Sentences with phrase «from trigger»

From here, swipe in from the trigger area on the side of your screen, then tap the topmost icon (the other two icons are shortcuts for existing multitasking functionality).
Pie controls can be triggered at any time by swiping in from the trigger area at the bottom of your screen — just drag your finger over one of the buttons that pop up, then let go to perform that action.
The point is even after doing that I still treated it as though it were loaded and cocked, keeping my fingers away from the trigger and pointing it in safe directions only.
Map out their journey from trigger to decision to returning advocate.
Artists leading from this trigger work include famous names like Picasso, Bob and Roberta Smith, and Sarah Lucas, but also we are introduced to intriguing pieces viewers may otherwise not have come across — e.g. Karen Korr and Olivier Richon and their arresting «Punk Series» photographs.
An all round better gun than the NES Zapper, it is slightly more accurate, with a less obnoxious noise from the trigger.
Players can customize everything from trigger sensitivity to button mapping to game - specific setups, and use it with their Xbox One and Windows 10 devices with a custom app that offers gamers the opportunity to further modify the controller for any gaming scenario.
63ms is the average read - out from a trigger press, making it one of the fastest responding shooters on the market.
We do not get the crazy stories or reactions from trigger fish like they do in places like Koh Tao, Thailand.
Have this person give you a treat for the dog so that the dog sees that it came from the trigger person.
Another possibility: If you use a metal bowl, the noise of the food moving around in the dish or even his collar tags hitting the side can be frightening or annoying, notes Dr. Albright, so he may be taking the kibble away from the trigger of the sound.
Destructive or aggressive behaviors towards other animals or people in dogs usually stem from some trigger.
If your dog prefers withdrawing from a trigger, let them!
Treatment works the same way as above, buteither protecting your dog from the trigger, substituting an alternatepositive behavior such as sitting with a treat.
The appropriate behavior is marked with a clicker and the dog is rewarded with 2 primary reinforcers: the act of moving away from the trigger and food.
Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT): coined by Grisha Steward, is a behavior modification program where the dog is allowed to move away from a trigger (and is also given treats) when it performs an appropriate behavior under threshold.
Often working sub-threshold entails working at a distance from a trigger known for causing reactivity.
Teaching an emergency U turn is often very helpful, to get a reactive dog to move away from the trigger of the other dog is an excellent choice, as it breaks the visual, which is important.
So after you remove power from the trigger pin it stays closed for 2 minutes, correct?
Cogburn was recently on trial for being so careless with the amount of killings from his trigger - happy finger.
Amanda Rose Wilder's documentary about the attempt to open a «free school» (no enforced curriculum, virtually all rules co-created with students) in New Jersey was shot way back in 2007 and 2008, well before the recent controversies on college campuses involving everything from trigger warnings to microaggressions.
This also allows these practitioners to understand abnormal patterns (such as gait imbalances) that have developed from the trigger points and the order in which they are best corrected.
After the intensive treatment, I continued to stay away from my trigger foods, followed Dr. Cabeca's «quickie» three day detox plan at least once every three months, and took the recommended supplementation.
Dry Needle Trigger Point Therapy helps the muscle if it is in pain from the trigger point because we can release that area right away.
This not just helps you think so you can abate your breathing, it redirects your consideration from the trigger and helps your muscles unwind by straining and relaxing them.
«There was a sudden and explosive diversification of animal life from some trigger that we haven't as yet identified,» says Jack Farmer, a paleontologist at Arizona State University in Tempe.
Some parents find that their babies have a strong reaction (vomiting, for example) once the trigger food has been re-introduced; this likely happens because the long break from the trigger food has made the body especially sensitive to it.
The guy has a 1 in 20 goal record from his trigger - happy shooting days, I'm fine with him putting more thought into picking his moments.
Using negative keywords is an important strategy for keeping less qualified searches from triggering your PPC ad.
Often, they spring up from our triggered trauma.
I'm hoping that Wenger's escape plan from triggering Vardy's release clause, would be to offer him half a Mars bar and a packet of cheese and onion crisps aweek, instead of money!?
Preventing your blood sugar from dropping can keep your body from triggering cravings says Elizabeth Ward on WebMD.
As you detach from your triggers, they will become less of an issue for you and as a result, less of one for your children.
Sure it makes her look like an asshole, but that doesn't stop her from triggering post partum depression, as was also discussed below.
I guess I should start by saying that if the title of this blog looks at all distressing to you, or you aren't in the best frame of minds or places right now - you might want to step away from the triggers.
The supportive and immersive environment of such programs allows teens to get away from the triggers and temptations they deal with at home and become more receptive to making positive changes.
Removing the child from the triggering environment, such as dressing in less clothing and moving inside to a cooler, air conditioned environment.
They provide a supportive and secure environment where teens can get some distance from the triggers and temptations that are derailing positive progress at home.
Such programs are designed for troubled teens that need a round the clock, intensive environment in which to make positive changes and get away from the triggers and temptations they deal with at home.
Remove your child away from the triggering event.
There have been many missteps by Theresa May since she became Prime Minister - from triggering Article 50 without a clear Brexit strategy to, of course, calling a snap election which saw her humiliated and obliterated her Commons majority.
She had been strongly criticised after failing to publicly stand up for judiciary after the High Court's decision to bar Mrs May from triggering Article 50.
We are now 20 months on from the referendum that voted to leave and a year on from the triggering of Article 50.
The research team also found that the action of a gene, ATG16L1, kept TNF alpha - driven inflammation from triggering the self - destruction of too many Paneth cells, by an explosive process called necroptosis.
In a study published in 2006, he and other Johns Hopkins researchers tested two compounds similar to CGP3466B to see if they would block GAPDH from triggering cell death under the types of highly stressful conditions that would normally cause apoptosis.
When city officials placed shade balls in the Los Angeles Reservoir last summer to reduce evaporation and stop sunlight from triggering chemical reactions, onlookers noticed the balls arranging into strangely intricate patterns.
Highlights include deciphering how individual genes play a role in everything from triggering disease to shaping behavior and appearance.
In the latter group, a neutralizing antibody blocked TNF and prevented it from binding to a receptor on the premalignant liver cells; loss of the receptor prevented the TNF from triggering a molecular cascade that turns on the NF - kB master switch.
«We want to stop fluid injection from triggering even small earthquakes in Texas so that the probability of larger earthquakes is significantly reduced.»
Due to their short lifetimes, these nuclei could only have come from the triggering supernova.
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