Sentences with phrase «from social views»

Nevertheless, regardless of their own intentions, Wieman and Hartshorne contributed to a shift from social views of salvation to more personal concerns.

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Almost every major attempt has been criticized, from asking voters to «emoji» their views on student debt to paying tribute to Rosa Parks with a logo that social media users deemed backward.
But from a social point of view, it's hard to fault Starbucks for trying.
«Curiosity expands our empathy when we talk to people outside our usual social circle, encountering lives and world views very different from our own.
I'm not looking at it from a social or moral point of view; I'm looking at it from a financial return point of view.
He proved himself to be an influential figure online, making the jump from one smaller app to other forms of social media, including Facebook, on which he's earned millions of video views.
In addition to monitoring data from social media feeds, Hearsay Social's clients will also be notified when visitors view their companies» websites and which products or information they were lookinsocial media feeds, Hearsay Social's clients will also be notified when visitors view their companies» websites and which products or information they were lookinSocial's clients will also be notified when visitors view their companies» websites and which products or information they were looking for.
Because these are people who have been viewing you from a very specific place, your social media personality, you are able to curate that part of your life as well into the decision of which strength to pursue.
If you're one of the world's 284 million active Twitter users each month, you might be using the social - media platform to keep up with the news from media outlets, views of bloggers and conversations of remarkable people talking about whatever market your business is in.
In a heated discussion on Reddit this week, social engineer Chris Hadnagy, who tests the network security of companies using tactics such as phishing and keylogging scams, shared his tips on cybersecurity from a hacker's point of view.
The second way to look at CEO compensation is to ask whether CEO salaries are, in some sense, too high from a social point of view.
As it has expanded into mobile, analytics and second - screen viewing, the seven - year - old social network has snapped up companies that can help it further its goals, from under - the - radar outfits such as Ubalo to larger companies such as Crashlytics, which reportedly sold for nine figures.
Growing your YouTube audience isn't as hard as you think — here's how you can generate video views and increase viewer loyalty with help from other social media channels.
We focus our approach to diversity not just from a social justice perspective, but as a business opportunity which, in my view, is the best way to overcome the systemic challenges.
There, it is true that the arbitrage gains arising from free trade between economic zones of vastly different living standards without trade balance equilibrium and being captured by a small minority are correctly viewed as un-earned gains and giving rise to social tensions which could easily degenerate into political tensions.
Smync's RoA tracking tracks results from your advocate community to an individual, community and content level through dark social to show the sales volume generated by your advocate community, how many leads were generated, what valuable content was viewed and who signed up for your emails.
However, there are still many people out there who question the benefits of remote working from both a business and social point - of - view.
Our reports provide a complete view of your social channels, email activity, landing pages, conversion tracking and more, all from one easy to use dashboard.
We recently found that the social share buttons on the Buffer blog didn't show at all when viewed from a mobile device, so we installed the SumoMe plugin to get a quick win and display share buttons to mobile readers.
From a B2B market view, the new social buyer ecosystem continues to undergo a rapid evolution.
Retirees may view annuitized income from Social Security and employer pensions as their primary source of retirement spending and think of the retirement portfolio only as a reserve to protect against the unexpected.
Law, in this positivist view, gains its force from contingent social factors, not from its moral merits or participation in right reason.
The epigraph from Whitehead suggests that our views of the divine nature are a reflection of our social and political systems.
If it is the task of liberation theology to speak from the point of view of the victims of social and economic injustice, what is the appropriate response of those theologians in the oppressor community who hear and want to support the aspirations of the oppressed?
Roger Harding, head of public attitudes at the National Centre for Social Research who produced a report into the findings, was quoted by The Times as saying: «It suggests people are taking their moral views from elsewhere.»
In view of the emphasis which has been placed upon distinguishing the new quest from the original quest, it needs to be explicitly stated that a new quest can not take place without the use of the objective philological, comparative - religious, and social - historical research indispensable for historical knowledge.
True, some of these theologians, speaking from another point of view, declare that «Christians must bring Christian social fervor to the social revolutions of our time.»
His statements about priest and king being bound to the land and the people ultimately point back toward a view that sees social and moral responsibility for the common welfare as stemming from a prior relational view of human persons.
Religious leaders and pastors also come in for some gentle chiding from Wuthnow, who thinks they hold views about human action and social change that are simplistic and individualistic.
