Sentences with phrase «from social science»

Family Bridges: Using Insights From Social Science To Reconnect Parents and Alienated Children
I applied for and received a $ 17, 500 scholarship from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada to conduct this research.
Commentary on Family bridges: Using insights from social science to reconnect parents and alienated children.
We now know from social science research that the best interests of children is to have continued access to both parents following divorce or separation.
That is the understanding from a social science basis of what that term actually should mean.
Both sides are too quick to draw support from social science research when correlations support their cherished conclusions.
It is an independent, professional forensic appraisal of the family, done from a social science and non-partisan perspective.
It draws articles from social science researchers around the world and contains valuable material for Sociologists, Anthropologists, Family counselors and Social Psychologists.
Here are some findings from social science that we should take into account when buying gifts.
Its focus is to better understand the notion of best interests of the child (BIC) from two perspectives: a social science perspective which explores the meaning of the concept imputed by human services professionals and policy makers and a jurisprudential perspective which... Continue reading Best Interests of the Child from Social Science and Jurisprudential Perspectives
( See: Ken Chasse, Access to Justice - Innovations for the Unaffordable Legal Services Problem, inter alia: The Technology of Centralized Legal Research, available for free download from the Social Science Research Network.
They have come up with an idea: The Law School Firm (LSF)(available for download from the Social Science Research Network).
Funded by a Major Collaborative Research Grant from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council, this seven - year long project has finally drawn to a close and will be the subject of a detailed report to be released later this year.
Tips and strategies on negotiation and mediation from social science, psychology and neuroscience.»
A pdf copy of other recent papers that I have written on electronic discovery and admissibility of records issues can be downloaded from Slaw and from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) by way of my SSRN author's page, or at:, and my Slaw author's page, or at:
Urbanization and the carbon cycle: Contributions from social science.
Start fighting actively to eradicate the d - word from both social science publications and the public discourse
A term poached from social science, it classifies effectively a field of curatorial practice, institutional reform and critical debate concerned with the transformation of art institutions from within.
Or engineers different from social science majors?
All this research is interesting from the social science perspective, but it's also... Continue reading →
Teachers from social science, English, and biology courses were chosen to pilot and produce interdisciplinary projects.
Rachel received an International Dissertation Research Fellowship from the Social Science Research Council in 2016.
- Projects should be designed to encourage students to develop understanding of concepts from the social science disciplines in order to communicate their ideas in a variety of formats spoken, written, graphic, statistical, and / or electronic.
Much has been written about the Massive Open Online Course from the Canvas Network which features scenes from television's «The Walking Dead», and uses the Zombie Apocalypse as a mechanism to teach concepts derived from social science, mathematics and physics.
Diana Rhoten has since moved on from the Social Science Research Council to become the chief strategy officer at News Corporation's K - 12 educational technology company Amplify.
July 5, 2016 • One of Hidden Brain's producers tries to quit smoking using three interventions drawn from social science research.
This theory from social science provides general approaches, not framed mathematically, to account for several distinct aspects of human behavior including attitudes towards impacts of behaviors, perception of social norms, and perceptions about the capability for behaviors to be effective and to have impact on controlling a system.
What is more, it was built on principles from social science research and plans to analyze the effectiveness of different initiatives.
The first is drawn from social science, which shows that spanking does not work to produce better behavior or healthier kids.
(Revised from Social Science and Medicine.)
Estimating the Effects of Breastfeeding on Long - term Child Health and Wellbeing in the United States Using Sibling Comparisons» from The Social Science and Medicine Journal.
«The Social Significance of the Traditional Two - Parent Family: The Impact of Its Breakdown on the Lives of Children, Adults, and Societies» reinforces courage with an excellent summary of the pertinent findings from social science.
It draws from social science studies and a raft of interviews to confirm what we already knew through experience.
Though I don't want to let go of any insights from the social sciences, all this «nothing but» leaves me a bit edgy, and Lord Zealous has seized on my restlessness: There is a hint of a taunt behind her slightly glazed smile as she keeps reminding me that my community is devoted to scholarship; the history of religion.
Wood especially stresses the importance of resources from the social sciences that practical theology brings into play in envisioning Christian witness as a whole:
The second and third chapters will deal with what is known of man from the social sciences and the humanities, respectively.
He learned from the social sciences how to «read» the environment of Faith Church, all the way from discovering the social networks and patterns in downtown Metro City to learning how such configurations connect with the wars, poverty, political oppression, and inflationary economies that mark the globe.
In addition to providing a technique to grasp the social dynamics of the immediate urban environment, David Landry also learned from the social sciences how to get a feel for the identity of Faith Church.
The best that one could hope for was that the discussion of homosexuality would at least acknowledge some of the recent data from the social sciences.
Nevertheless, it takes seriously the developments in critical Bible studies, the new insights gained from the social sciences of cultural anthropology and sociology, the impact of technology and political theory in rapid cultural change and the issues raised by cross-cultural communication on a global scale.
Insights from the social sciences fill contemporary books on effective leadership.
The collection highlights successful case studies to encourage councils to collaborate, share information, and build effective relationships with local academics from the social sciences.
«If we go back and we know a bit more, and a bit more narrative goes in from the social sciences, we might be able to unravel a little bit more» about the reasons for attack frequency timing, Johnson suggests.
A lot of the suspicion from the social sciences and humanities side is fading, and there are young people coming in who are eager to get what they can from the natural sciences.
Most of the opposition came from the social sciences, where it was visceral and almost universal.
Respondents came from the whole range of disciplines: 57 % had a natural science, mathematics, or engineering background, with the remainder drawn from social sciences (5 %), language and cultural studies (16.3 %), economics (9.2 %), and law (4.5 %).
Currently, NWO is divided into nine science divisions — from social sciences and medical research to physics — that each have a separate budget, their own leadership made up of active scientists, and considerable autonomy.
-- from social sciences and medical research to physics — that each have a separate budget, their own leadership made up of active scientists, and considerable autonomy.
In addition to engineering and the natural and physical sciences, the university offers advanced degrees in other academic disciplines ranging from the social sciences, the arts and humanities, teacher education, medicine, architecture and fine art.
If I had to draw an analogy to another book, I'd say it was like Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence, in the sense that it takes theories and ideas from the social sciences and shows how they can have real relevance to our lives.
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