Sentences with phrase «from the storm»

New research predicts that coastal regions may face massive increases in damages from storm surge flooding over the course of the 21st century.
If you can get in the habit of always thinking in terms of business performance, you can seek shelter from the storm of impulse selling.
You can also venture out to locales of former communities in the north, and caves used for lodging and shelter from storms in the past.
We have more control in recovering from storms than we do from recent economic problems.
Our girl finds protection from the storm under a huge, ancient tree.
Sometimes, the water is blown away from the storm, only to rush back when the winds blow in the opposite direction.
Flash floods from storms are another common way in which water can enter a home, and many policies do not cover this type of damage automatically.
Hopefully everyone in zones at risk from this storm will forget the storm - free recent summers and prepare.
These are separate causes of loss from the storm, and are not excluded.
This contributes to warmer urban areas, which can lead to a host of problems such as water quality issues from storm water being heated up.
But a lot of damage also comes from the storm's winds.
Other notable rescues include saving a kitten from a storm drain and a cat from inside a heating duct.
Your home is where you retire after long days or when you need refuge from the storms outside.
We are still picking up the pieces from those storms at the same time we are preparing to face this year's new round of storms.
The wetlands it boosted buffer the coastline from storms, stop pollutants in the ocean from reaching the shore, and shelter marine organisms.
The official death toll from the storm is 51, though the actual number is very likely in the hundreds, as we've reported.
There will also be more soil erosion from storms, plus pest and disease outbreaks due to warmer temperatures.
What a delicious haven from the storm you have created in your cozy kitchen!
Investors also expected that travel - related companies won't take such a big hit from the storm.
Does your homeowner's insurance cover your home from storm damages?
The sensors measure the depth and duration of the surge in seawater generated by the change in pressure and winds from the storm.
Bring your pet indoors when there is an impending threat of danger from storms or other potentially dangerous events.
Have a great day and hope all is well from the storm this weekend.
That this Week 2 football game was a road game far from the storm's path wasn't the only factor to consider.
Right now, those numbers could be way off if accurate carbon data from storms are not considered.
As the amount of water in the air increases, this causes more precipitation from all storms and increases flooding risk.
All donations to this fund will exclusively support relief and recovery efforts from this storm.
Protect your home and loved ones from storm damage with these helpful tips.
You were that shelter from the storm when it was needed.
However, policies that are purchased after a storm is named are not likely to reimburse travelers for losses incurred from the storm.
First they want to know whether everyday citizens are ready for anything from the storm of the century to an act of terrorism.
It's estimated that it could cost auto insurers $ 800 million to deal with all the claims from the storm.
Remember, though, that the building is not your responsibility, so your exposure from storms is somewhat lower than if you were responsible for, say, the roof.
What would be covered, however, would be events occurring separately and apart from the storm itself.
There were still waves, but some west bump was still lingering from the storm so it was a pretty average surf.
Knowing you're going home to someone you like can feel like an safe harbor from any storm.
The reefs also protect low - lying islands from storms and high waves.
The only nice thing from our storms is that we've had temps in the high 50s and low 60s.
In fact, more than 220 animals were sheltered from the storm along with their families at hurricane shelters throughout the city.
Businesses should note that many standard policies don't even cover wind damage from a hurricane or utility disruptions from a storm, so review your policy's fine print to understand your coverage.
Meanwhile, at least one snow removal service expects to see as much as $ 100,000 in net revenue per day from the storm.
More than 36 people in the region have been reported dead from the storm, and emergency responders are expecting the recovery to take years.
We encourage you to continue to stay diligent about your safety, as damages from the storm present continued hazards.
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