Sentences with phrase «from unrealistic»

And not only that, but a statement of your intention can offer relief from the unrealistic expectations we bring upon ourselves or feel from others.
However, it's impossible to shelter our kids from the unrealistic body «norm» perpetuated in the media that becomes filtered through their peers.
Anyone who has been in a couple of failed relationships will agree that finding an «ideal partner» can be a long and painful process, far from our unrealistic expectations fed by romantic movies and TV shows.
From unrealistic resume expectations to the run - rampant highways of the digital media highway, the din of multimedia job search in 2010 is, at times, earsplitting.
Ultimately, though, Showler believes the government should be backing away from its unrealistic promise and looking to resettle Syrian refugees in a way that's «fast but fair.»
Objective evaluation can sometimes move parties away from unrealistic positions, or at least provide them with more insight into their cases» strengths and weaknesses.
Objective evaluation sometimes can move parties away from unrealistic positions, or at least provide them with more insight into the strengths and weaknesses of their cases.
Objective evaluation sometimes can move parties away from unrealistic positions, or at least provide them with more insight into the strengths and weaknesses of their case.
Ignore the undignified, fact - free rants from unrealistic, uninformed dogma enforcers.
Well, there is a lot of magical thinking built into the models, from unrealistic emission scenarios that disregard proven fossil fuel reserves, to made up sensitivity values from overestimated aerosol forcings and underestimated solar forcings, and made up feedbacks.
The failure IMO will come from the the unrealistic synthesis of the hybrid HADCRUT3 series, which under - represents the global decline in tenperatures experienced from the 1950s to the mid-1970s.
Can anyone explain to me why the hypothetical ECS value from an unrealistic step function forcing of the climate, as computed from climate models, is an appropriate metric for the EPA to us in making a 300 year projection of AGW as required by regulatory rules?
As the interactive comparisons below demonstrate, HBAO + produces vastly superior AO shadows, free from the unrealistic halos that are clearly visible around the lampshades and fan.
The premise of the rumour goes from unrealistic to «pie in the sky» fantasy.
From unrealistic boob plated armour to Korean MMOs where females must cover less and less of their body for a confusingly higher defence rating, gaming hasn't been kind to women in combat roles.
She also has a (truly) simply and minimal style, and will often be in photos wearing the same things, which is a nice break from the unrealistic and unhealthy materialism of other bloggers with their infinite outfits.
You can then separate your fixed expenses, from your unrealistic and variable expenses.
Anybody who buys this car and then complains about its lack of power did not do their research and is suffering from unrealistic expectations.
We also applaud the Secretary of Education's intent to pull back from the unrealistic timelines and the punishments invoked on schools in current federal policy.
President Barack Obama entered office with promises of relief from unrealistic expectations and punitive incentives — only to double down on testing's importance by favoring value - added teacher evaluations and to promote privatization through the charter school sector which has increasingly placed portions of our educational commons into hands avoiding public oversight.
Too often projects are being initialised from an unrealistic perspective, or from an experience level that the benefactor sees as priority, whilst the receiver has a totally different idea on where the solution of the immediate problem should be focussed on.
From unrealistic costumes to downright pornographic cinematography, it seems that women's bodies are always unnecessarily exposed onscreen.
This poses a serious dilemma for health care professionals, said study authors Kate Sweeny, assistant professor of psychology at UC Riverside, and co-author Amanda Dillard, assistant professor of psychology at Grand Valley State University: Should they withhold accurate risk information from unrealistic pessimists to avoid undermining their perceptions of the severity of their potential consequences and ultimately their motivation for preventive behavior?
The same criterion of authentic religion — namely, that of keeping the four aspects in dynamic tension — can be used to distinguish hope from unrealistic fantasy.
This is hard advice, for it is difficult to distinguish realistic from unrealistic expectations.

Not exact matches

Emily, a psychic medium based in Brooklyn, New York, directly opposed my unrealistic, misinformed view of psychics from the moment I met her because not only does it turn out that she lives in my neighborhood, but also she embodies an even more mysterious kind of magic: the ability to be an everyday person, a working mom, and the possessor of an impressive gift.
Writing from the perspective of health - care providers working in trauma medicine, the researchers advised fans of Grey's Anatomy who found themselves or their family members in emergency departments after traumatic injury, that they could hold unrealistic expectations of their care and recovery.
Unrealistic expectations from marketing campaigns may be a key factor holding back the growth of your business.
I found I was getting meetings and sales from clients I was told were unrealistic prospects.
Campbell said that the frustration around earnings also partly comes back to unrealistic expectations from the drivers themselves.
You seek validation from your parents, you try to live up to their expectations, but sometimes their expectations are unrealistic
From a business owner's standpoint, if you hire somebody to do SEO, and after a month you see no difference, your logic might tell you it's not working and you should fire the person (which is an unrealistic expectation).
If you're consistently given an unrealistic workload, or lack adequate support from your manager to actually get work done, it's time to have an open discussion with your manager.
As an executive coach, I hear a lot of reasons why senior people can't get more done: everything from direct reports who don't take initiative, bosses who have unrealistic expectations, vendors who fail to deliver, and customers who want the world but don't want to pay for it.
Post, of MosaMeat, who created the first hamburger from cultured animal cells in 2013 with backing from Google billionaire Brin, believes some of his competitors have set unrealistic timelines to market in part because that's what tech investors want to hear.
The New Democrats have repeatedly attacked what they deride as a «fire sale» of valuable assets, arguing it's irresponsible to count revenue from such sales before they've happened and suggesting the estimates themselves are unrealistic.
The review, which is set to begin next month, comes after broadcaster CBC reported that some employees from Canada's five biggest banks alleged that they felt pressured to upsell, trick and even lie to customers to meet sales targets that were unrealistic.
But I think it's far from necessary and is unrealistic for many.
She'd limited Zuckerberg's options to either admitting he was unaware of conversations among leadership choosing to withhold news of this data abuse from users (unrealistic), or admitting that leadership did not have those conversations (deeply troubling).
But expecting massive unprecedented economic gains from any tax reform is unrealistic; especially from one that is deficit - financed.
My weekly technology law column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) notes that the substance of CETA merits debate, but its most distinguishing feature during the seven years of negotiations has been the steady stream of unrealistic claims from Canadian officials about how close they are to concluding the deal.
We all want to be able to quit our jobs and start our own business from home, but for many of us, it's completely unrealistic.
In San Jose, California, the city wanted to lower the unrealistic 7.5 % return from the public pension fund there.
The notion of women's autonomy» including absolute control over our own bodies» leaves us with an unrealistic sense of human power and an exaggerated sense of independence from the consequences of our attitudes and actions.
Common among many of the critical comments from the «churched» was the assumption that the «un-churched» had left church, or were in transition between churches, because of unrealistic expectations based on a consumerist mindset.
One of the most common things that many singles reported experiencing from the opposite sex is the unrealistic standard of what they're looking for in a relationship.
To get to this number from the initial number of 8000 kinds in 4000 years is nothing unrealistic
And from a process point of view this is eminently unrealistic.
Men and women, boys and girls are quick to buy into the lies they have been sold from an oversexualized culture with unhealthy and unrealistic standards.
If your view is skewed from reality because of your religion, then how you treat them will not only be skewed, but unrealistic as well.
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