I speak throughout Canada and internationally to churches, conferences, women's groups, universities, and workshops on topics ranging from spiritual formation, a sacramental view of living, being a Christian feminist, the ways that we can navigate change throughout our faith journey, the embrace of ancient church practices as a charismatic Christian, writing, social justice, and many other topics.
Its justification from the point of view of the human spirit includes but transcends pragmatic social values.
While, from a pagan perspective, the crucifixion itself could be viewed as a sacrifice in the most proper sense — destruction of the agent of social instability for the sake of peace, which is always a profitable exchange — Christ's life of charity, service, forgiveness, and righteous judgment could not; indeed, it would have to seem the very opposite of sacrifice, an economic and indiscriminate inversion of rank and order.
But by putting such emphasis on social policy and the equitable distribution of resources, a distinctive element of charity, theologically considered, has fallen from view.
As one might expect, however, if the reformers» arguments share the strengths that come from coherence with the modern view of the nature of moral and social agency, they also suffer from the weaknesses of these views.
Judging from the agenda then apparent in the minds of young evangelicals and charismatics, I viewed the completed shape of the awakening as including new levels of theological and spiritual depth, a reinvigoration of the ecumenical impulse, and a return to the balance of nurture, evangelism and social transformation present in the original evangelicalism of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Nowhere have the weak social foundations of American liberal institutions been more evident than in the battered and tattered nature of the welfare state, and in the cynicism with which it is viewed by nearly the entire populace — from the wealthy to the poor, for different reasons.
That's unquestionably bad from the point of view of social capital.
From what has been said thus far, it is obvious that the liberty of individuals to pursue private good is the major moral concern of the new reformers and for this reason their ethical views can fairly be seen as a variety of the contractarian social ethic now increasingly characteristic of political society.
Thus, on Hartshorne's view, ethical status is measured by love, that is, by action from social awareness which takes account of the interests of others.
A second type is historical (sometimes called higher) criticism, which aims to provide a better understanding of the message of the Bible by viewing its different books from the standpoint of the period when they were written and the social setting, historical circumstances, and climate of thought in those times.
The dominant interpretation, derived from Franco - German scholarship of the nineteenth century, emphasized material aspects: political contest and domination in the Near East; the social structures of the Levantine crusader principalities viewed, especially by Francophone scholars, through the lens of modern colonialism; cultural confrontation and exchange through settlement and trade, a topos made familiar by eighteenth - century Enlightenment writers seeking to integrate the Crusades into a narrative of European progress; military adventurism that exposed the mentality of crusaders — heroic, passionate, devout, or misguided according to taste.
From Peirce's claim that we can make our ideas clear by considering their conceivable practical effects, to James's notion of truth's cash value in experiential terms, to Dewey's own view of the practical character of reality, the message seems to be that philosophy has more to offer than a therapeutic stance toward social issues and a rhetorical presentation of new suggestions.
Furthermore, if we recall that to be human is to be social, so that our relationship with others is integral to and largely constitutive of our own identity, then our thought about survival of death must be very different from the highly individualistic view so popular in the past.
The contemporary view of authority was born from the religious wars that followed the Reformation and remains, despite its limitations and dangers, a necessary political notion within a «pluralistic» social order.
There are Buddhist social movements in both Sri Lanka and Thailand that are, from my point of view, models of religiously - motivated social analysis and action from which Christians have much to learn.
Many Christians accepted the call to justice and righteousness in society without changing their views that social concern and action flowed forth in a secondary way from personal salvation.
On the other hand, there is capitalism which, in its practical aspect, at the level of its basic principles, would be acceptable from the point of view of the Church's social teaching, since in various ways it is in conformity with the natural law....
The Holy See might also have taken a leaf from John Paul's 1991 social encyclical Centesimus Annus and boldly urged the view that human beings are the basic resource for development, because the source of wealth in the modern world is human creativity.
Yet, for the past decade; the organized ecumenical movement has been viewed with indifference, if not suspicion, by Christians who have preferred to cultivate their personal spiritual gardens, to pursue various sorts of denominational consolidation and reorganization, or to wrestle with the relation of faith to social issues in abstraction from the struggle for the integrity of the social reality of the church.
It is a thick description of the kinds of habits of speech and personal conduct, motivations and intentions, political and social views that emerge from uncontrolled individualism.
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