years, while state coffers would get $ 7.2 million per year in tax revenue for those years, all from introducing a gay marriage market.
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