Sentences with phrase «front of the head»

Never place anything in front of the head restraint.
Any backward lean should be only enough to allow the bar to pass in front of your head without hitting you in the nose or chin.
Press the bar up over your head by locking your arms and hold it slightly in front of your head.
The whale shark is the largest shark that has it's mouth at the very front of its head and is known to be the largest fish in the ocean.
Add some height to the top - front of your head with this wild super-high pompadour.
Talavage said that, when one of the offensive lineman who was found to have been functionally impaired after sustaining a high number of subconcussive blows - impairment which persisted beyond the season - decided to change his technique, he experienced a drastic reduction in the number of blows he sustained to the top front of his head and a moderate reduction in the total number of helmet hits.
Thirdly, an elected President of the EU executive would be responsible in front of the voters and not in front of the heads of state and government, hence reducing their influence further.
But here is who will be in Vegas next week to perform in front of head coach Mike Krzyzewski and assistants Tom Thibodeau, Monty Williams and Jim Boeheim:
It usually involves a receding hairline at the top and front of the head sometimes combined with hair thinning at the crown.
However, for an absolute beginner, when he starts reading about DI / DGI, he is like a dear in front of the head lights and does not know what it is all about and what to do.
In a fit of unnecessary confidence and bravado in front of the Head of Spy School (Code name: Father Christmas), one of them announces they are ready to complete a mission to prove their worth... So, they are given one.
They wanted Holyfield punching because Foreman, whenhe's under attack, crosses his tree trunk arms in front of his head and upperbody.
An example is one day i came across a video named «how to be stupid» and I immediately say in the front of my head «be the holy spirit» and I said «NO NO NO» have I actually committed the unpardonable sin because I've gotten so used to the ocd thoughts now I'm saying in the front of my head an I don't mean them.
Also, one day I said that the holy spirit was stupid and I said that I meant it and I felt like it was in the front of my head not an ocd thought but then it felt like I wasn't sorry and I felt horrible that I didn't feel sorry.
Get high up on his toes, awkwardly shuffle into the pocket, put his hands a foot or so out in front of his head, and then hope his opponent breaks their hands so bad on his face that they can't continue.
If you notice a new set of «bangs,» grab those headbands and hair clips to keep the smaller hairs out of your eyes at the front of your head.
The most prominent one being at the front of the head which is where you would notice the sinking.
They made a cut in front of his head and a cut in the back of his head.
Note: Make sure your screws or nails are not so long that they poke through to the front of the head.
Dry brush the front of the head using white acrylic latex paint.
Our ability to perceive all three dimensions, due in part to having two eyes on the front of our heads with overlapping visual fields, allows us to enjoy 3D summer blockbusters, but may have originally evolved for a simpler purpose: avoiding falling to our deaths.If you're going to be able to effectively navigate the world, one thing that seems almost indispensable is the ability to perceive depth.
Our ability to perceive all three dimensions, due in part to having two eyes on the front of our heads with overlapping visual fields, allows us to enjoy 3D summer blockbusters, but may have originally evolved for a simpler purpose: avoiding falling to our deaths.
Marshall discovered that the noise comes from a scrubbing motion the tarantula makes with the two food - handling arms at the front of its head and the first two pairs of its walking legs.
The large spermaceti organ (in yellow, near the top), both magnifies and focuses the sounds, which bounce off the back of the skull (in white), then down and out the front of the head.
The blowhole, which lies at the front of the head slightly to the left of center, connects to a widened pocket at the front of the spermaceti organ.
A large fatty organ in the front of the head, called the melon, appears to be important, but the details of the role it plays have been unclear.
For humans, there is something captivating and unforgettable about the arrangement of two balls, a point and a horizontal slit on the front of the head.
Like other deep - sea anglerfish, the female has a bioluminescent, lurelike appendage that drifts in front of her head to attract prey.
In addition, the eyes of humans and some other predators are special because they are positioned on the front of our heads.
This charismatic fish is a member of the boxfish family, and is easily recognizable by its long horns that protrude from the front of its head.
Attached to the front of the head, they can move in - front and behind the ant.
Continue switching the presses behind and in front of your head.
Whenever your goal is to use max weights for low reps, choose presses in which you lower the bar to the front of your head.
Another benefit that the front squat provides is that, because the barbell is supported in front of your head, the torso is in a more vertical position, which lessens the burden on your lower back.
Put your hands in front of your head and simply observe every detail of your palms.
Many professional strength coaches believe that front squats (where the bar rests on the shoulders in front of the head) and overhead squats (where the bar is locked out in a snatch grip overhead throughout the squat) are more functional to athletic performance than back squats with less risk of lower back injury.
To perform the wall headstand place your head about 3 inches away from the wall and your hands about 3 to 5 inches in front of your head.
ACTION (MOVEMENT): Keeping your torso in a 5 - 10 degree lean backwards, squeeze your shoulder blades back and down as you pull the bar in front of your head, below your chin almost to your collar bone.
-- «Regular» Squat: The «regular» squat is the going to be the classic barbell either behind your head or in front of your head (front squat).
While seated with good posture, hold a medium - tension band in both hands up above and slightly in front of your head.
Simply take the hands from a handcuff position behind your back and bring them round to touch in front of the head.
Leaving out your bangs or the hair at the front of your head, gather all your naturally curly hair into a high ponytail.
Starting from the front of your head, vertically divide your hair into three uneven sections.
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