Sentences with phrase «from urban alienation»

He celebrated the everyday, mined popular culture, and focused on a range of themes from urban alienation and environmental abuse to sexual intrigue and personal isolation.

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Most damning of all, America has become the very embodiment of that alienation, anomie, and dehumanization which is the curse of existence in a highly technological and urban society (Heidegger has remarked that, metaphysically speaking, America and Russia are the same, for here «time as history» has vanished from human life).
The hard - boiled MGM film of urban corruption, low - life alienation, and claustrophobic, small - time despair was adapted by John Huston and Ben Maddow from W. R. Burnett's novel of the same name.
And, as market forces continue to separate rich and poor families in the U.S. and drain inner cities of decent jobs in the name of higher profits, can we really blame urban schools for parents» alienation from many institutions?
Her paintings are asymmetrical and her colors vivid, reflecting the elements of the earth and the richness of her themes which she describes as «humanity and people's alienation from nature in the urban world.»
While Giacometti shows individuals isolated from one another in an apparent comment on urban alienation, Hepworth's aim is typically affirmative.
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