Sentences with phrase «front rank»

The phrase "front rank" refers to the leading or most important group or individuals in a particular field or organization. They are considered to be at the forefront or in the top position. Full definition
Saying that Gurr «painted with the gusto of a Goya,» he praised her «ability to record the emotional impact of an inspired moment» and noted that she held a secure place» in the «front ranks of outstanding American women painters.»
Stars are necessary to climbing the Dragon Front ranks, and are won or lost by winning or losing multiplayer matches respectively.
• Stanley Hoffmann, a Harvard professor in the front ranks of the world unitarians of our time, reviews Tzvetan Todorov's On Human Diversity: Nationalism, Racism, and Exoticism in French Thought (Harvard University Press).
According to it, human beings are in the front rank, trying to control the natural environment for his own benefit.
The church, as represented in the mainline denominations, makes a similar offer to the individual, although mainline churches are in the front ranks of those who despise and fear the cults.
He stood in the front ranks of scholars on the order of Roland Bainton, Jaroslav Pelikan, Georges Florovsky, and Heiko A. Oberman.
Pushing and shoving break out in the front ranks between the Roman soldiers and members of the crowd.
The situation was met by ordering Uriah, her husband, into the front ranks of a conflict in which he was conveniently slain, and David took his wife, honorably!
Yesterday, George Eaton landed one of the most revealing interviews with a front rank Labour politician of the past few years.
And it provides the narrative thrust for the book, an entertaining — and highly readable — journey that goes behind the scenes as Doctoroff's quixotic Olympic efforts catapult the Harvard - educated private equity dealmaker into the front ranks of the city's power structure.
But the prime minister said the steps now being taken will eventually succeed in more than halving net migration, ending the issue's «front rank» status in British politics.
To a large extent, this refers to a US that faces challenges from China and Russia, both countries that are far from being in the front rank in their devotion to democracy.
Both the coalition and opposition may be introducing some fresh faces into their front ranks but it's not clear it changes much
Having notched up another record as the only member of the shadow cabinet and cabinet from 1997, Strathclyde broke through to the front rank when he was the beneficiary of a major internal Tory row over Lords reform in 1998.
But when it is in opposition, Labour MPs elect the shadow cabinet ministers, which may allow for some unexpected figures to reach the front rank.
But there is a deeper, political explanation: the leader of the Liberal Democrats has lost the sense of fear that led some people to wonder whether he was really cut out for the front rank.
Properly, the political system has elevated it to the front rank.
Neuroscientist Ira Black of the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, New Jersey, says the Keck grant should help USC move into the front ranks of neurogenetics now occupied by Johns Hopkins, Harvard, and other universities.
For the past for seasons, the field jacket it fronting the ranks when it comes to military jackets.
By the mid -»40s, however, amid the exigencies of the Second World War, he had moved up to the studio's front ranks with a run of assignments on high - profile movies.
There was no looking back now, as Brennan joined the front rank of leading character actors.
Cat Ballou (with perhaps the manliest makeover montage ever committed to celluloid) won Marvin the Oscar — in a rare Academy celebration of comedic achievement — and advanced him to the front ranks of a post-Code, postwar industry nearing the antihero renaissance in the Seventies.
Affleck emerges into the front rank of contemporary American directors.»
«We've known for some time that Natalie Portman is a fine actress, but with her portrayal of Jacqueline Kennedy she steps into the front ranks
As long as educators and their constituents see an imperfect system that cries out for improvements, school reformers will be at the front ranks beating a drum for changes.
The engine is never far from the front rank of thoughts for a GT C Roadster driver.
In the first five International Motor Sports Association events this year, 12 - cylinder Jag XJR - 9s have grabbed a first, three seconds and a seventh, sending the leaping cat into the front ranks of American road racing.
The latest in Vidal's series of intelligently wrought historical novels tracing the rise and development of the American republic joins its predecessors in the front rank of historical fiction written over the past three decades.
«Utterly compelling, innovative and packed with beautifully drawn characters, Michael Kardos» second thriller propels him into the front rank of contemporary American thriller writers.»
There are many reasons why GSDs stand in the front rank of canine royalty, but experts say their defining attribute is character: loyalty, courage, confidence, the ability to learn commands for many tasks, and the willingness to put their life on the line in defense of loved ones.
There are many reasons why German Sheperds stand in the front rank of canine royalty, but breed experts say their dogs» most important attribute is character: loyalty, courage, confidence, the ability to learn and retain commands for an amazing number of specialized jobs, and the willingness to put their life on the line in defense of loved ones.
But it was his work drawing on his lifelong love of horse racing that saw him elevated to the front rank of British art when A Real Work Of Art (1994), an actual racehorse, albeit one that endured a disappointingly injury - hit season, was nominated for the Turner Prize.
In so doing they've catapulted the New York artist to the front rank of contemporary painting.
The new museum puts Stanford in the front ranks among elite university museums (especially as it complements the school's Cantor Art Center, founded in 1891), but it's got a laid - back, West - coast vibe.
«Venice provided a spectacle of color and pattern that Prendergast transformed into stunning and bold works, all of which catapulted him into the front ranks of American artists,» added Emily Ballew Neff, MFAH curator of American Painting and Sculpture.
In retrospect, it seems as if she went straight to the front rank, since Richard Diebenkorn and Wayne Thiebaud were among the first notable artists for whom she printed in the 1960s.
The importance of Two by Two to the Dallas Museum of Art's contemporary art collection has been crucial in expanding its depth and range, and has launched the Museum into the front ranks of contemporary art collecting.
David Hare was more personality than painter, his pampered upbringing impacting upon his ambition and distain for self - promotion, which otherwise may have propelled him to the front ranks of American art history.
His abstract dynamic canvases of the following decade (e.g., Frozen Sounds, Number One, 1951; Whitney Mus., New York City) placed him in the front ranks of abstract expressionism.
If there are Founding Fathers of American painting, Charles Wilson Peale is certainly in the front rank.
These are major steps, as bold and unprecedented in their leadership as the Montreal Protocol and the acid rain treaty of yore, placing Canada among the front ranks in climate change action.
«With this masterful, flawless film, [Wang] emerges in the front ranks of China's now numerous, world - renowned filmmakers.»
My view is that the administrative justice system is in the front ranks of a parade that is going to end up marching right over a cliff.
In the front ranks of those pioneers, stood Jim Keane.
And while I think we still have a long way to go in our desire to improve professionalism in our front ranks, we intend at Royal LePage to be at the forefront of that evolving industry.»
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