Sentences with phrase «front of an enemy»

That meant he would have to go directly in front of the enemy compound — effectively running into the middle of a firing range during target practice.
Second, as soon as you can get in front of an enemy block them off so they can not pass.
You serve me a six course dinner right in front of my enemies.
the stealth elements of the game are completely warped as you are able to stand right in front of an enemy without them seeing you.
You'll find yourself spawning directly in front of enemies far too often and vice versa, and as various online videos already show the system can be completely abused, allowing you to kill the same guy over and over as he spawns.
If you were playing Final Fantasy Tactics and your archer, for seemingly no reason at all, positioned himself directly in front of an enemy with a huge attack power.
Be careful not to drop it in front of enemy turrets or in wide - open spaces though.
There would be times when I would be right in front of an enemy and it would just stand there and look at me.
Chris scurried in front of the enemy's hideout and grabbed one of the injured Marines.
They do not further would the casualty and bash the person over the head with your spiritual weapons and condemn or stay safe within their church walls, instead they put themselves in front of the enemy and protect those who can not protect themselves.
The deal leaves Iran with a conventional arsenal that looks meek in front of its enemies, and plugs the nation into a global system of commerce and prosperity, the logic of which is well documented.
In the first of a series of lengthy action sequences, Max is chained to the front of an enemy car driven by Nux (Nicholas Hoult), a fighter with a death wish who later becomes an ally, while Furiosa, who has a mechanical arm to compensate for an amputation, is attempting to flee from and / or destroy that car — as well as an assortment of others (including one containing Joe's battle music, featuring a most dedicated guitarist).
In the early going, I noticed some party members standing idly, right in front of an enemy, while I did the work.
They and even other animals, do this to increase their size in front of their enemy.
Combination attacks can be preformed by moving your team in front of an enemy and having them wait by using the «teamwork» action.
Dogfights are a simple affair, having you chase down your foe and firing your guns at the helpful little red dot that appears in front of the enemy's trajectory, effectively leading your shots straight to them.
Some recruits, are long - range attackers, others and short - range and need to be in front of an enemy to damage them.
In the early going, I noticed some party members standing idly, right in front of an enemy, while I did the work.
The combat sees Tom stand directly in front of the enemy, with the option to move left or right to avoid attacks, or block (although sometimes block does not work against certain enemies).
Some technical mishaps, repetitive boss fights, and a bad fast - travel mechanic that can sometimes spawn you directly in front of enemies.
Right in front of the enemies.
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