Sentences with phrase «from social conservatism»

The black church has not been a very welcoming place for them — not that white churches have been much better but the many in the black church have used its association with civil rights to shield itself from its social conservatism.

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While their are different brands of conservatism emanating from the school, from social to economic, one observer of the Calgary School reflected on its almost cultish following of libertarian economists Ludwig Von Mises and Milton Friedman.
Kenney risks leading his party or parties to defeat if he mucks too much with social conservatism, abandoning a key lesson from Harper.
That's not enthusiasm, of course, but it's a long way from the New York Times» vision of Rudy Giuliani doing a victory dance on the grave of social conservatism.
From this persistent fact of cultural conservatism arise the most serious problems of social conflict, including the bitter strife of races, classes, sects, and nations.
No social conservatism from the Right, and no political correctness from the Left.
One of the major causes of social conservatism is the fact that churches, schools, and other social institutions are so largely influenced by persons whose advantage it is to preserve the status quo and who are prone to regard any departure from it as an affront to Christian morality.
For example, religious conservatism during the 1980s may have grown partly through reinforcement from a regime that championed a strong military defense, the protection of domestic markets through low taxes and limited social services, and the values of small - town America, even though this same administration was also firmly committed to free trade and international markets.
The GOP has to distance itself from christian social conservatism.
MSI brands Canadian Government's decision to exclude family planning from G8 maternal health initiative «a new low for political pandering to social conservatism
Keynes offered the Attlee Government a macro-economic framework for post-war recovery; Hayek's «market society» offered Mrs Thatcher's Tories a roadmap away from post-war social democratic serfdom; Giddens's «Third Way» socio - philosophy allowed «New» Labour to synthesise or transcend the old dogmas of state - centric social democracy and neo-liberalism»; and Phillip Blond gave a critique of the market and the state in order for Cameron to claim «society» and its renewal as the key priority of modern Conservatism.
This change was largely due to a shift from fiscal conservatism to social conservatism, with many moderate supporters shifting to the Liberal Party.
«He downplayed his social conservatism, taking a page from Bill Clinton, but never hid the fact that he was a Republican.»
«It's paradoxical that we have been seen as distant from and guarded about issues like social exclusion when the founding fathers of Conservatism embraced it.
From the earliest days of Conservatism, Edmund Burke and contemporary Conservatives believed that self - betterment and upward social mobility is partly created by property ownership.
Since the creation of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index in 1979, tens of thousands of students have filled out this questionnaire while participating in studies examining everything from neural responses to others» pain to levels of social conservatism.
But it eschews any hint of social conservatism in favor of a progressive - style approach that frees students from the prison of the bell and clock.
Undeniably, African women artists remain shy of the spotlight — they suffer from a context of social conservatism and machismo.
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