Sentences with phrase «from tending bar»

hmmm, I was in the Navy for 6 years, I am the only income for a family of four, work full time, have done everything from tending bar to selling door to door, I am also a graduate student who is just finishing up.

Not exact matches

I typically make at least one smoothie with avocado per week at home and tend to also pick up one from my local juice bar sometime during the week.
Soon he came back from wherever shifty eyed, camera shy, bread thieves go when they're not tending the bar.
I love lemon bars but tend to stay away from white sugar so I googles paleo lemon bars and these popped up.
Drink: Angela, who's tended bar for 15 years, draws pints from a selection of 65 beers, from Bud to Widmer Brothers» gluten - free Omission Pale Ale.
Furthermore, since drinking tends to be associated with social get together and bars people who get drunk are more likely to do it away from home and then feel the need to drive home, leading to social influences that encourage drunk driving.
During a closing round of questions that required the candidates to answer yes or no, a rule that they tended to violate, Quinn and Albanese said that churches should be barred from holding worship services in city schools.
When tortoises aren't barred from crossing roads, the study showed that they tended to cross where desert washes occurred.
«I assume that because mothers bear the major responsibility for childcare and family life, when they think about family matters, they tend to think about the less pleasant aspects of it — such as needing to pick up a child from daycare or having to schedule a doctor's appointment for a sick kid — and are more likely to be worried,» said study author Shira Offer, an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Bar - Ilan University in Israel.
When you hang a closet extender from a 5 1/2 foot high bar, adult sized clothes on the extender tend to touch the ground.
The Buzz: Films adapted from comic books tend to fall somewhere between terrible and awful, and not only does «Ghost Rider» look like no exception, it might actually lower the bar for Marvel - derived suck.
Serving was literally handled by bar - tending executives including Dieter Zetsche (now Daimler's chairman) and Joe Eberhardt (now president of Jaguar Land Rover of N. America)-- drinks, along with equally gratis, quality bar food, from 4 pm till 2 am the following morning — and it ran for three days!
Being no stranger to hard work, Maria was willing to take part - time jobs — even tending bar or bagging groceries — to finance her escape from corporate life.
It is a sunshiny day in a one - goat town a few hours drive and world away from the busy capital — a place far removed from the beaches and bars where gringos tend to roam.
Anywhere he went he found jobs from bar tending, dive shops, restaurants and hotels.
«The tales from the Cedar Tavern tend to be presented in a comic light — bar brawls, doors ripped from hinges — but I suspect that many present were not fully in control of their drinking.
In its other iterations, B.E.C. tends to attract only the die - hard and the jet - lagged, but the scene in Trecartin's dining room could have been cut - and - pasted from any It bar — though maybe that's because I had run into a good portion of the guest list (Bettina Korek, Karen Marta, Kevin McGarry, K - Hole's Sean Monahan) a few nights earlier at a ForYourArt party at Union Station.
The two periods are of different length, and at different temperature levels, with different error bars, and we already know from Cowtan & Way and other basic observations that the so - called «global» dataset isn't representative of the scale of the change but tends to minimize differences: you can't simply subtract one rate from the other and get a valid result.
I was hoping you would take away from my true Scotsman crack that the bar for skeptics tends to move back and forth depending upon whose defining it.
(and because the facts are rarely shared, and if it's on fact, I'd like to see more exposure of it: game devs tend to know (under confidentiality) the facts of the games you personally worked on, and the competitors facts you know only from getting drunk together at GDC and all sharing them late at night in the hotel bar — and that's something I'd like to see converted into some rather more open sharing:)-RRB-.
By putting up a salary bar, the applicants tend to discourage recruiters from considering him for the position.
Be sure to include other serving experience, from hosting to waiting tables to tending bar.
Further, the attorneys are contractually barred from bringing contested issues in front of a judge, so they will not be conducting opposition research or take other tactics which tend to tear families apart.
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