Sentences with phrase «from tea parties»

From tea parties to sleepovers, Madison s timeless sensibility is perfect for children of all ages.
Aside from tea parties and cherries - want to hear a short funny story?
They see the efforts of big business to get Congress to reform the tax code and cut corporate income - tax rates as a diversion from the Tea Party's fight to lower personal income - tax rates.
That will likely stir opposition from Tea Party members and fiscal conservatives in the House.
The result is a financial schizophrenia extending across the political spectrum from the Tea Party to Tim Geithner at the Treasury and Ben Bernanke at the Fed.
Watch the new ad from Tea Party Patriots Action #TeaParty 6hJ
You can only imagine the coverage that would have resulted from a Tea Party protester punching Jon Stewart.
He will have to distance himself from the Tea Party.
I used to be a repub till congress was taken over by the tea party and Romney as our candidate.I can not support a man who is a draft dodger and a tax evader.The repub congress has done nothing for vets, nothing for the middleclass.All of the good repubs have gone or have been forced out by the extremists that care nothing for the average joe or veterans like myself.Until we get real candidates that care for the middleclass and vets I will not vote for the repubs.Honor and respect, and caring for this nation is what the repubs used to stand for, now we have wackjobs from the tea party holding america hostage and thats as un patriotic as it gets, it is hurting many americans, our economy and soldiers who are looking for work.
It just irks me that the founding father of the Tea Party gets no respect from the Tea Party even though he is the only true fiscal conservative in the race.
Another indication was outrage even from a Tea Party blogger.
Townsend offers a rebuttal saying that he also has support from the Tea Party movement.
Paladino is getting strong support from Tea Party voters, which has helped him gain in the polls, the survey said.
(CNN)-- An anti-abortion Republican congressman from Tennessee, first elected in 2010 with support from tea party activists, testified at divorce proceedings in 2001 that he and his wife mutually agreed on her getting two abortions, according to court transcripts released to CNN Friday.
Tenney, a conservative who has received strong support from Tea Party groups in the past, is viewed by Hanna as too extreme to represent the eight - county district.
The incumbent, Representative Nan Hayworth, a Republican, has support from the Tea Party, and no challenger in her party's primary.
Both Pauls enjoyed strong support from tea party activists.
Hoosier Republicans overwhelmingly chose to replace Lugar with Richard Mourdock, a longtime GOP operative who benefited from manpower and money from tea party activists and outside groups determined to topple the six - term veteran.
Never mind bragging rights, Chuck's best chance at being the first Jewish majority leader seemed to fade yesterday as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid beat back a spirited challenge from a Tea Party candidate in Nevada.
Some weenie from the tea party was on the news this morning talking about Doug Hoffman as an example of the Tea Party's success.
«I don't know where this professor was when the New York delegation was facing relentless attacks from the Tea Party in Washington, but I do know where Kathy Hochul was — standing and fighting right alongside us,» said Rep. Charlie Rangel in a statement.
The senator, who's part of a political dynasty in Alaska, was upset in the August 24 primary by once - longshot attorney Joe Miller, who enjoyed strong support from Tea Party activists and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
[43][44] Scozzafava also drew strong opposition from the Tea Party movement, with national Tea Party leader Michael Johns saying that his opposition to Scozzafava «was the first time in my 25 - year political and policy career that I ever opposed a Republican candidate.»
Grimm's vote reflects his evolution from a Tea Party candidate in 2010 to a more moderate profile that's suited to his Staten Island swing district.
«I don't know where this professor was when the New York delegation was facing relentless attacks from the Tea Party in Washington, but I do know where Kathy Hochul was — standing and fighting right alongside us.
«I don't know where this professor was when the New York delegation was facing relentless attacks from the Tea Party in Washington, but I do know where Kathy Hochul was — standing and fighting right alongside us,» said Rep. Charlie Rangel in a statement yesterday, after Hochul's opponent, Columbia Law professor Tim Wu, issued the first of a four - part dossier on her relatively conservative voting record.
Rand Paul, an ophthalmologist and first - time political candidate, has drawn a large amount of support from Tea Party activists in the state that has helped propel him into the lead, according to recent Louisville Courier - Journal / WHAS Bluegrass Polls.
(CNN)- Rand Paul, the projected winner of the Republican Senate primary in Kentucky, told his supporters: «I have a message from the Tea Party, a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words: We've come to take our government back.»
This is the kind of crap that we will come to expect from the Tea Party crowd that is being nominated and possibly elected if we are not careful.
The Nevada State Democratic Party and the Reid campaign have set up a hospitality tent not far from the Tea Party rally site.
This may explain why there was no representation from the Tea Party organizations, who are very vocal in their opposition to outside influences on government.
Cruz's stance puts him at odds with Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a Republican member of the «Gang of Eight,» who was also elected (in 2010) with strong support from tea party activists.
When Hanna, 63, faced a Republican primary from Tea Party candidate Michael Kicinski in 2012, the race stayed below the radar.
Bachmann has become a rising star, her ascent fueled in part by major support from Tea Party activists.
And the American Conservative Union, which organizes the annual conference, announced Thursday that Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who was elected to the Senate in 2010 with strong support from tea party activists, will give an address at the event.
He had support from some tea party groups, but more important, he harnessed a very raw anger among GOP primary voters, largely in economically ravaged western New York.
Instead, leadership delayed the vote amidst furious pushback from the Tea Party wing and a complicated situation with funding for the Department of Homeland Security.
The new polls make clear that more than a year of high - profile opposition to the Common Core from parent activists on the left and the right, as well as from tea party groups, celebrity comedians and politicians such as Jindal and Huckabee, has taken a toll.
Other states have wavered in their initial support for the Common Core in response to pressure from tea party groups.
Local control of public education has become the rallying cry for many folks on all sides of education debates, from Tea Party libertarians to Bernie Sanders progressives, but local control isn't an end in itself.
Working with parents, the FEA has been instrumental in electing 5 members of the Board of Education and flipping the Board of Selectmen and RTM from Tea Party dominated political bodies to education friendly entities.
All of the defectors, so far, are states led by Republican governors who have taken considerable heat from tea party activists and GOP legislators who oppose Common Core as an overreach by the federal government.
But the standards have since become red meat for everyone from Tea Party activists, who cry government overreach, to lefty soccer moms, who rail against their «corporate» approach.
President Obama proposed fiscal stimulus but, under pressure from the Tea Party activists, the Republicans who controlled Congress rejected higher spending.
It's cynical beltway politics through and through — Romney will no doubt please corporations with the new handouts, and will take up the anti-regulatory mantle from the Tea Party.
I actually discuss a number of such cases in the book — Kerry Emanuel, of course, but also moderate conservatives like David Frum and Bruce Bartlett, who have grown alienated from the Tea Party types within their party.
In which Mitt Romney emerges from his Tea Party pupa, fully and 100 % transformed from a climate realist to a fringe science denier.
By denying the permit for the pipeline, President Obama can take a concrete action against climate chaos without securing one Republican vote, without spending one tax dollar, without getting approval from the Tea Party.

Not exact matches

For someone who enjoys Downton Abbey — style tea parties and whose idea of indulgence is a cup of Earl Grey every morning — no milk, no sugar — Jahshan is far from boring.
But as that occurred before the advent of the Tea Party, which was sparked in large part out of concern over the government's profligate spending, such an effort this time around would likely run into greater resistance, particularly from rank - and - file conservative House Republicans.
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