Sentences with phrase «from severe sleep deprivation»

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I know there are also advantages for starting at birth, but here are the advantages I found for starting at 3 months: - Mom is not emotional from post-delivery hormones and severe sleep deprivation.
«We see far too many kids who suffer from debilitating health issues, such as depression, eating disorders, perfectionism, severe sleep deprivation, and anxiety,» says Stanford University's Denise Pope, who urges parents to prioritize the «ultimate health and well being of their children.»
We see far too many kids who suffer from debilitating health issues, such as depression, eating disorders, perfectionism, severe sleep deprivation, and anxiety.
Although there is clear evidence from other studies that severe sleep deprivation can significantly impair mental functioning, the impact of lower amounts of sleep loss is less clear.
We suffered severe sleep deprivation (from audible and inaudible turbine noise), among other things, and eventually had to hire legal help to get out to save our health.
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