Sentences with phrase «from tight chest muscles»

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This not only provides elongation or stretch to the neck, but also to the chest muscles which tend to be tight from the fetal position.
The low cobra strengthens the back, opens the chest and stretches the hip flexors (the muscles that get very tight and stiff from being bent in a seated position).
Once you understand that your back pain is not because your back is «tight» but instead weak from lack of training and your chest muscles are actually to blame, you can start adding stretches like this one to your daily routine (as well... [Read more...]
Once you understand that your back pain is not because your back is «tight» but instead weak from lack of training and your chest muscles are actually to blame, you can start adding stretches like this one to your daily routine (as well as beginning to mindfully strength train your back — more on that later).
From the ground up, your front - of - body muscles get tight: shins, quads, hip flexors, abs, chest, and the front of shoulders.
The chest / pec muscles get tight from working at a computer or driving as well as strength training (pressing).
Your chest muscles, which get pulled tight from desk work, are push muscles.
Imagine you are twisting the hand of the pushing arm into the floor and away from your body at the same time, this action helps keep the pushing arm tight against the chest and will help create the necessary tension needed in the muscles of your upper body.
At some point in our schooling, we graduated from sitting on the floor to sitting in chairs, which can encourage a lifetime of unhealthy and uncomfortable alignment, including a rounded lower back, tight groin muscles, and a sunken chest.
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